Best 165 quotes in «new life quotes» category

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    Death is the prerequisite to resurrection, the new life God intends.

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    Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.

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    Everything will come right if you are pure and sincere. We want hundreds like you bursting upon society and bringing new life and vigor of the spirit wherever they go.

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    Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.

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    Every day is an opportunity for a new life. Every day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel.

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    God wants to purify our minds until we can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. God dwells in you, but you cannot have this divine power until you live and walk in the Holy Ghost, until the power of the new life is greater than the old life.

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    Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.

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    Fiction, with its preference for what is small and might elsewhere seem irrelevant; its facility for smuggling us into another skin and allowing us to live a new life there; its painstaking devotion to what without it might go unnoticed and unseen; its respect for contingency, and the unlikely and odd; its willingness to expose itself to moments of low, almost animal being and make them nobly illuminating, can deliver truths we might not otherwise stumble on.

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    I do not believe that we can stop perfecting new ways of dying until we have found new ways of living. Every new life-way ought to prevent a new death-way.

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    Having children and raising them will bring new purpose and new life to Heaven. It will not be the end of everything, but the beginning!

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    I am a gate for God to accomplish great things. Through me and with me, new Life enters the world.

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    He [Pope Fransis] insists very clearly that only a union between man and woman, open to new life, by principle, can be called a marriage.

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    Ignore your previous experience and go into the moment. Be Here Now. See what there is to work with right now in creating yourself anew. Life is an ongoing, never-ending process of re-creation.

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    I folded myself against her body, breathing in the smell of my new life and matching my heartbeat to hers" Sam, Linger

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    If you bring your sexual impulses to your creative work... you'll be working from deep in the genetic code, down where life wants to make new life and feel good in the process.

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    I have friends who have children, and they have told me how remarkable it is to have a new life that is a piece of your own flesh anf blood. But I --" "I realized that I didn't love her because she was a piece of me, I loved her because she was a piece of you.

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    I had seen these transformations, people who had lost their will to live, coming back from their zombie states and radiating a new life force from their eyes.

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    I have been back in Paris for two weeks. Nothing new. Life is still bitter.

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    I left the theater; I literally left to begin a new life.

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    I prefer shooting on location, just because it always helps you. You go some place, you put your life on hold even more than when you've settled in some place. You can make a new life so it opens yourself up to the make-believe and the imagination in a way when you aren't burdened by things that remind you of your life all the time.

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    In a strange way, architecture is really an unfinished thing, because even though the building is finished, it takes on a new life. It becomes part of a new dynamic: how people will occupy it, use it, think about it.

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    In that book which is my memory, On the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you, Appear the words, ‘Here begins a new life’.

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    I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.

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    In my new life, no room for a lost boy.

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    I said, to hell with the whole thing, to hell with show business. I'm gonna make a new life for myself, and I got off drugs, completely kicked all that stuff

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    Isabelle, it's all right for you to be a little afraid, but you should also be very excited and joyful, too. You're about to bring a new life into this world." "I would rather Winslow do it.

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    Is sobriety all that we are to expect of a spiritual awakening? No, sobriety is only a bare beginning; it is only the first gift of the first awakening. If more gifts are to be received, our awakening has to go on. As it does go on, we find that bit by bit we can discard the old life - the one that did not work - for a new life that can and does work under any conditions whatever.

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    I think it's huge in a believer's life to have music that's pouring into their new life and not dragging them back into their old life.

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    I think I remember from the offset I said, 'I've visited this territory. This isn't for me.' And then I read the script and I said, 'You know, this is completely something different. This is a whole new life.'

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    No anguish I have had to bear on your account has been too heavy a price to pay for the new life into which I have entered in loving you.

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    It is as much our duty to live in the beauty of the presence of God on some mount of transfiguration until we become white with Christ as it is for us to go down where the needy people grope and grovel, and groan and lift them to new life.

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    Jesus paid a tremendous price for us so we could have abundant life. He willingly took all of our sin on Himself and gave His life on the cross so we could be forgiven and have new life in Him.

    • new life quotes
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    I thought I was an old soul, and that I knew life, but then starting the real life, I figured I am completely new.

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    No one can begin a new life, unless he repent of the old.

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    One of the things I've started doing lately is tracking my dreams. I feel like there's a lot of information there and you can really bring those emotions to the situations that may feel mundane or familiar. That gives them new life and gives you a new relationship with it - if that makes any sort of sense.

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    No two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything like it before, and never will be again.

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    Suffering can bend & break us. But it can also break us open to become the persons God intended us to be. It depends on what we do with the pain. If we offer it back to God, He will use it to do great things in us & through us, because suffering is fertile... it an grow new life.

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    Originality is not doing something no one else has ever done, but doing what has been done countless times with new life, new breath.

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    Out of our deepest memories come the forgotten forms of the past, given new life by the living sentience of an ancient and eternal forest.

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    Shed, as you do your garments, your daily sins, whether of omission or commission, and you will wake a free man, with a new life.

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    The kidnapping, the kiss. I brought him here, after all. I rescue him an pulled him into this new life, a life of freedom and feeling.

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    So something had begun, and now she could not stop it. Twin threads ran through her: fear and excitement. She could leave this place today. She could start a new life somewhere else.

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    Life as we knew it is passing away, and something new is emerging to take its place, The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life.

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    The moral miracle of redemption is that God can put a new nature into me through which I can live a totally new life.

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    There is always new life trying to emerge in each of us. Too often we ignore the signs of resurrection and cling to part of life that have died for us.

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    This budget is a Sanjeevani (new life) and an Arunoday (sunrise) for the last man in the line. This budget converts hopes and aspirations of the people into trust. It adds a new ray of hope for the poor and downtrodden sections of the society.

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    The soul-stirring image of death is no bugbear to the sage, and is looked on without despair by the pious. It teaches the former to live, and it strengthens the hopes of the latter in salvation in the midst of distress. Death is new life to both.

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    Those who have been touched by forgiveness and new life and have thus entered into God's rule become, like Jesus, bearers of that rule.

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    Today I begin a new life for I am the master of my abilities and today is going to be a great and beautiful day!

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    Tune into my new lifetime movie. 'Dislocated shoulder' airing right now.