Best 2144 quotes in «chance quotes» category

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    In pop music, the public usually see the results - the hit records, the Grammy Awards performances, the concert tours - but not all the work that goes into getting into the spotlight. And not everyone realizes that, even if you have a lot of talent, chances are you won't make it.

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    Instead of jumping at the chance to be offended, choose to be amused. Rather than filling your thoughts with resentment, fill your heart with forgiveness.

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    Intellectuals cannot tolerate the chance event, the unintelligible: they have a nostalgia for the absolute, for a universally comprehensive scheme.

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    In the armed forces, the chances of success are quite high. That's due to the clarity of the military structure - everything is sketched out. In politics, there are many more surprises and detours, and it's a lot more unpredictable.

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    In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance - when you least expect it - sets you on a course that you never planned, into a future you never imagined.

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    In Syria, Vladimir pUTIN sees the chance to make millions of refugees and weaponise them. The US has to take a lead in defending the values of the free world.

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    In the endgame, an error can be decisive, and we are rarely presented with a second chance.

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    In the theatre you can change things ever so slightly; it's an organic thing. Whereas in film you only have that chance on the day, and you have no control over it at all.

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    In the history of comics and movies and music too, it's always when things are at their bottomed-out, either creatively or financially, there's more chance-taking going on.

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    In things that are tender and unpleasing, it is good to break the ice by some one whose words are of less weight, and to reserve the more weighty voice to come in as by chance.

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    In this infinite space is placed our universe (whether by chance, by necessity, or by providence I do not now consider).

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    In this world of chance and change and mutability, the fulfillment of any resolve depends on the will of the Lord.

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    In TV, you usually don't get a chance to fix anything. It's always easier to cancel something than fix it.

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    I only became a novelist because I thought I had missed my chance to become a historian.

  • By Anonym the shaping of a life, chance and the ability to respond to chance are everything.

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    I really do see it as the start of the second half of my career.

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    I really wanted to go back to the theater, the live theater. That was the thing I had never had a chance to do, even though I had trained to be a stage actress.

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    I play knowing that there is somebody watching me out there in the crowd that has never had the opportunity to watch a game before and it might be the only chance they ever to see one, live in person. Michael Jordan once said that in an interview, and I really took it to heart, when ever I step on the floor I play for that person. Also, I always know my grandfather's out there watching.

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    Isabelle was holding an umbrella. It was clear plastic, decorated with decals of colorful flowers. It was one of the girliest things Simon had ever seen, and he didn’t blame Alec for ducking out from under it and taking his chances with the rain.

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    I realized that improvisers should probably always have time off. But musicians are always gigging and never have a chance to stop for a minute - unless something drastic occurs.

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    I shall make it my business to take my chances in the matter of libel suits.

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    I say to first time filmmakers that when they're asked, they should go to America as you're far more likely to get a chance.

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    I started out Ice skating with Holiday On Ice and just got offered the part of R2 by chance.

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    I say if you're going to take a chance on something, you just go full balls to the wall.

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    I share this view, that Hillary Clinton did not get a fair chance with both media perspectives and the subtleties on the gender discrimination. I think there was in the media particularly there's a zone of protection around Senator Obama on race where none existed on gender.

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    I should have been, I don't know, a con-man, a robber or a prostitute. But it was vanity that made me choose painting, vanity and chance.

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    I smoke marijuana every chance I get.

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    Isn't it better to have men being ungrateful than to miss a chance to do good?

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    I so rarely have the chance to field-test anything. Amelie is so conservative about these things -Myrnin

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    I still have a little whiskey left and therefore a chance.

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    Is there any chance you'd overthrow the tyrannical Beast Lord and his psychotic consort?" "Yeah, I want a vacation." -Kate & Curran to Jim

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    I still love playing music. It was all I ever wanted to do, and I got the chance to do it.

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    I suppose if I gave myself the chance I could be an alcoholic.

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    I take my chances. I can't cling to remorse or regret.

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    It doesn't matter what your probability of failure is. If there's a 90% chance of failure, there's a 10% chance of changing the world.

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    I tend to go back and forth between old favourites and "new" stuff, some of which could easily be by authors I've hitherto heard about but haven't had the chance to catch up with.

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    It gives me some kind of chance to survive the night." "How are those better odds? If you come back with me, you're guaranteed to survive the night." "No," Reacher said. "If I come back with you, I'm guaranteed to die of shame.

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    Is there a necessary succession in style, or are these things pure chance?

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    I think I can be competitive. Heck, anybody who can walk to the first tee here has a chance.

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    It could be any of a billion Gods. It could be God of the Martians or of the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri. The chance of its being a particular God, Yahweh, the God of Jesus, is vanishingly small - at the least, the onus is on you to demonstrate why you think that's the case.

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    I think both of them [Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders] have [chances] because they are not the establishment, not for who they are.

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    I think in the case of horror, it's a chance to confront a lot of your worse fears and those fears usually have to do, ironically, with powerlessness and isolation.

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    I think I have a better chance at getting an Oscar before a Grammy.

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    I think its easy to enjoy anywhere that you play where you feel like you got a chance to win a lot.

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    I think if Rusian and U.S. presidents meet each other, if they exchange views, then there will be a chance for our volatile relations to get better.

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    I think it's a big chance to take to make a movie that's about as something as pure and honest and something people can relate to everyday.

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    I think my chances of ever making it into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame are about as good as Milli Vanilli’s.

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    I think thats what all New Zealanders who are fair-minded want - a good chance for everybody to get ahead, whether its education or housing.

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    I think that the failures of Enron and WorldCom and other companies are partially failures of investors to recognize companies that are selling for a thousand times nothing, but chances are they may be worth only that.

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    I think the chances are better of me putting Super Unleaded into a rented car.