Best 2144 quotes in «chance quotes» category

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    Luck is sometimes merciful. The Game never is.

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    Most sane human beings who have managed to attain and retain fame each uses it to dramatically increase their name’s chances of being remembered until Jesus comes back, since their heart cannot do what they consciously or unconsciously lust for, that is to say, for it to beat until Jesus returns.

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    Many Christians, including BioLogos, like to throw out the "you can't take the Bible literally" argument. They think it is the ultimate zinger that will end any debate in their favor. But if we shouldn't take the Bible literally, why should we believe God is real in the literal sense? Perhaps God is a metaphor also. Maybe God is really a metaphor for nature or chance. Heaven forbid! However, BioLogos insists on having it both ways: God is literally true but the Bible is not. That's like saying Mother Goose is literally true but her nursery rhymes are not.

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    Marriage: a hopeful, generous, infinitely kind gamble taken by two people who don’t know yet who they are or who the other might be, binding themselves to a future they cannot conceive of and have carefully omitted to investigate.

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    Mathematically speaking, the probable (that in 6,000,000,000 throws with a regular six-sided die the die will come up proximately 1 ,000,000,000 times) and the improbable (that in six throws with the same die the one will come approximately up six times) are not different in kind, but only in frequency, whereby the more frequent appears a priori more probable. But the occasional occurrence of the improbable does not imply the intervention of a higher power, something in the nature of a miracle, as the layman is so ready to assume. The term "probability" includes improbability at the extreme limits of probability, and when the improbable does occur this is no cause for surprise, bewilderment or mystification. Cf. Ernst Mally's Probability and Law, Hans Reichenbach The theory Probability, Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica, von Mises' Probability, Statistics and Truth

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    Might one not say that in the chance combination of nature's production, since only those endowed with certain relations of suitability could survive, it is no cause for wonder that this suitability is found in all species that exist today? Chance, one might say, produced an innumerable multitude of individuals; a small number turned out to be constructed in such fashion that the parts of the animal could satisfy its needs; in another, infinitely greater number, there was neither suitability nor order: all of the later have perished; animals without a mouth could not live, others lacking organs for reproduction could not perpetuate themselves: the only ones to have remained are those in which were found order and suitability; and these species, which we see today, are only the smallest part of what blind fate produced.

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    Most of us are not raised to actively encounter our destiny. We may not know that we have one. As children, we are seldom told we have a place in life that is uniquely ours alone. Instead, we are encouraged to believe that our life should somehow fulfill the expectations of others, that we will (or should) find our satisfactions as they have found theirs. Rather than being taugh to ask ourselves who we are, we are schooled to ask others. We are, in effect, trained to listen to others' versions of ourselves. We are brought up in our life as told to us by someone else! When we survey our lives, seeking to fulfill our creativity, we often see we had a dream that went glimmering because we believed, and those around us believed, that the dream was beyond our reach. Many of us would have been, or at least might have been, done, tried something, if... If we had known who we really were.

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    Never give up your right to be wrong, and be sure to give others that right too.

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    Never undermine the power of passion. You have a very high chance of achieving anything you are passionate about.

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    Never waste your time if you miss a chance, should not wait, it will not back, grasp another for your career, future, and life.

    • chance quotes
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    No one can express who you are and what you stand for more than you do. Don't leave that to chance or others. If you do so, the likelihood of other people misgauging you is high. Take charge!

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    No one knew what she was doing in Colonia Hidalgo, although it was most likely, according to the police, that she'd been taking a walk and had come upon death purely by chance.

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    No risk is more terrifying than that taken by the first root. A lucky root will eventually find water, but its first job is to anchor -- to anchor an embryo and forever end its mobile phase, however passive that mobility was. Once the first root is extended, the plant will never again enjoy any hope (however feeble) of relocating to a place less cold, less dry, less dangerous. Indeed, it will face frost, drought, and greedy jaws without any possibility of flight. The tiny rootlet has only once chance to guess what the future years, decades -- even centuries -- will bring to the patch of soil where it sits. It assesses the light and humidity of the moment, refers to its programming, and quite literally takes the plunge.

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    Not all can believe anything they want to, because not all have the ability to believe.

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    Nothing in this world is ‘by chance’. There are “covered causes” (hidden) within. ‘By chance’ is also the result of an effort.

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    Much of what happens in life is a chance.

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    Now we have one chance in some case, as in this body but in other body we will have + one because we haven't made a choice.

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    Nothing that happens to you was meant to be. The only thing about you that was meant to be is you. Blaze your own trail.

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    Often something sweet given at a critical time becomes poisonous later, or something typically considered a misfortune gives the person a chance to be reborn.

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    Nothing won't change, until the choice is placed first. And until when choice is given a chance.

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    Often what you humans call chance is instead the workings of a deeper pattern, which the casual eye cannot easily perceive.

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    Oh, many a shaft at random sent Finds mark the archer little meant! And many a word at random spoken May soothe, or wound, a heart that's broken!

    • chance quotes
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    Nur wenn wir neue Wege gehen werden wir zu neuen Erkenntnissen gelangen. Wenn wir nicht bereit sind alte, gewohnte und oftmals auch ausgetretene Pfade zu verlassen werden wir uns eines Tages in einer Sackgasse verrennen.

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    Once in life, everyone gets a chance of true love and loyal friends, but the silly people do not realise and run, for the false objects and lose the real ones.

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    On dit que la chance ne passe qu'une fois à votre portée, qu'il faut la saisir à son tour. Après c'est fini. Elle est partie ailleurs et ne reviendra plus. Seuls les amnésiques n'ont pas de regrets.

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    One chance--that's what she had seen she had--one flying leap that was really composed of eight thousand separate possibilities for falling, and she had taken that chance and come this far and been found out.

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    One chance missing, makes losing more chances.

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    Often-times, grass was more useful than gold. Man was more desirable than a beast. Chance was more seductive than knowledge, and eternal life was completely meaningless without love.

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    One is free, and at the mercy of everything.

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    One must constantly meditate upon the absurdities of chance, a subject even more edifying than the subject of death.

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    One of the greatest gifts of life is having a chance to live as long as there are people on earth.

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    One thing I have learned from many years of watching my father is that some people, the best ones, are motivated more by the chance to prove themselves than by a command to serve. It is the work itself that calls them onward, especially if they believe they are the only ones who can do it.

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    One life, one chance, one opportunity

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    Opportunity is being in God's place, at God's time, following God's instructions, to obtain God's results.

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    One day you're going to see her holding hands with someone who took your chance.

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    Our consciousness is a proof of our existence in this life. It's a chance given to us, to find a way to reach the eternity.

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    Our greatest legacy is what we do to change ourselves.

    • chance quotes
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    Our life is our only chance...

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    Only someone who isn’t a fool stands a chance of not being bothered by being deemed a fool by a fool.

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    Our struggle has inspired oppressed people the world over, because if former slaves can make the most powerful nation face itself, there's a chance for everyone else. In a twist, our rage becomes hope for others.

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    Opportunists seek for a chance. Entrepreneurs make new chances.

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    ... plunged into chance,--that is to say, swallowed up in Providence

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    Opportunity never arrives, it only walks by. Chance never comes, it only knocks at the door. Never think the success will jump into your palms; you must work for it!

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    Possibilities are hope in numbers. Even the most certain statement - your dinner at 7 pm - may not happen because many things can influence the change of events. What is taken for sure will score the highest likelihood, but never the certitude because the world runs on probabilities. Like a game.

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    Practically, speaking up against street harassment is not about being a hero, getting credit points to be in the good books of a girl or a chance to impress anyone. It is about making sure that everyone has the right to enjoy that spring breeze, golden clouds and chirping without feeling uncomfortable.

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    Qui cherche et ne saisit pas ce qui s'offre ne le reverra jamais plus.

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    Random mutations much more easily debilitate genes than improve them, and that this is true even of the helpful mutations. Let me emphasize, our experience with malaria’s effects on humans (arguably our most highly studied genetic system) shows that most helpful mutations degrade genes. What’s more, as a group the mutations are incoherent, meaning that they are not adding up to some new system. They are just small changes - mostly degradative - in pre-existing, unrelated genes. The take-home lesson is that this is certainly not the kind of process we would expect to build the astonishingly elegant machinery of the cell. If random mutation plus selective pressure substantially trashes the human genome, why should we think that it would be a constructive force in the long term? There is no reason to think so.

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    Pasilik sau prabangą žinoti, kad tebeturi kitų galimybių

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    Rescue operation," he says, breathless. "Saved Barbie from drowning.

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    Rest is luxury when you chasing your dreams, don't get used to it and don't prolong it when you get a chance at it.