Best 34 quotes of David Millar on MyQuotes

David Millar

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    David Millar

    But human nature dictates that there will always be cheaters. That's inevitable. Where there's money involved and glory, there are going to be people that cheat, and there will always be ways to cheat.

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    David Millar

    Cycling is based so much on form, on aesthetics, on class - the way you carry yourself on the bike, the sort of technique you have.

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    David Millar

    Cycling is such a stupid sport. Next time you are in a car travelling at 40mph think about jumping out - naked. That's what it's like when we crash.

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    David Millar

    I had grown used to getting a pat on the back and being told after a good result: 'Well done, David - you should be happy, you're the first clean rider.

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    David Millar

    I'll go [racing] until my body won't let me any more. Someone said to me: "The day you stop, you won't be able to get back on the same way as when you did as a pro." I want to delay that kiss goodbye as long as possible.

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    David Millar

    I'm an accumulation of every single thing I've done, good and bad.

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    David Millar

    In Italy it's full-on stardom when you're a cyclist - eating in restaurants for free, it's great.

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    David Millar

    I shave my legs twice a week. It's hard the first time you do it. But I'm very lazy. For a team photo in December I just did the fronts.

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    David Millar

    I think cycling has always had a tradition of being a bit dapper, especially back in the day.

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    David Millar

    It seemed romantic but also tragic - people would be winning but then lose it all, or crash but fight on, break bones but get back on their bikes and try to finish. Just getting to the end was seen as an achievement in itself.

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    David Millar

    I've been proud to be national champion.

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    David Millar

    I've been proud to be national champion. I've really enjoyed it. I have very little opportunity to remind people that I'm British and it's a nice way of staying in touch. I'm going to defend it fiercely. I want to keep it.

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    David Millar

    I was awarded 'Most Aggressive Rider of the Day', generally given to the most spectacular loser of the day.

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    David Millar

    My epiphany came in that police cell: I realized I was about to lose everything and it didn't bother me, not in the slightest. I'd come to hate cycling because I blamed it for the lie I was living.

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    David Millar

    Now there are two or three teams who are very ethical in their outlook who have opened up the economic benefits and that is probably going to be a turning point in the sport.

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    David Millar

    Often the best guys are just those that can suffer longer, who don't give up. And it's so easy to give up, when you're on a mountain and it's really hurting. We go through a lot physically.

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    David Millar

    People do make mistakes and I think they should be punished. But they should be forgiven and given the opportunity for a second chance. We are human beings.

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    David Millar

    Survival is the main objective. There are going to be some awful days, I know that from my background in the sport.

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    David Millar

    The first time I rode a bike I was four or five. I crashed into the back of a car.

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    David Millar

    There will always be cheaters. It is human nature. It will never be 100 percent clean, in any sport.

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    David Millar

    The sky was falling down on me and I spent most of the time drunk. It was the only way I could handle it.

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    David Millar

    To be brutally honest, it's simple economics. If they want to come into cycling, sponsors need to know the team they are funding is clean, otherwise the risk is just too great.

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    David Millar

    I didn't want to take it. I knew it was a powerful drug, but I also knew it was a catabolic drug that consumed the body.

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    David Millar

    I'd just killed some of the best riders in the world - and I was clean. I'd taken nothing - no EPO, no cortisone, no testosterone, no painkillers, no caffeine. I had justified to myself that I was a great rider without drugs - yet perversely given myself the green light to dope again. I'd proved what I could do clean - how much more could I do if I was doped?

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    David Millar

    If the riders, governing bodies, teams, race organisers and media weren't doing anything about it, then what the hell could I, a 20-year-old neo-pro from Scotland, do about it?

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    David Millar

    I might have changed, but that did not mean the sport had.

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    David Millar

    It was ridiculous really. I had just won a major race despite not being in top form, yet I was going to dope.

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    David Millar

    It was very quiet at the hotel, as if there had been a death in the family. When you have quit the Tour, nobody really knows what to say or do. (...) Everything I'd previously achieved meant nothing; all I was now was a pro rider who couldn't finish the Tour de France.

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    David Millar

    I was not a doper, I told myself - I just injected myself to recover and needed pills to sleep.

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    David Millar

    Never before had I raced in an angry mood and I couldn't believe how powerful it was. Now I understood why Lance used anger so effectively and why he hated the people he had to beat at the tour.

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    David Millar

    Nothing was being done to help the non-dopers, to encourage or support them. Even the clean riders like myself and Moncout knew how easy it was to cheat the tests.

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    David Millar

    One group of riders doped, the others alongside them racing clean. You can work out for yourselves which group was fastest.

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    David Millar

    Preparation was a term I was to hear more and more. It had another more sinister meaning. If you were prepared, it meant you were doped.

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    David Millar

    What an idiot I'd been. What a spoilt brat. What a bloody fool.