By AnonymOli Anderson
Acceptance is an active response to a temporary situation; surrender is a passive reaction to a situation that you think will last forever. -Personal Revolutions
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Debate is an attempt to cling to the illusion of control provided by a point of view designed to keep the ego in place; dialogue is an attempt to dance with the unknown at the risk of losing what we think we know.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue teaches you to listen through your emotions, not to become distracted or distanced from the truth because of them.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue can help you find out if you’ve been brainwashed or not.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue helps us to acknowledge that we see the world not as it is, but as we are.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue is about creating awareness through self-observation; it starts from the inside out, not the outside in.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue is about freeing human beings from the beliefs and attitudes that make human beings miserable.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue is an opportunity for people to communicate from outside the limitations of their points of view. When we enter a circle of dialogue, there are no labels, only human beings.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue isn’t a competition to be the smartest or the most correct person in the room; it is a collaboration to find the truth.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue reminds us that we can question to build, not only to doubt or deconstruct.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue unplugs you from your own programming as you become more real; debate turns up the voltage and entrenches you more deeply.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Dialogue with the self is the source of all insight and insight is the only thing that can change your life.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Don't cling to your self-concept purely because your will demands it. Demand that your environment aligns as much as possible and change what you must about yourself when the outer world can’t be changed. Mental health is about mental fluidity, mental illness stems in rigidity.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Familiarity breeds contempt, for others at first, but then inwardly, contempt towards ourselves.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
God' is whatever is the next obvious step towards wholeness in yourself and your life; 'Ego' is whatever within you stops you taking it.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Having problems doesn't make you noble or virtuous, it makes you human. Nobility and virtue comes from the way that you handle your problems and either learn to move past them or live with them if out of your control.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Idealism + Inaction = Depression
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By AnonymOli Anderson
I decided to give up meaningless sex, but then I remembered that everything is meaningless.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
If humans created it then it is the product of a choice that somebody made. And if it was chosen it can be changed.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
If philosophy gets you lost in the labyrinth of symbols that distance us from reality, then it is part of the problem; if it motivates positive action that can create a better world, philosophy is usually a gift.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
If we go in to each situation that life throws at us with an attitude that we can learn from it then we will never be truly defeated.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
It is essential to our health and happiness that we dedicate ourselves to some kind of mission or purpose that transcends the mundane hustle and bustle of daily living.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Life is a dance more than it is an assertion and there is more health in dynamism or fluidity than there is rigidity and stasis.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Most arguments are about programming; most resolutions are reached through a process of unlearning then relearning.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Nobody is going to save you but yourself and the ‘best’ and only way to do so is through action.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
One of the most human things that you can do is reach out for the stars knowing that you might not ever touch them; we are all perfectly imperfect, but to live knowing so is to be a fulfilled human being.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Only ever doing what feels comfortable is a form of suicide.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Our modern day, hyper-rat-race culture often leads us to mistakenly confuse 'busy' for 'success'. The truth of the matter is that if you're constantly having to tell people how busy you are and how overwhelmed with work or stressed you are, what you're really telling them is that you can't cope with what's on your plate. You're ‘failing’.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Practicing dialogue helps you to cultivate a realness that allows you to face reality on its own terms, not just the terms you’d like it to have in order to remain in your comfort zone.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Remember: knowing originates on the inside, knowledge on the outside. Certain facts and concepts may change, come into being, disappear, or be replaced, but what it is to be a human being will never really be all that different. Every person to ever live, now and the whole of history, has had a rich and elaborate world of inner experience, but it has mainly been flesh upon the same skeleton. We are all born, come to terms with the world, and then come to terms with coming to terms with the world, as we go through the stages of puberty, old age, death and making sense of it all in between. We all live the same process in different ways. Some live it longer than others and some cover more ground. But that's it.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
See yourself as a long-term work in progress, not a short-term project of preservation.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
The final lesson is that 'reality' is always the way to go and that acceptance is the only way to get there.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
The first step to empathy and compassion is realising the similarities between yourself and those that are suffering; the first step to forgiveness is realising that we're all human and we all share the same capacity for fallibility and foible; the first step to growth is to recognise the value of things that are outside your current mental frameworks so that you can grow into them.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
The human condition is essentially the conflict between the human need for control and a universe that provides little if any of it. Once we accept this and get into the flow of life, we are free and, paradoxically, able to get better results.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
There are two types of 'busy': 1) Constantly distracting yourself from what is true. 2) Constantly working to create something real.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
This world is your world but that doesn't mean you can always stop it from burning.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
To engage in dialogue is to serve others via whatever is real inside you; to engage in debate is to ultimately serve the illusions of your ego.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time and place.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
We have to accept that much of reality is ineffable and so to understand it we can't rely on words alone.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
Whenever we find ourselves stuck, whenever we find ourselves lost or confused by the chaos of the world, we can be sure that the only way to free ourselves is to take action of some kind. Action is the only thing that ever changes anything and in a world that ever changes, it is the best way to keep ourselves in the flow of the world unfolding.
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By AnonymOli Anderson
When one dream dies we replace it with another.