Best 25 quotes in «truck quotes» category

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    About two months into the Whisky, I borrowed some money and rented a remote recording truck.

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    I wanted to move. I needed to move. But in those moments, I could more easily have lifted a semi truck filled with pudding.

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    Bush and the corporate kleptocrats have stomped on too many people and left too many people out of the system, and those people are now in rebellion. It's not just poor people they are holding down but the middle class, as well. I have a favorite bumper sticker I saw on a pickup truck last year in Austin. It said, "Where are we going? And what am I doing in this hand basket?

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    For me, I never abandoned the truck. Even though I’ve opened other things, the truck is still the lifeblood of who I am. That’s because I enjoy it. I believe in it. It’s everything that I am.

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    How was your day?" Morelli asked me. "Oh, you know, the usual. Stole a truck. Blew up a building, and brought seven monkeys home with me.

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    [George Bush] has raised taxes on the people driving pickup trucks and lowered taxes on the people riding in limousines. We can do better.

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    I had a Ford F-250. It was a big ol' farm truck, but it wasn't a rig. That's about the biggest I've ever driven. That's what I drove back and forth to high school. I was a poor guy, and it was a truck that my uncle owned and let me drive because I had no money.

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    I looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror. Some lipstick would go with this truck, I thought.

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    I'd love to give Malcolm the truck. We're going to figure out how to make that happen.

    • truck quotes
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    I like when she [Martha Stewart] demonstrates how to transport a potted plant while wearing Hermes pants and uses enough packing material to move a whole house. But we're just moving one plant. Really you just put the plant in a truck and go.

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    I love what I do, so it's not tiring. If I worked at a computer or drove a truck, I'd be dead in a week.

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    I thought jet planes were just trucks with more wings and less wheels.

    • truck quotes
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    In any other job, they're truck drivers. In show-biz, they're Transportation Captains.

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    It's a good thing he broke up with you because now you're free for when the right man finds you. Your prince is on his way." "Right. I'm sure he was on his way but a truck hit him.

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    It turns out that speeding irresponsibly in a large truck, placing personal wealth ahead of the welfare of others, is one of the greatest sins in the Universe.

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    Listen, if you're a hardworking steelworker or truck driver, that drives down your wages. That takes away your jobs.

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    It's just paper - all I own is a pickup truck and a little Wal-Mart stock.

    • truck quotes
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    Maybe you'll get lucky." I said bleakly, lurching on my feet. "Maybe I'll get hit by a truck on my way back.

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    There is more credit and satisfaction in being a first-rate truck driver than a tenth-rate executive.

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    Thats what her cars do," Lula said. "They explode. But I gotta tell you this was the best. This here's the first time she exploded a garbage truck. One time her truck got hit with an antitank missile. That wasn't bad either, but it couldn't compare to this.

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    When the choice is between a demanding relationship and a vintage pickup truck, I'll choose the truck every time.

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    Which is more musical: a truck passing by a factory or a truck passing by a music school?

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    We were into the Speedway. We'd take a train out to the Speedway where farmers had flatbed trucks with bleachers on them. They'd park in the infield and we'd sit on those. Our heroes weren't the drivers, they were the pit crews. That's because we were local, and we knew what was going on.

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    You might be a redneck if there is a sheet hanging in your closet and a gun rack hanging in your truck.

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    Where I come from your truck is a reflection of who you are.