Best 528 quotes in «liberation quotes» category

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    Planet Earth is a fantastic destination if you manage to find this surreal sensation of wild liberation.

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    Plus une personne est unie en lui-même et intérieurement simple, plus elle comprend les choses de plus en plus, parce qu'il ou elle reçoit la lumière de la compréhension de l'intérieur.

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    Political revolutions never liberate anyone; they are always reactionary.

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    Questioner: Do all worldly actions go to waste? Dadashri: No, it depends on the purpose. If the purpose is Liberation, then one will come across circumstances for liberation. If the purpose is the passion for worldly pleasures, then one will find befitting circumstances.

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    Quit lying to yourself and accept your power and beauty. Liberate yourself from the slow-death you call life.

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    Rap is supposed to motivate, humours, address societal issues & personal feelings, and also liberate me through art, not insult our women.

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    Reading is a source of liberation. Children who are taught to read early on, are commonly taught to communicate in other significant verbal and nonverbal ways.

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    Realisation of the Self (attaining Soul) is itself a samadhi (state of inner bliss). Samadhi will not leave amidst eating, drinking sitting, standing, it is a natural and spontaneous (sahaj) samadhi, it is a vitrag vignan (science of the ones who are free from all attachments, the enlightened ones).

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    Relief is a great feeling. It’s the emotional and physical reward we receive from our bodies upon alleviation of pain, pressure and struggle. A time to bask in the lack of the negative. And yet, think about it—relief is really the status quo, a negation of the suffering, a nothing in itself. It is the way things were before the pressure and struggle began. So, is it a step back? A regression? Or is it an opportunity to regroup, start over, and move in a different direction? Use your moment of relief well.

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    Religion [dharma] originates where there is doer-ship [to do], Moksha [ultimate liberation] originates where there is understanding (to understand).

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    Science has provided the possibility of liberation for human beings from hard labor, but science itself is not a liberator. It creates means not goals. Man should use [Science] for reasonable goals. When the ideals of humanity are war and conquest, those tools become as dangerous as a razor in the hands of a child of three. We must not condemn man’s inventiveness and patient conquest of the forces of nature because they are being used wrongly and disobediently now. The fate of humanity is entirely dependent upon its moral development.

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    Samadhi (state of inner bliss) attained by pinching your nose is not a true Samadhi (state of inner bliss). It is a solution which has been tried. Moksha means a Solution free state. Upeyabhaav!

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    Science (vignan) means that which frees one just by ‘knowing’. Nothing needs to be done. Knowledge that keeps working on its own is called science.

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    Right vision (samkit) continues to work day and night; wrong vision (mithyatva) continues to work day and night. Samkit will take one to moksha and mithyatva will make one wander around in the worldly life.

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    Self love and forgiveness is a liberation.

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    Self-hatred is self-imprisonment. Self-forgiveness is self-liberation. You have the right to suppress yourself, oppress yourself and depress yourself. You have the right to impress yourself too. Feel happy!

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    Self-love is self liberation

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    She was beginning to recognize it as the feeling of anger taken to such a level it was no longer possible to separate it from any other emotion or thought. In a way, it was a liberating sensation.

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    Shed who you think you are, in order to experience who you really are.

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    Shed who you think you are, to experience who you really are.

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    She had lost herself in this old work, her personality dissolving into it, so that she had been set free. The immortality of the soul lies in its dissolution; this was the cryptic comment that so frustrated Olivier and which Julien had only ever grasped as evidence for the history of a particular school of thought. He had known all about its history, but Julia knew what it meant. He found the realization strangely reassuring.

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    Shukladhyan (pure contemplation of the Self, the Soul) is the direct cause for moksha (liberation). Dharmadhyan (auspicious contemplation; to hurt no one, give happiness to others) is the indirect cause for moksh (liberation). Artadhyan (inner mournful contemplation that hurts the self) is a cause for a birth in animal life form (non-human). Raudradhyan (wrathful contemplation that hurts the self and others) is a cause for a life in hell.

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    Shiva says: UDYAMA IS BHAIRAVA. The day you begin your spiritual endeavor, you start becoming bhairava – you start becoming one with God. Your first rays of endeavor, and the journey toward the sun has begun; the first thought of liberation, and the destination is not far off. Because the first step is almost half of the journey. Spiritual endeavor is bhairava. It will take time for you to attain it; it will be a while before you reach the destination. But as soon have begun the effort and the seed is sown: ”Let me get out of this prison and be free of this body, let me be relieved of all desires, let me not sow more seeds and increase my involvement in this world, let me not desire more births.” As soon as the feeling intensifies within you to overcome your unconsciousness, you start becoming bhairava

    • liberation quotes
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    Shukladhyan (internal state that renders the constant awareness of ‘I am pure Soul’) is the direct cause for moksha (liberation). Dharmadhyan (absence of adverse internal state of being that hurts the self and others) is the indirect cause for moksha. Artadhyan (adverse internal state that results in hurting the self) is a cause for a birth in animal life form (non-human). Raudradhyan (Adverse internal state of being that hurts others) is a cause for a life in hell.

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    Shiva is saying: the body is a product of nature and your will to do. The nature is merely the source, the womb. Your ego functions like a seed in it. Your will to do this or that, to achieve this or that, to become this or that – acts like a seed. And the moment the art of your doing meets the womb of nature, a body is formed. Therefore, buddhas say: ”Give up all desires, only then will you be liberated.: If you desired for heaven, you will become an angel, but that won’t be liberation either. Because as long as desires persist, there can never be any liberation. All desires lead to the formation of bodies.

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    Silence leads to acceptance, which leads to liberation. All of our conditioning is then suspended; so, too, are morals, manners, even simple courtesy. Dogmas, rules, commandments, churches, political parties, opinions, doctrines, ideologies, and gurus fall away. All that remains is reality. All that remains is truth. How free we suddenly feel!

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    So long as humanity lives, there shall be differences in opinion, but mark this my friend, each human mind may think differently from the other, but all minds have the capacity to step beyond those differences in thoughts and be one with each other in the land beyond differences.

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    So as long as you have not attained to desirelessness, as long as you have not renounced desires completely, you will go on taking births and wandering in different bodies. And howsoever different the forms of the body may be, their basic condition is always the same. The ills of the body are the same, regardless whether it’s a bird’s body or man’s. There is no difference in their miseries, because the fundamental misery is only one: the soul becoming confined in the body, the entering of the soul into the prison of body. A prison after all is a prison; it makes no difference whether its walls are circular or angular no matter what you think.

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    Son or daughter are not yours if you want to go to moksha (ultimate liberation). If you want to remain in the worldly life, then son and daughter are yours.

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    Some find freedom in comfort others find comfort in freedom

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    Studying history aims to loosen the grip of the past. It enables us to turn our head this way and that, and begin to notice possibilities that our ancestors could not imagine, or didn’t want us to imagine. By observing the accidental chain of events that led us here, we realise how our very thoughts and dreams took shape – and we can begin to think and dream differently. Studying history will not tell us what to choose, but at least it gives us more options. Movements seeking to change the world often begin by rewriting history, thereby enabling people to reimagine the future. Whether you want workers to go on a general strike, women to take possession of their bodies, or oppressed minorities to demand political rights – the first step is to retell their history. The new history will explain that ‘our present situation is neither natural nor eternal. Things were different once. Only a string of chance events created the unjust world we know today. If we act wisely, we can change that world, and create a much better one.’ This is why Marxists recount the history of capitalism; why feminists study the formation of patriarchal societies; and why African Americans commemorate the horrors of the slave trade. They aim not to perpetuate the past, but rather to be liberated from it.

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    Space, like time, engenders forgetfulness; but it does so by setting us bodily free from our surroundings and giving us back our primitive, unattached state ... Time, we say, is Lethe; but change of air is a similar draught, and, if it works less thoroughly, does so more quickly.

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    Sorun şu ki bizler gündelik hayatta, komşular, arkadaşlar, yoldaşlar veya aile fertleri arasındaki ilişkilerin sendikadaki, partideki ve hatta devletin kendi içindeki ilişkiler kadar önemli olduğunu anlamak istemiyoruz.

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    Statism ends with an eye roll.

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    Suicide is nothing, but an act of depriving the soul from it's very right to liberation.

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    That liberating moment, so profound, when you realize that nothing you think or say makes any difference at all.

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    The beauty of learning is that it liberates us from poverty.

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    The absence of misery is the first stage of moksha (liberation). The absence of the body, everything else is the second state of moksha (liberation).

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    The actions carried out with ignorance of the Self [agnan bhaav, ignorance intent] is all bondage. Every action done with the awareness of I am pure Soul [gnan bhaav, knowledge intent], will grant liberation.

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    The belief in Limitation is the basis of all jealousy, and jealousy leads to Possession. Possession is the idea that you must hold tightly to that which you love or it might escape. In truth, it does not escape. It loses its value to the holder and often creates contempt. True power attracts the sweet pleasure of liberation within the harmony of love.

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    The absence of conflict creating intent is itself Moksh (liberation).

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    The answer to the problem of suffering is not away from the problem but in it. The inevitability of pain will not be met by deadening sensitivity but by increasing it, by exploring and feeling out the manner in which the natural organism itself wants to react and which its innate wisdom has provided.

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    The energy now spent on self-protection can be converted into positive energy if we're willing to encounter reality and see it clearly. Facing reality is an empowering act - it can liberate our mind and heart to discern how best to use our power and influence in service for this time.

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    The chief means of liberating women is replacing of compulsiveness and compulsion by the pleasure principle. Cooking, clothes, beauty, and housekeeping are all compulsive activities in which the anxiety quotient has long since replaced the pleasure or achievement quotient. It is possible to use even cooking, clothes, cosmetics and housekeeping for fun. The essence of pleasure is spontaneity. In these cases spontaneity means rejecting the norm, the standard that one must live up to, and establishing a self-regulating principle.

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    The entire path of the Vitraag Lords (the enlightened one) is one of humility (vinaya). The practice of humility (vinaya dharma) begins from Hindustan (India). There are endless practices of humility, starting from putting two hands together (in the gesture of Namaste) to prostrating. And ultimately when one attains absolute humility (param vinaya), he attains moksha (ultimate liberation).

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    The evidence of Martin Luther King Jnr’s “I have a dream” declaration was a passionate confirmation of how a dream meant for liberation, success and fulfilled life can become true.

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    The essence of one life is empowering another life, and so your passion has to be linked to the liberation of other people’s happiness.

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    The fabric of human life is woven with relationships. Once we thematize the importance of dialogue, the multiplicity of ongoing and created situations in which dialogical skills can be nurtured abound. As we have seen, this requires us to slow down and turn toward each other, having a clear sense of the relationship between our current footing in dialogue with one another and the future we are trying to create. The nurture of dialogical capacities is essential to human liberation.

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    The biggest problem is the moment you say "spirituality," somebody starts talking about God, someone else about mukti, someone else about nirvana and someone else about the Ultimate. They are all already up there. You cannot do anything with people who are already up there. If somebody is down here, you can do something with them. You can only take a step if your feet are on the ground, isn't it? The moment you talk about God, you are not here anymore; you know it all. You can only start a journey from where you are. You cannot start a journey from where you are not. If you are willing to come down to where you are, then we can see what the next step is. If you are already on the third step to heaven, what can I do with you?

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    The emotional states are liberated inside water, we calm down emotionally, we become more sensitive, we are able to "touch" deeper ourselves and other beings. Empathy is echoing back to us giving subtle vibrations from the realm of the senses. Find your water ~