Best 197 quotes in «elegance quotes» category

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    I have a simple taste, only the best.

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    I am from the planet of elegance.

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    I felt that the elegance of pop music was that it was reflective: we were holding up a mirror to our audience and reflecting them philosophically and spiritually, rather than just reflecting society or something called 'rock and roll.'

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    I have some favorites. I love Chaplin; I mean I really love Chaplin. I just think there's a grace and an elegance that's almost never been matched.

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    I am very seldom interested in applications. I am more interested in the elegance of a problem. Is it a good problem, an interesting problem?

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    If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. On being reproached that his formula of gravitation was longer and more cumbersome than Newton's.

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    Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance

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    I think all women have a certain elegance about them which is destroyed when they take off their clothes.

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    In general I don't like definitions, but 'Minimalist' is a term that means elegance and openness, so I would prefer to be called a Minimalist than something else.

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    In Italy, the Milanese are well organized but follow bourgeois taste. They adhere to certain codes of elegance, but not to individualism.

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    In temperance there is ever cleanliness and elegance.

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    I read once that elegance is a privilege of age. I thought, that's so true. You get more comfortable with yourself as you get older.

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    I think you are born chic. You cannot be chic. It is something you cannot learn.

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    I know that Brighton is famously a mixture of the seedy and the elegant, but in the summer of 2001 seediness swamped elegance hands down.

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    Isn't there a curious elegance in how one moment passes into another?

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    I think people think of me as this elegant person because they always see me dressed up.

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    It seems to me that invisibility is the required provision of elegance. Elegance ceases to exist when it is noticed.

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    I think there's a kind of elegance to it, to work within that framework where what you don't see is often more enticing.

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    It should be judged primarily on grace, elegance and beauty rather than simply on mechanic tumbling.

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    It is in refinement and elegance that the civilized man differs from the savage.

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    It's the nasty and the accident that form the foundation for elegance that comes later.

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    I've been an admirer of Helen Mirren for a long time. As I get older, I find myself admiring older women who have poise and elegance.

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    Mere elegance of language can produce at best but an empty renown.

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    Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.

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    Modesty is the highest elegance

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    No elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory

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    Mathematicians themselves set up standards of generality and elegance in their exposition which are a bar to understand.

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    Nothing surpasses the beauty and elegance of a bad idea.

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    My goal is never to copy. Create a new style, clear luminous colors and feel the elegance of the models.

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    My love for you is immeasurable, my respect for you immense. You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness, you're beauty and elegance.

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    Neither refinement nor delicacy is indispensable to produce elegance.

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    Our hypotheses are initially rooted in theoretical consistency and elegance, but...ultimatel y it is experiment not rigid belief that determines what is correct.

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    Philosophy is an elegant thing, if anyone modestly meddles with it; but if they are conversant with it more than is becoming, it corrupts them.

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    Poetry, being elegance itself, cannot hope to achieve visibility... It insists on living its own life.

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    Quality means conformance to requirements, not elegance.

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    Real elegance is simply a true encounter with oneself.

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    Skepticism is the elegance of anxiety.

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    Poetry is at least an elegance and at most a revelation.

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    Sallust is indisputably one of the best historians among the Romans, both for the purity of his language and the elegance of his style.

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    She was temptation wrapped in casual elegance.

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    New Orleans is a city of elegance, beauty, and refinement.

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    Simplicity, carried to an an extreme, becomes elegance.

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    Sleaze is a point by point refutation of elegance.

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    Some things you know all your life. They are so simple and true they must be said without elegance, meter and rhyme...they must be naked and alone, they must stand for themselves.

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    So you see, in the end, it is nearly certain that the power of prediction must triumph over the arrogance of elegance.

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    Steve Beaton - The adonis of darts, what poise, what elegance - a true roman gladiator with plenty of hair wax.

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    The cigar is the perfect complement to an elegant lifestyle.

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    That's what the future is for: to build the present, with real plans, made by living people.

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    The elegance of staying with a moment, without needing to stop and change all the lighting, made [the alternative] seem lazy and indulgent.

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    The elegance of the Italian South is a very strong elegance and it is one that I bring. It is a sexy elegance - or at least, let's say less chaste.