Best 504 quotes in «conscious quotes» category

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    It isn't only the terror everywhere, and the fear of being conscious of it, that freezes people. It's more than that. People know they are in a society dead or dying.

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    It is privilege of living to be acutely, agonizingly conscious of the moment that is always present and always passing.

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    It just is nothing foreign to consciousness at all that could present itself to consciousness through the mediation of phenomena different from the liking itself; to like is intrinsically to be conscious.

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    It is vain for us to pray while conscious that we have injured another. Let us first make amends to the injured one before we dare approach God at either the private or the public altar.

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    It was my misfortune-or salvation-to be at all times perfectly conscious of my misperceptions of reality.

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    ... it's hard to be politically conscious and upwardly mobile at the same time.

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    It's not just a question of numbers. There will be more women (in parliament) who are conscious of women's rights ... There will also be women who are not committed to equality.

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    It wasn't until I moved to New York that I decided to make a conscious effort to be myself.

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    I used to do jacket design, and I'm very conscious of covers, and probably meddle more than other authors would.

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    I've always tried to be conscious of how I represent women in my work. They don't have to be good or strong women, but they have to be complex.

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    I usually do at least a dozen drafts and progressively make more-conscious decisions. Because I've always believed stories are closer to poems than novels, I spend a lot of time on the story's larger rhythms, such as sentence and paragraph length, placement of flashbacks and dialogue.

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    I've subsequently become conscious of MAKING MEMORIES. Which makes me sound like a scrapbooker.

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    I've been more conscious of my salt intake, sugar intake, making sure I'm not eating as many processed foods.

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    I've never met anybody quite like [Bill Shawn]. He created - and I'm sure it was conscious - an aura about him of quietude.

    • conscious quotes
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    Knowledge creates the demand. The more people know about it, the more people will be interested and demand for things to be produced in a careful, conscious way.

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    I was always a self-conscious person.

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    I was conscious of the fact that it could be to my disadvantage to marry a white guy - that some folks would hold that against me.

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    I was wandering around as usual, in my unpleasantly populated sub-conscious.

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    I wish that a conscious sense of peace and a feeling of human solidarity would develop in all peoples.

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    I work in a medium where I get to be totally invisible and I get great pleasure from that, being a pretty self-conscious person.

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    I would agree on the aging thing. Because, at a certain point, once you start noticing it, it is your subject. And I know young that people, when they get to 30, say, "Oh, I'm so old." But actually, around 50, you do become conscious of it.

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    I wouldn't like to say that I'm absolutely God conscious. It's like everybody else. We're battling with the forces that are pulling us upwards and downwards at the same time. But basically we all want love, that's what I feel.

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    I would say that, apart from being a writer, I have also always been very conscious of the idea of a 'world elsewhere'.

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    I was never conscious of my screenplays having any acts. It's all bullshit.

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    I watch what I eat obviously. I'm not a regular gym-goer but I'm conscious of it.

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    I wonder if one of the penalties of growing older is that you become more and more conscious that nothing is very permanent.

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    Man is a conscious, rational thinker and a supra-conscious creator genius.

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    Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying.

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    Long before many of us were even conscious of our own degradation, these men [Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. DuBois] fought for African national and racial equality.

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    Man is the universe becoming conscious of itself.

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    Many artists have said that when life itself becomes fully conscious, art as we know it will vanish.

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    Let me just say that the politics that I have are never the politics of poetics. I am not interested in politics. Politically, I am only very conscious of how we live and what we do right and what we do so awfully wrong.

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    Make sure furniture decor has similar scale. It's all about scale, proportion, measuring, being conscious of the overall plan.

    • conscious quotes
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    Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.

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    Maybe some of my quest for success comes from Joan of Arc but theres no conscious part of Catholicism in my life.

    • conscious quotes
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    Matter as matter rather than matter as symbol is a conscious political position, essentially Marxist.

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    Materialism is incomplete even as a theory of the physical world, since the physical world includes conscious organisms among its most striking occupants.

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    Math and music are intimately related. Not necessarily on a conscious level, but sure.

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    Men ought to become more conscious of their bodies as objects of delight.

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    Modeling teaches you to be completely conscious of the camera. Acting is being totally unconscious of it.

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    Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value.

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    My approach is just being conscious of everything.

    • conscious quotes
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    'm very conscious about how the viewing situation [of the Biennale] creates a situation for the viewer who feels pressured. I don't really have any concept of who looks at my work online. I don't think it's viewed that much online.

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    Most women at retirement have significantly less money than men, and they still get paid less than men. I'm sure that in my reptile brain I'm quite conscious of this.

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    Movies are the work of a collective conscious. It takes 500-800 people on a movie to complete a vision.

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    My mum made a conscious decision not to teach me any Indian languages so I wouldn't talk with an accent.

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    My fiction is based on both my own experience transformed, altered, juggled and changed to suit the demands of composition, character, and plot. If I see a theme emerging in a story I will likely take it up and develop it. I hardly ever set out with a conscious plan and if I do the story usually takes over and takes me where it wants to go.

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    My grandmother told me: 'Never be in debt to anyone or anything.' Which is probably why I've never been financially extravagant - I still go to Costco. I'm always conscious of living within my means.

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    Nobody's life is ever all balanced. It's a conscious decision to choose your priorities every day.

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    Never utter a word if it is not from your navel point and it doesn't confirm your regal, highest self.