Best 24 quotes in «swedish quotes» category

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    I think the Swedish Academy wished to manifest its solidarity with the living spirit of Greece today.

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    A Swedish newspaper reporter called and said, You've been awarded the Prize. I was quite sure it was a practical joke.

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    John Guidetti is a typical English striker. Even though he is Swedish

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    A Swedish minister having assembled the chiefs of the Susquehanna Indians, made a sermon to them, acquainting them with the principal historical facts on which our religion is founded — such as the fall of our first parents by eating an apple, the coming of Christ to repair the mischief, his miracles and suffering, etc. When he had finished an Indian orator stood up to thank him. ‘What you have told us,’ says he, ‘is all very good. It is indeed bad to eat apples. It is better to make them all into cider. We are much obliged by your kindness in coming so far to tell us those things which you have heard from your mothers. In return, I will tell you some of those we have heard from ours. ‘In the beginning, our fathers had only the flesh of animals to subsist on, and if their hunting was unsuccessful they were starving. Two of our young hunters, having killed a deer, made a fire in the woods to boil some parts of it. When they were about to satisfy their hunger, they beheld a beautiful young woman descend from the clouds and seat herself on that hill which you see yonder among the Blue Mountains. ‘They said to each other, “It is a spirit that perhaps has smelt our broiling venison and wishes to eat of it; let us offer some to her.” They presented her with the tongue; she was pleased with the taste of it and said: “Your kindness shall be rewarded; come to this place after thirteen moons, and you will find something that will be of great benefit in nourishing you and your children to the latest generations.” They did so, and to their surprise found plants they had never seen before, but which from that ancient time have been constantly cultivated among us to our great advantage. Where her right hand had touched the ground they found maize; where her left had touched it they found kidney-beans; and where her backside had sat on it they found tobacco.’ The good missionary, disgusted with this idle tale, said: ‘What I delivered to you were sacred truths; but what you tell me is mere fable, fiction, and falsehood.’ The Indian, offended, replied: ‘My brother, it seems your friends have not done you justice in your education; they have not well instructed you in the rules of common civility. You saw that we, who understand and practise those rules, believed all your stories; why do you refuse to believe ours?

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    To be influenced by a magazine and, say, a Swedish theme, unless it resonates with you, it seems kind of odd and influenced.

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    Det bästa priset livet har att erbjuda är inte en chans att arbeta hårt och vara något i samhället. Det är parfymen Guds som finns inom dig.

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    Although Swedish is one of the few languages on this Earth that I enjoy the sound of. That and Japanese. French is all right, Italian is tolerable depending on who’s speaking it. Everything else makes me cringe. Even English with some accents is bad. Australian? Spare me.

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    Christian får tillfälle att visa Ana vem som bestämmer, så att säga, i en väldigt dramatisk scen där han hugger tag i hennes handleder och leder in henne i sitt sovrum för att vederbörligen deflorera henne. Perversionerna kan vänta, men det kan inte hennes vagina. När Christian bär iväg med Ana säger han: "Vi ska omedelbart åtgärda situationen", vilket definitivt är vad varje kvinna vill höra när hon har sex för första gången.

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    Försök till räddning genom tankeflykt och överglidningar från dröm till dröm blev ofta vår metod. Med ena benet dränkt i känslosvall det andra med sitt stöd i känslodöd vi ofta stod. Jag frågade mig själv men glömde svara. Jag drömde mig ett liv men glömde vara. Jag reste alltet rumt men glömde fara - ty jag satt fånge här i Aniara.

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    I allt detta väljande. Livet är inte något man vill eller väljer. Så ser lagen om människovaron ut. I livet blir man inslungad. Och exakt så långt som tiden sedan räcker, ska man vidare. Ingenting annat. Livet ska gå på bara och fortsätta till dess det tar slut. Det ska genomlevas minut för minut och tugga för tugga, över stock och sten och genom eld och vatten ska det ta oss, i ljus eller mörker, rätt ner i dödsskuggans dal och ut på de saligas ängder. Ostoppbart ska det fortgå, i galopp eller raglande, krypande på alla fyra eller i krumsprång spelar ingen roll, linkande, dansande eller i förtvivlans flykt. Livet sker med oss utan att fråga.

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    Beroendet är inte om att använda droger. Det handlar om vad läkemedlet gör att ditt liv.

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    Drömmer att hela Göteborg begravs i snö. Att en ny istid drabbar oss och döljer denna skitstad under ett trettio meter tjockt vitt täcke. Längst ned på bottnen ligger jag i en hotellsäng. Sover jag eller är jag död? Det spelar ingen roll längre.

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    Tein valintani kyllä - lähtekäämme matkaan! Kuultavan kultaisena kesäyö sarastaa kotilaakson yllä. Joki kiskoo kiiltäen kuin teräs päin ulappaa. Sinä, joka itse olet laulu ja jolla on laulun mahti, ota oman itsesi tahti! Sainko sinut vihdoin satuuni vangiksi vai pakenetko jälleen luotani? Sinä, joka itse olet laulu! Kas, tässä käteni! Pitkin jokea, joka huuhtoo kotirantaa, käy tieni päin ulappaa ja päin merta - merten taa. Jos tiedän että seuraat, on minullekin maailmassa vielä aamunmaa.

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    Now you’re listening to Swedish ?” I asked her. “He thinks I’m the Compass because every time I see ticktocks, I happen to be there!

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    Pearls' burst out the Snork Maiden excitedly. 'Could ankle rings be made out of pearls?' 'I should think they could,' said Moomintoll. 'Ankle-rings, and nose-rings and ear-rings and engagement rings...

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    Sometimes it was difficult to be as tolerant as he wanted to be; but then, thought Ulf, the whole point about high ideals is that they are high. Being Swedish was not always easy, but you had to do your best, and hope that you didn't slip, and become... well, Mediterranean in outlook.

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    There are empty spaces that must be respected – those often long periods when a person can’t see the pictures or find the words and needs to be left alone.

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    Världen är ingen önskeuppfyllelsefabrik

    • swedish quotes
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    Pjäsen handlade, sa Konungen till mig, om att ondskan funnes i så hög grad hos dessa människor vid hovet att de liknade apor eller djävlar; de gladde sig åt andras olyckor och sörjde över deras framgångar, detta vore det som druidernas tid kallades Kannibalism, Anthropophagie. Därför befunno vi oss bland Kannibaler.

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    Well, the bad news,” Swedish said from the wheel, “is that Chess still thinks he’s funny.” “What’s the good news?” Loretta asked, leaning on our little copper-tubed harpoon. “That Kodoc dropped a bomb on the city?

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    We’re alive!” Swedish told her. “I did not see that coming.

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    Why would they follow me?” I asked Swedish. “It doesn’t make sense.” “They’re made of trash and Fog,” he said. “You think they make sense?

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    Actually I liked that 'Let the Right One In,' that Swedish vampire movie.

    • swedish quotes
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    Three depressed patients in a row. You almost start having suicidal thoughts yourself. What if they're right? What if life really is meaningless? What if they've cracked the code, seen the truth, unlike the rest of us?

    • swedish quotes