Best 56 quotes in «high standards quotes» category

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    It was a staggering moment when I first heard the news. Lennon was a most talented man and above all, a gentle soul. John and his colleagues set a high standard by which contemporary music continues to be measured.

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    Inertia is comforting, and Americans will be extremely reluctant to make any change that might affect their high standard of living.

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    I set very high standards for myself and worked every game with the same energy and enthusiasm as if it were the seventh game of a World Series.

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    Israel is a tremendous success story. When I arrived, there were 600,000 Jews living here. Today there are close to 6 million. We have one of the world's top high-tech industries and a high standard of living. There is only one thing we haven't achieved: Making the country safer for Jews.

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    It has not been possible to build that society. It set very high standards, because not only would life in the Soviet Union or in any other country which adopted that system, have to be just as good as in the Capitalist world, it would have to be better. So that other peoples, other nations would want to join it, and obviously we have failed in that.

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    Leaders set high standards. Refuse to tolerate mediocrity or poor performance.

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    I want to write songs with meaning. I have high standards for my work.

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    One has to set high standards... I can never be happy with mediocre performance.

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    Let's not be afraid to speak the common sense truth: you can't have high standards without good discipline.

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    Mel [Bochner] sets a very high standard. He expects only the best and most thoughtful and rigorous examinations, not only of the history of art but your own practice.

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    Only by providing leading-edge human capital and knowledge capital can American continue to maintain a high standard of living, including providing national security for its citizens.

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    I'm with someone who's got very high standards, and he doesn't tolerate all these ridiculous vices very easily. That's not reason enough to marry someone, although people have gotten married for less.

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    Please. She sighed. 'Can't a girl have high standards? I don't want an ordinary boy.

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    Russia under President Putin is less democratic and less free today than when he assumed office. If Russia cannot fulfill its obligation to the G-8 and maintain a high standard of democratic governance then its membership should be suspended.

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    Serena and I, we don't have anything to prove ... we still set a very high standard.

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    There have been screenwriters who I'm sure would gladly kill me, because I've been very fast and loose with their work, because I felt like it wasn't up to my high standards. I would push and pull it on set, and make changes all the time. But then when you're working with an original screenplay, my theater instincts kick in, and I suddenly become very keeper-of-the-words.

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    The Bassbone is just what I have been looking for... I can maintain the integrity of two instruments on stage or in the studio with control over the balance and keep my high standards for my low notes!

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    We have a high standard of living. ... In Norway, we've tripled our income since 1970. In the rest of western Europe, income has merely doubled.

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    The moment I realised that my history was an excuse for nothing, was the moment I was freed from my history. The great danger of history is that we use it as an excuse and remain trapped in it. I cannot blame my history for anything, and therefore I have to have high standards for myself.

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    We make no apologies for setting high standards.

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    That's the great danger of sectarian opinions, they always accept the formulas of past events as useful for the measurement of future events and they never are, if you have high standards of accuracy.

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    Today the Secretary of State said that of the 247 candidates, so far 115 of them have been certified. How embarrassing is that? Imagine if you were turned down because you didn't meet the high standards set by Larry Flynt and Gallagher.

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    What is called a high standard of living consists, in considerable measure, in arrangements for avoiding muscular energy, for increasing sensual pleasure and enhancing caloric intake above any conceivable nutritional requirement.

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    You cannot apply your high standards to a country [Egypt] burdened with decades of autocratic rule. Our democracy is still in its infancy.

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    What all good teachers have in common, however, is that they set high standards for their students and do not settle for anything less.

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    You get held to a high standard, almost an unmaintainable standard, in the public eye that you don't even come close to touching.

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    A person with low standards will forever be walking. A person with high standard will soon stop walking and start running. Later, they’ll soon stop running and start galloping. The next time you see him, he’s either flying or soaring.

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    We have these impossibly high standards and we'll probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves. But I feel like that's okay.

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    Be with a person who treats you like their crown, proudly honoring you infront of the world. Not with someone who treats you like a trophy, secured for their sense of achievement

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    Every tongue has low standards during starvation.

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    To settle is to choose what is safe over what is highly necessary for your growth. Don't settle!

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    You've got to set high standards for yourself.

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    High heels evoke a sensuality in a woman.

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    high standards from long ago are part of the infinite now.. as a quest for perfection; along with the awareness that perfection is infinite with no final destination.....

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    One must know a bad performance to know a good one. You can't be middle-of-the-road about it, just as you can't be middle-of-the-road about life. I mean, you can't say about Hitler, I can take him or leave him. Well, I can't be middle-of-the-road about a performance, especially my own. I feel that if I can vomit at seeing a bad performance, I'm ahead of the game.

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    While it's good that we maintain high standards for companies seeking to claim environmental leadership, I can't help but ponder the hypocrisy of it all: how much more we expect of companies than of ourselves.

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    Maybe I will always have to love the idea of love or a concept of God more than I can love a person.

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    When it comes to their love lives, some people do not really have high standards; they merely have low sex drive.

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    You are right, I am too good to be for real. But I am even more awesome to be your reality

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    A high standard of living is usually accompanied by a low standard of thinking.

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    A cultivated and decent man cannot be vain without setting a fearfully high standard for himself, and without despising and almost hating himself at certain moments.

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    And with puppets, especially in our company, we sort of demand a very high standard of puppetry, so it's a real technical skill.

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    But theres a huge blessing that comes from being a part of a show like The Cosby Show that sets such a high standard of quality - it touched so many people on so many different levels.

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    As retail goes through a fundamental shift into the digital world, I believe Ocado's model and the high standards of customer service it provides will see it emerge as a powerful online player.

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    Conditions have changed, but we are still operating financially by the rules established during the Industrial Revolution-rules based on creating more material possessions. But our high standard of living has not led to a high quality of life-for us or for the planet.

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    Being a professional does not have a very high standard.

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    Cynics are - beneath it all - only idealists with awkwardly high standards.

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    Enjoy life, study hard, play hard, be kind to other people, set high standards, and don't be afraid to say "No.

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    I couldn't say a specific thing, but the media is not really held to high standards anymore.

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    Financial institutions, the corporate world and civil society - all must uphold high standards of probity in their working. Only a genuine partnership between the Government and its people can bring about positive change to create a just society.