Best 241 quotes in «email quotes» category
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A five minute call replaces the time it takes to read and reply to the original email and read and reply to their reply... or replies. And I no longer spend 20+ minutes crafting the perfect email - no need to.
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Back then, the entire Internet consisted of two slow, boxcar-sized UNIVAC computers about 50 feet apart, connected by a wire. It would take one of these computers an entire day to send an email to the other one, which would immediately delete it, because it was a Viagra ad.
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Back in the day, when I was starting out, I'd get five or 10 emails and I'd respond to every one. But after my third or fourth book it got too time-consuming.
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CNN says Donna Brazile, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, will no longer be a political commentator for the network. This comes after WikiLeaks posted more emails hacked from a top Hillary Clinton aide.
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Before it was emails, it was Benghazi, and the Republicans were stirring up so much controversy about that. And I testified for 11 hours, answered their questions. They basically said yeah, didn't get her. We tried. That was all a political ploy.
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Crooked Hillary Clinton bleached and deleted 33,000 emails, lied to Congress under oath, made 13 iPhones disappear, some with a hammer, then told the FBI she couldn't remember 39 times. Bad memory.
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Computers are wasteful of paper and time. Once, we'd get documents with a few errors. Now, people make hundreds of copies until each sheet is flawless and memos are duplicated endlessly. Managers get swamped with emails.
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Develop a mailing list... anyone who comes through your studio or meets you at art shows or anywhere. It's the power of permission-based marketing. Email your latest work to the list, every month.
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'Digiphrenia' is really the experience of trying to exist in more than one incarnation of yourself at the same time. There's your Twitter profile, there's your Facebook profile, there's your email inbox. And all of these sort of multiple instances of you are operating simultaneously and in parallel.
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As with email, the recipient of a texted question seems to have the option to ignore it, while nevertheless saying hello, lovely day, and so on.
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Each email contains an unsubscribe link. We will NEVER sell, rent, loan, or abuse your email address in ANY way. Writing has been so much a part of my life that I'm really quite annoyed that I can't do as much as I used to.
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Email helps me keep in touch with my family. I wouldn't know what my extended family was doing every day if we weren't emailing each other.
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Email is not going to disappear. Possibly ever. Until the robots kill us all.
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Email is a 40-year-old technology that is not going away for very good reasons - it's the cockroach of the Internet.
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[Donna] Brazile had sent an email to a top [Hillary] Clinton aide the day before the town hall warning of just that question with almost the identical wording.
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Every study that's been done on email marketing has shown that increased frequency brings better results. If you're only emailing somebody once a month, they'll forget you.
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Facebook Fan Pages are email newsletters with smaller pictures.
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Find an organization, shoot them an email, call them up, find them on Facebook and say "Hey, I want to volunteer." And that first step could lead to a whole life of engagement. It could be a pretty exciting ride.
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Distraction and procrastination come in a variety of flavors... when I'm distracted and I walk over and stare out the window, it's a very different experience than when I feed the distraction by cramming in a few emails or make a phone call.
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Email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that have been funding ISIS.
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Email is a system that delivers other people's priorities to your attention. It's up to you to decide when that priority should be managed into your world. It's not the other way around.
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Emails get reactions. Phone calls start conversations.
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Eric Holder, our attorney general, says the Mr. Snowden will be brought to justice. Just as soon as we can find someone who can track his calls and read his emails.
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Eugene Mirman is the Andy Warhol of comedy. People look to him for what's next in comedy, and he emails these people back promptly. The Will to Whatevs put me in a great mood because I was laughing out loud. Alone. That's hard to do.
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Every day, I'll get sent clips via email. I watch them and see if there's something of substance or significance.Some nights are super busy; some nights are quiet.
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Everyone I know feels harassed by email which has invaded their waking and sleeping hours.
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For email, the old postcard rule applies. Nobody else is supposed to read your postcards, but you'd be a fool if you wrote anything private on one.
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For me, I want to change the way people see the world. That's why I do what I do...with every email, text message, and every phone call that I get with people saying "Man what you've done God has used it to change me" that's when I see success.
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Garrison Keillor read several of my poems on 'The Writer's Almanac' and I've heard from listeners nationally and internationally. That's one of the great gifts of email.
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Happiness is a clear mind. A clear and sane mind knows how to live, how to work, what emails to send, what phone calls to make, and what to do do to create what it wants without fear.
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Harry Potter, he sends a message on Owl Mail while us poor old muggles have to make do with instantaneous emails and texting. Oh, if only we could be like you Harry Potter, with your four day owl delivery!
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Hillary Clinton could use one of these Apple Watches. She could hook it up to her secret email account. If you want to contact Hillary, she's at
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[Hillary Clinton] had put her favoured agent, Sidney Blumenthal, on to that; there's more than 1700 emails out of the thirty three thousand Hillary Clinton emails that we've published, just about Libya.
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[Hillary Clinton] is also reckless. So reckless, in fact, that she put her emails on an illegal server that our enemies could easily hack and probably have.
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Hillary Clinton knew she wasn't gonna be indicted for whatever she's doing with the emails. You know how I know that? Because Jorge Ramos asked her in an interview. He said, "Would you step down if you were indicted?" And her reaction was (cackling), "What? Indicted? For what? What the heck? Are you serious? Oh, my God!" She said, "Silly! Ho-ho." There was no way it was gonna happen.
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Hillary Clinton used a private email account to conduct official state business. Experts say that if this violates any federal rules, then she . . . will still be president.
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Hillary Clinton put her emails on a secret server nobody knew about except for the man that was given the Fifth. Whatever happened to him? Where is he? What happened to him? Where did he go? He pled the Fifth. Never... That's the end of him.
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I am all about new beginnings. A new grandchild, another new hairstyle, a new email account. Why not a new relationship with the press?
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I am a professor at the computer science department, but I don't know how to use a computer, not even for Email.
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I assume everything I'm saying in an email or saying on the telephone is being looked at.
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I avoid Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and if I need to communicate with someone, I email direct.
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I believe email-based status reports are the clearest and best signs of managerial incompetence and laziness.
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Every one of us has learned how to send emails on Sunday night. But how many of us know how to go a movie on Monday afternoon. You've unbalanced your life without balancing it with someone else.
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I can't tell how moving it is to open my email and see a picture of 1,500 Buddhist monks and nuns in the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh forming a human 350 against the backdrop of the melting glaciers. This is not their fault, and yet they're stepping up to be part of the solution.
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I can't stand cell phones and I don't know one single thing about the computer. I have a friend come that lives in my building to check if I have emails. I don't even know what to google.
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I can't just react on the strength of an email and three pages of synopsis, and say I'm going to take off for three months of my life.
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I checked the emails the same theme that I could summarize them. "Rush, whatever you're talking about here - [Donald] Trump, you talk about the Republicans, [Barack] Obama and so forth - nothing's gonna change with the media the way it is. And all of it is academic, Rush. You know it".
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I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.
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Firing is always difficult. The right way: one-on-one. The wrong way: snickering in front of other people, or via email.
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I do everything via email. Which in turn works as my tickler file and prioritization queue. I start at the top every morning and keep on going until I'm finished. I don't do calls. I don't do meetings.