Best 45 quotes in «soothing quotes» category

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    Don't come up behind me," Christopher said roughly. "Ever." "I of all people should have known that. I won't do it again." Christopher took a fiery swallow of the liquor. "What do you mean, you of all people?" "I'm used to wild creatures who don't like to be approached from behind." He shot her a baleful glance. "How fortunate that your experience with animals has turned out to be such good preparation for marriage to me." "I didn't mean... well, my point was that I should have been more considerate of your nerves." "I don't have nerves," he snapped. "I'm sorry. We'll call them something else." Her voice was so soothing and gentle that it would have caused an assortment of cobras, tigers, wolverines, and badgers to all snuggle together and take a group nap.

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    For a moment Tess imagined she didn’t exist. It was surprisingly soothing.

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    I’m quietly sipping my coffee, sitting on the deck, settled in to my little jungle of herbs and buzzing bees, letting my thoughts wander, soaked in the warmth of the rising sun. Breathing in and out the soft air filling the moment with fluids of peace.

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    I enjoy many types of music, but to my ears, there’s none more soothing or calming than the music a tree makes as wind passes through its leaves.

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    In the Bay, whenever I got depressed, I always drove out to the Ocean Beach. Just to sit. And, I don't know, something about looking at water, how it just goes and goes and goes, something about that I found very soothing. As if somehow I were connected to every ripple that was sending itself out and out until it reached another shore.

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    I’m so happy to be back here. You’re nice and quiet. Her waters stirred in something close to laughter. We don’t have to talk at all if you don’t want to. I’m happy just to hold you. I sank down, resting on the sandy Ocean floor, legs crossed and arms behind my head. I watched the trails of boats crisscrossing and fading along the surface above me. Fish swam by in schools, not spooked by the girl on the ground. So, about six months? I asked, my stomach twisting. Yes, barring some natural disaster or man-made sinking. I can’t predict those things. I know. Don’t start worrying about that yet. I can tell you’re still hurting from the last time. She wrapped me in sympathy. I lifted my arms as if I was stroking Her, though of course my tiny body was unable to truly embrace Hers. I feel like I never have enough time to get over a singing before the next one comes. I have nightmares, and I’m a nervous wreck during the weeks leading up to it. My chest felt hollow with misery. I’m afraid I’ll always remember how it feels. You won’t. In all My years, I’ve never had a freed siren come back to Me demanding that I fix her memories. Do You hear from them at all? Not intentionally. I feel people when they’re in Me. It’s how I find new girls. It’s how I listen for anyone who might suspect the true nature of My needs. Sometimes a former siren will go for a swim or stick her legs off a dock. I can get a peek at their lives, and no one has remembered Me yet. I’ll remember You, I promised. I could feel Her embracing me. For all eternity, I’ll never forget you. I love you. And I love You. You can rest here tonight, if you like. I’ll make sure no one finds you. Can I just stay down here forever? I don’t want to worry about hurting people unintentionally. Or disappointing my sisters. Aisling has her cottage, so maybe I could build a little house down here out of driftwood. She ran a current down my back gently. Sleep. You’ll feel differently in the morning. Your sisters would be lost without you. Trust Me, they think it all the time. Really? Really. Thank You. Rest. You’re safe.

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    I was recently living more comfortably surrounded by secrets... Like dozens of luxurious satiny pillows, they were embracing me from all directions into safe lulling warmth, thus isolating me from the sharp dead-cold edges of the truth hiding behind their endearingly smooth textures and tender soothing colours. Secrets could be so irresistibly beautiful...

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    I was in a coma at this time so I had no idea, but many people think that all my visitors talking to me were soothing

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    Mommy says, "Bedtime for You!" So Owl says a friendly "Hoo!

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    The Invisible is moving Softly and soothing I feel it inside It is you It is my feeling for you I want to give it life My whole life

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    Sometimes it's hard to look at a flower, when your dying inside.

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    Soothing the exhaustion In my soul, So I can fall back skyward, Safe in your arms, And survive to dream again.

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    The loss of an eager and unrestrained longing for someone or the lack of an unyielding desire of momentous incidents in life may blur the peculiar aura and the soothing tint of contingent encounters. ( “Twilight of desire “ )

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    There were two and only two messages that could have been comprehended by what he said. But neither of them was soothing; neither of them was a lie.

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    We are not noble by birth. We are noble only by virtue of the way we think, speak, and act.

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    Nusu dakika baada ya kuondoa gari, Murphy aliona kiwiliwili cha mtu kikimwendea mbio kutokea katika nyumba ya magaidi! Hapohapo alisimamisha gari na kuacha taa zikiwaka, halafu akashika bunduki na kushuka – akiwa ameangalia mbele kwa tahadhari kubwa. Alikuwa mwanamke. Debbie! Murphy alipojua ni Debbie, alitupa bunduki na kuchomoka mbio mpaka wakakutana na kukumbatiana kwa nguvu! Murphy alimbeba Debbie na kumbusu kila sehemu, halafu akamfuta machozi na kumbembeleza.

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    The perpetual movement of the water, rolling from and to unknown destinations, the voices of the sea shield us from the raging furies and shrieking sounds of dystopian surroundings, creating an unwinding veil for stilled happiness, acquainting us with the gentle, cosmic rhythms of an extraneous world. They are a soothing relief and let us listen to the voices of our inner world. ("Voices of the sea" )

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    You are the ocean to my eyes.

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    When a soothing wind blows gently love through the thistledown of expectations, hope may inveigle the future for timeless care and tenderness to be anchored in a bay of good luck. ("Happiness blowing in the wind" )

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    When Death, or adverse Fortune's ruthless gale, Tears our best hopes away, the wounded Heart Exhausted, leans on all that can impart The charm of Sympathy; her mutual wail How soothing! never can her warm tears fail To balm our bleeding grief's severest smart; Nor wholly vain feign'd Pity's solemn art, Tho' we should penetrate her sable veil. Concern, e'en known to be assum'd, our pains Respecting, kinder welcome far acquires Than cold Neglect, or Mirth that Grief profanes. Thus each faint Glow-worm of the Night conspires, Gleaming along the moss'd and darken'd lanes, To cheer the Gloom with her unreal fires.

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    A request not to worry is perhaps the least soothing message capable of human utterance.

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    A frozen daiquiri of a scorching afternoon is soothing. It makes living more tolerable.

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    Better than chanting a thousand words in a dead language is one soothing word spoken in the vernacular.

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    Art can make the old surprising, and the new and sudden soothing.

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    Art is not always meant to be decorative or soothing, in fact, it can create uncomfortable conversations and stimulate uncomfortable emotions.

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    I don't believe in God now. I can still work up an envy for someone who has a faith. I can see how that could be a deeply soothing experience.

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    For me, a plain baked potato is the most delicious one....It is soothing and enough.

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    Circles create soothing space.

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    Going with the flow is soothing but risky.

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    In joy, in peace, in that soothing inner state, you will find happiness.

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    I find it soothing, the thought of a movie theater.

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    She is sadder and sadder, and for a man there is no balm more soothing than the sadness he has caused a woman.

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    It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.

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    The stage is a routine. It keeps you grounded, like a metronome. I find that soothing.

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    To know what one knows is frightening to live what one lives is soothing and though everybody likes to be frightened what they really have to have is soothing.

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    Usually when I'm mad, I'd rather listen to angry music than soothing music - more heavy metal, some Metallica or something.

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    Admit it," He insists. "I was right." "No." I sniff. "You were wrong." sniff. "I'm just crying"-sniff- "cause i'm so happy." My tear take that lie as their cue and start streaming down my cheeks. "Come on, Princess," he says, "You don't need to cry over that loser." This only makes me cry harder. We both know who the loser is in this scenario. With a muttered curse, Quince wraps his arms around me and squeezes. It feels remarkably like a hug. "Don't cry," he whispers in my ear. "Please." I don't know if it's his soft words or the fact that my face is now hidden by his broad chest, but i just let go. Three years of longing and loving from a distance have built to the breaking point, and i let it out all over his west coast choppers T-shirt. "shhh," He soothes. "He's not worth it.

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    After the noise and jostle of the journey, there was something soothing about the crackle of paper, the smell of ink, and the soft scratching of nibs and brushes.

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    ...and you will hold me with your wondering eyes in the serenity of purest mind at the dreams edge of my quiet golden shores accompanied by the melodies of emerald blue rippling waves where I will always remain voicing harmony in the over the rainbow soothing memories of your heart...

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    Anyone who thinks heaven is not hot water behind a locked door has forgotten what it means to live.

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    Tea is soothing. I wish to be tense.

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    To me, there is nothing more soothing than the song of a mosquito that cant get through the mesh to bite you.

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    A combination of fine tea, enchanting objects and soothing surroundings exerts a therapeutic effect by washing away the corrosive strains and stress of modern life. [... It] induces a mood that is spiritually refreshing [and produces] a genial state of mind.

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    And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrow) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me.

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    a single poem the thing that can keep me light on my feet, when my soul is heavy with sorrow.