Best 98 quotes in «tourism quotes» category

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    Only the traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better.

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    The British tourist is always happy abroad as long as the natives are waiters.

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    O public road, I say back I am not afraid to leave you, yet I love you, you express me better than I can express myself.

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    Practiced poorly, tourism can be extremely negative.

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    Space tourism is a logical outgrowth of the adventure tourist market.

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    The average tourist wants to go to places where there are no tourists.

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    The Broadway audience is made up of a greater percentage of tourists now. There's not nearly as much variety and danger and challenge in what's being offered.

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    The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.

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    The routines of tourism are even more monotonous than those of daily life.

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    The elephants were being slaughtered in masses. Some were even killed in the vicinity of big tourist hotels.

    • tourism quotes
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    The fool wanders, a wise man travels.

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    The Russian Dept of Tourism has declared Ukraine its most dangerous destination. Many Russian tourists have disappeared there.

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    The tourist transports his own values and demands to his destinations and implants them like an infectious disease, decimating whatever values existed before.

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    Though there are some disagreeable things in Venice there is nothing so disagreeable as the visitors.

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    They read their sports pages, know their statistics and either root like hell or boo our butts off. I love it. Give me vocal fans, pro or con, over the tourist types who show up in Houston or Montreal and just sit there.

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    To supply people for ages in camps makes no sense... you have to rebuild that cabana that they rent out to tourists on the weekend. They need help getting their fields repaired and their boats repaired.

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    Tourism is our second biggest industry in terms of the people it employs.

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    Tourism is important because it can create sustainable local economies. Id much rather have 1,000 tourists going up the Tambopata than 1,000 gold miners.

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    Tourism is sin, and travel on foot virtue.

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    Tourism requires that you see conventional things, and that you see them in a conventional way.

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    Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.

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    Travel is a fools paradise.

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    And so I told him how living in Japan would give him a leisure no mere tourist has, to know the rhythms of the place, a land of tiny poems.

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    Well, it was just, the bars was all just like the bamboo roofs and everything. You know. As I say, to me, it's completely spoiled all, all these places now. Make them all just tourist traps.

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    We’re all tourists, sort of. Life is tourism, sort of. As far as I’m concerned, the dinosaurs still hold the lease on this godforsaken rock.

    • tourism quotes
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    We are all tourists in history, and irony is what we win in wars.

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    We in Illinois are very fortunate to have a number of historic structures that have added immeasurably to the cultural life of the state, to the tourism industry of the state which by the way is our number one industry.

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    We just kind saw the images and knew the cliches, so to have the opportunity to go there and learn something about Russian music and about Russian people and to see things apart from being a tourist.

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    You perceive I generalize with intrepidity from single instances. It is the tourist's custom.

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    A fulfilling and successful journey, begins with a great spirit of absolute determination.

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    Bien qu’ils aient joué un rôle capital pendant le siège, on n’a pas sans doute assez insisté sur l’aide précieuse que les chiens de guet ont apportée aux défenseurs du Mont. On le comprendra mieux si l’on observe que, en plus des remparts couvrant la partie est et sud-est du Mont, il fallait aussi surveiller, de nuit surtout pour éviter toute surprise, les escarpements rocheux de l’ouest, et la pente nord, de part et d’autre de l’escalier fortifié de la fontaine Saint-Aubert (le petit bois qui la couvre n’existait pas alors) ; et que, pour la surveillance d’un aussi vaste périmètre, les hommes astreints au guet étaient peu nombreux. C’est pourquoi de tout temps, des chiens de garde, que l’on lâchait la nuit autour du Mont, complétaient les rondes et surveillaient les grèves sur tout le pourtour de l’île. Ces chiens étaient vraisemblablement des dogues. Le document le plus détaillé que nous ayons sur eux est de quelques années postérieur au siège. C’est le mandement que signa Louis XI, après son troisième pèlerinage au Mont en 1473 : « (Le sire du Bouchage) nous a dit et remontré que, pour la garde et sûreté de notre place du Mont-Saint-Michel, on a de tout temps accoutumé avoir et nourrir audit lieu certain nombre de grands chiens, lesquels sont par jour attachés et liés, et de nuit sont menés tous détachés hors de ladite place et à l’entour d’icelle pour, au long de la nuit, servir au guet et garde d’icelle place ; nous avons veu à l’ueil et congneu que la nourriture et entretien desdits chiens est très fort utile et profittable à la garde de la place dudit Mont-Saint-Michel, pour ces causes… avons voulu et octroyé par ces présentes… que le lieutenant dudit seigneur… ayt et praigne dorénavant par chacun an de la somme de 25 livres tournois des deniers de la revenue de notre vicomté d’Avranches… ».

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    As I see the world, there's one element that's even more corrosive than missionaries: tourists. It's not that I feel above them in any way, but that the very places they patronize are destroyed by their affection.

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    Apparently, both the Portuguese and Spanish found a way out of their crisis. It's called cheating on tourists!

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    I am tired and drunk and still hungry. He is full of steak and Coca-Cola and, presumably, energy: enough energy to cross the road and walk up the steps inside the tower of the cathedral, which I have never entered.

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    Every travel is blessed adventure.

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    Food is central to travelling and is a vivid entryway into another culture, but we do not have to literally leave home to “travel”. Movies, books, postcards, memories all take us, emotionally if not physically, to other places.

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    Gone were the days where December locked coastal towns down in the grips of labour. Although it was still mostly true, things had changed ; Cape Town had adapted its rhythm to the influx of foreign feet. Tourism was a year -round thing and no longer limited to the summer. Most local tourists still flocked here during this time, but Capetonians didn’t seem too bothered to serve at their beck and call. Sam thought of Cape Town as France , and the rest of the country as England. The city, although relying heavily on local tourism – feigned ignorance when it came to the contribution of these outsiders to its wellbeing.

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    How could we have discovered great lands, if we dare not travel?

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    Every travel is a blessed adventure.

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    I cannot tell you how angry it makes me to hear people from North America tell me how much they love England, how beautiful England is, with its traditions. All they see is some frumpy, wrinkled-up person passing by in a carriage waving at a crowd. But what I see is the millions of people, of whom I am just one, made orphans: no motherland, no fatherland, no gods, no mounds of earth for holy ground, no excess of love which might lead to the things that an excess of love sometimes brings, and worst and most painful of all, no tongue.

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    I have seen the tourism market shift over the last ten years with greater value attached to the culture of places, seen people growing sick of plastic phoniness and genuinely wanting to experience places and people that do different things. I see how bored we have grown of ourselves in the modern Western world and how people can fight back and shape their futures using their history as an advantage not an obligation.

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    I define culinary tourism as the intentional, exploratory participation in the foodways of an other - participation including the consumption, preparation, and presentation of a food item, cuisine, meal system, or eating style considered to belong to a culinary system not one’s own.

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    I often don't know where my Luggage is, that's what being a tourist is all about.

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    I love to receive a beautiful postcard from your place of voyage.

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    In any case, a little danger is a small price to pay for ridding a place of tourists.

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    In every voyage, be fully present.

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    I was hungry when I left Pyongyang. I wasn't hungry just for a bookshop that sold books that weren't about Fat Man and Little Boy. I wasn't ravenous just for a newspaper that had no pictures of F.M. and L.B. I wasn't starving just for a TV program or a piece of music or theater or cinema that wasn't cultist and hero-worshiping. I was hungry. I got off the North Korean plane in Shenyang, one of the provincial capitals of Manchuria, and the airport buffet looked like a cornucopia. I fell on the food, only to find that I couldn't do it justice, because my stomach had shrunk. And as a foreign tourist in North Korea, under the care of vigilant minders who wanted me to see only the best, I had enjoyed the finest fare available.

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    It is the fate of all great tourist spots to become terrible tourist spots because as soon as everyone finds out they’re great tourist spots, they fill up with tourists.

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    Not surprisingly, there's nothing to do at the Pentagon except start a war.

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    Many travelers are essentially fantasists. Tourists are timid fantasists, the others - risk takers - are bold fantasists. The tourists at Etosha conjure up a fantastic Africa after their nightly dinner by walking to the fence at the hotel-managed waterhole to stare at the rhinos and lions and eland coming to drink: a glimpse of wild nature with overhead floodlights. They have been bused to the hotel to see it, and it is very beautiful, but it is no effort....My only boast in travel is my effort...