Best 93 quotes in «librarian quotes» category

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    The librarians were mysterious. It was said they could tell what book you needed just by looking at you, and they could take your voice away with a word.

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    The Librarian was not familiar with love, which had always struck him as a bit ethereal and soppy, but kindness, on the other hand, was practical. You knew where you were with kindness, especially if you were holding a pie it had just given you.

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    What can I say? Librarians rule.

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    There's something darn funny about an old librarian with a potty mouth.

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    When you are writing, of course, you have to do all that writing and correcting for yourself. When I was a librarian it was expected that I would know about a wide range of books.

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    The librarian must be the librarian militant before he can be the librarian triumphant.

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    What I try to do - and I think this is the former librarian in me - is to get primary source material.

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    You must live feverishly in a library. Colleges are not going to do any good unless you are raised and live in a library everyday of your life.

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    A librarian for president is exactly what this country needs.

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    A library is a place to go for a reality check, a bracing dose of literature, or a "true reflection of our history," whether it's a brick-and-mortar building constructed a century ago or a fanciful arrangement of computer codes. The librarian is the organizer, the animating spirit behind it, and the navigator. Her job is to create order out of the confusion of the past, even as she enables us to blast into the future.

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    And Sarah still looked like the sexiest librarian on earth, which is as those of you who frequent libraries know means very sexy indeed, but with that added owlish touch that drives you wild.

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    Believe it or not working in libraries is very similar to working on an ambulance or a fire truck. You take care of a lot of homeless people, you sometimes have to clean up things that require latex gloves, you always wear comfortable shoes, and you put out a lot of “fires”!

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    You can take the girl out of the library, but you can’t take the neurotic, compulsively curious librarian out of the girl.

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    … A librarian hands me a book of poetry – says it'll be my way of staying alone. Most words mean nothing when there's no right font for my feelings.

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    And to love such a librarian requires a surrendering to her eccentricities, a bowing to her pathological quietness, an obeisance to a reticence that is utterly untreatable. If you cannot commit to this sort of dedication, then let her be. Let her wander in wonder among her books and live out her days in her own world without you.

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    As an adult, and as a poet of deprivation and ‘being on the edge of things’, Larkin championed public and university libraries. Though sympathetic to Toryism, he came to oppose the 1980s trends—new public management and neo-classical economics—that were antithetical to libraries. For many years, Larkin was university librarian at Hull University’s Brynmor Jones Library. When Larkin first met a new vice chancellor there, the VC asked for the library’s payroll/non-payroll breakdown. ‘Mind your own fucking business’ was the poet’s muffled reply. Larkin served on the board of the British Library, but resigned because of the early starts, and because the ‘fire-trap’ meeting room gave him claustrophobia.

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    A school library is like the Bat Cave: it's a safe fortress in a chaotic world, a source of knowledge and the lair of a superhero. True, the superhero is more likely to be wearing a cardigan than a batsuit, but still...

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    As soon as I got into the library I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I got a whiff of the leather on all the old books, a smell that got real strong if you picked one of them up and stuck your nose real close to it when you turned the pages. Then there was the the smell of the cloth that covered the brand-new books, books that made a splitting sound when you opened them. Then I could sniff the the paper, that soft, powdery, drowsy smell that comes off the page in little puffs when you're reading something or looking at some pictures, kind of hypnotizing smell. I think it's the smell that makes so many folks fall asleep in the library. You'll see someone turn a page and you can imagine a puff of page powder coming up real slow and easy until it starts piling on a person's eyelashes, weighing their eyes down so much they stay down a little longer after each blink and finally making them so heavy that they just don't come back up at all. Then their mouths open and their heads start bouncing up and down like they're bobbing in a big tub of of water for apples and before you know it... they're out cold and their face thunks smack-dab on the book. That's the part that makes librarians the maddest. They get real upset if folks start drooling in the books

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    Break the spine of one of my books and I break yours.

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    Books are more than words, they’re dreams, ideas, and answers, and that is why they fear them

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    For many years, Larkin was university librarian at Hull University’s Brynmor Jones Library. When Larkin first met a new vice chancellor there, the VC asked for the library’s payroll/non-payroll breakdown. ‘Mind your own fucking business’ was the poet’s muffled reply.

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    Big fat hairy monkey, hands a couple of octaves wide?

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    Children's books can break [the] silence. Reading the un-bowdlerized classics of children's literature can help young people understand that racism is not anomalous. It is embedded in the culture, and defended by cultural gatekeepers.

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    Darius blinked. "You're an accountant?" She looked more like a supermodel librarian. Not that he could tell her that.

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    Does this dress make me fat?” “Of course it does. Don’t you own a mirror?

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    Excuse me?” The librarian looked up again. “I need help now. I need to print this article and . . . do you have any books about dukes?” The librarian’s eyes went wide and she rubbed her hands together with glee. “We have a fantastic romance section,” she said. “Do you need recommendations? How do you like your dukes? Grumpy? Tortured? Alpha, beta, or alpha in the streets, beta in the sheets?” “Actually, I meant nonfiction,” Portia said glumly. The librarian sighed. “Aye. Just a warning, love—the non-fic dukes are not nearly as fun.

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    He sat there studiously bent over his work (Bill saw him), which lay in a slant of crisp white winterlight, his face sober and absorbed, knowing that to be a librarian was to come as close as any human being can to sitting in the peak-seat of eternity’s engine.

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    - Ime i prezime? - zapitala je gospođa knjižničarka pogleda uprtog u članske iskaznice. - Ja sam... - prošaptalo je makovo zrno. - Ja sam... Tomičin tata. - Tomičin tata! Tata budućeg pisca! - uskliknula je gospođa knjižničarka i podigla pogled. Joj, da! Gospođa knjižničarka podigla je pogled i sledila se. - Oh, čovječe! - rekla je i zaprepašteno prinijela ruku ustima. Ispred nje stajao je čovjek koji dugo, dugo, dugo nije čitao. Dvadeset godina, možda i više! To se sasvim lijepo moglo vidjeti. Pretjerano ozbiljno lice, bore između obrva, usnice izvijene prema dolje... Da, i taj pogled, bez zvijezda, taman i hladan kao polarna noć... - Oh, čovječe, kako se osjećate? - pitala je zabrinuto gospođa knjižničarka. - Loše - rekao je tata i uzdahnuo. - Da, da - kimnula je knjižničarka sućutno i poput liječnika postavila dijagnozu: - Imaginatio destructiva progressiva. - Što? - zgranuo se tata. - Bolestan sam!? Tata nije razumio latinski, ali je slutio da je u pitanju bolest. Na posljetku, latinski je mrtav jezik. - Poremećaj mašte zbog nedostatka vitamina - tužno je zaključila gospođa knjižničarka. - No možda nije tako strašno! - tješila je knjižničarka tatu. Treba obaviti i dodatne pretrage. Hajde, zaklopite oči i zamislite... zamislite... zmaja!

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    Humph. Looking around for the sword, are you? Well, it's a better idea than thrashing around at random.' 'The Prince,' said Master Horace repressively, 'will inform us of his intentions when he wishes to do so. We are here to serve, not to quest--' 'Yes, it's the sword,' Edoran told her.

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    If books were girls and reading was s-ss-ssss-fucking, this would be the biggest whorehouse in the county and I'd be the most ruthless pimp you ever met. Whap the girls on the butts and send them off to their tricks as fast and often as I can.

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    If librarianship is the connecting of people to ideas – and I believe that is the truest definition of what we do – it is crucial to remember that we must keep and make available, not just good ideas and noble ideas, but bad ideas, silly ideas, and yes, even dangerous or wicked ideas.

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    It might be a wild-goose chase.” “I am quite fond of geese, myself,” Mikhail said.

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    I was so used to pretending to be something I wasn't, it shocked me to be seen for what I was.

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    ...if we as librarians do not give authority, respectability, and support to new ideas and new voices, who will? If we do not provide our patrons with access to revolutionary ideas and methods of communication, who will?

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    My ultimate authority would be the school librarian Mrs. Greenbacher.

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    No. You can't leave a library. Without a book.

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    Of all the places I have walked into, libraries must be the most magical. Have you ever opened the cover of a book and wondered what you would find inside? Where you would go? Whom you would meet? A story has the power to send you back in time or into the future, to transport you to other lands and kingdoms. I’ve met ogres, talking rabbits, and some of my best friends in the pages of books. Librarians might just have the best jobs ever. With each library card they hand out, they offer a ticket to strange and marvelous worlds. Open a book and, like Reading Beauty, you might fall under a spell—the magic of a deep read. But chances are, unlike the Sleeping Beauty of the original fairy tale, you will never want the spell to be broken.

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    Peter stood back up. 'Well, that was a perfectly useless conversation,' he said with a sigh. Now, there is a wonderful thing in this world called 'foresight.' It is a gift treasured above all others because it allows one to know what the future holds. most people with foresight end up wielding immense power in life, often becoming great rulers or librarians.

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    She'd always been a little excitable, a little more passionate about books than your average person, but she was supposed to be -- she was a librarian, after all.

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    She remembered the conversation in the Library, as forgetting was the last thing a fully-trained Librarian should do. Memories were as important as books, and almost as important as proper indexing.

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    I had lost my connection with the universal energy and gained in its place precognition, visions, and a healing gift I could not control.

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    Nick chided a censor, who wished some books gone, and suggested she scan Fahrenheit 451. For the book-budget cutters, Old Claus had no plan, cause if they could read, they just read Ayn Rand.

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    One of the reasons I decided to enter this profession," one of the Riot Librarrrians wrote, "was because I'm in love with information, and the library remains one of the few spaces in our lives where information is not a commodity.... There's a subversive element to librarianship that I adore.

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    She's a librarian, Sim said. They're not teachers; don't give you half as much hassle. If there's a fire in the school and I've got to choose who I'm gonna save - a teacher or a librarian - the teacher's gonna burn every time. (p. 24)

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    So where does one go in such a wobbly, elusive, dynamic, confusing age? Wherever the librarians and archivists are. They’re sorting it all out for us.

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    She’s mine. She might not know it yet, but she’s mine.

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    The mind that asks and experiments and evaluates will die one day, but will provide a richer life for its owner. The mind that does nothing but rest inside the brain doesn't sidestep the puddle. It's sitting in it.

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    The commander went, as they say in Ankh-Morpork, totally Librarian on them.

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    The old man hooked his thumbs into his waistcoat. ‘Problem with being a librarian is there’s some lessons you just can’t learn from books. And the problem with being an assassin is there’s some mysteries you just can’t solve by stabbing the fuck out of them.

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    They spent pork-barrel money like a tidal-wave sea, but no funds trickled down far enough to reach me. Our books numbered few and were falling apart, and I sat mending pages with a crestfallen heart.