Best 143 quotes in «punk quotes» category

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    I got all A's and was hated for it; I spoke correctly and was called a punk.

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    I grabbed my drummer's cymbal in my teeth just as he crashed down on it with his sticks-I blacked out. I was a punk in those days. It was in Seattle. I still have all my teeth too, it's amazing.

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    I have found myself deeply, deeply intrigued by the ska-punk scene. It's such an expressive form of popular music, it's so real, it's got so much life: it's the most vital music in the world.

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    I identified very much with punk, not only in the fashion sector, but in every other sector. The very nature of doing something new and free meant something that was against authority.

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    I kind of got into music in middle school, although at the time I didn't know it as punk music so much as just rock music.

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    I love punk rock, but I also love metal.

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    Im 36, but I still feel like a punk kid with $200 in my savings account.

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    I listened a little to punk when I was younger, but it was straight edge punk. It was nothing like what is going on now, like poppy punk.

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    Inevitably, as much as we loved punk rock, our noise was coming from a slightly different place.

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    I hated myself totally white. So now I cheat. It's my white hair, and I put color there. My grandson says I'm punk.

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    I'm a punk rocker. I don't do Christian.

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    I play really bad punk rock guitar. Age-old friends; it's just great hanging out with your mates, causing havoc.

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    I’m still secretly a bit of a punk. Love The Clash and a bit of the Pistols. I guess as I’ve got older I’ve chilled out a bit. But, my teenage angst is still stirring somewhere!

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    I think that what's perceived as punk out in shopping malls or in chain stores or on MTV has almost nothing to do with what punk is about.

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    In my mind I still qualify as punk, though I know four out of five punks would disagree.

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    It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives, but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.

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    I thought that punk in its original state was a revolutionary movement. But like surrealism, it failed in its revolutionary attempt.

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    I've always loved punk music, so it was really cool to do my first punk song.

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    I've always thought that gaming and YouTube and the web is a very post-punk extravaganza.

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    I wanted to sound new and exciting - the punk movement was over with for me.

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    In the '90s, people wore scrunchies, but it was very uncool in the punk scene.

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    I've always loved punk music, since I was in my early teens, since middle school.

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    I was a punk. I think that's why I'm such a good person now, because I was such a bad guy then.

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    I was a punk before it got its name. I had that hairstyle and purple lipstick.

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    I was about 16 when punk started to happen. It was so exciting. You had a social depression going on in the U.K. There was a sanitation strike. London was really grim, gray. You had Margaret Thatcher coming in. It was a really revolutionary time.

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    I was not a popular girl, so being able to create punk who didn't have to be beautiful in the mainstream way helped me to get in touch with sexuality and become comfortable with the idea that I didn't have to look like Farrah Fawcett to feel attractive, to feel sexual power.

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    I was talking to somebody about the L.A. hardcore scene, and they were saying that it was hard for them to picture punk rock at the beach. Like, the aesthetic didn't mix or something - black forms in the sand.

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    I went to UC Berkeley for college, and it was during the period when the whole punk movement was happening.

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    My music doesn't sound punk, but I see it as a punk action.

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    I would be doomed if I didn't invent humor in my life. When I was young, I had all these punk and performance-art bands, dressed in costumes and painting the room and getting kicked out by police. Now when I perform I still feel the stage is more than just where you put your instruments. It's where you can do whatever you feel like.

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    I was originally like a punker, know what I mean, like the punks are today, I'd spit in a minute.

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    Music never leaves you alone, and punk rock will always be there when nothing else will.

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    Punk and all that was just an image that ripped people off. Johnny Rotten's a wanker, and that's all there is to it.

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    'Punk' doesn't mean Mohawks and safety pins. It's about not conforming.

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    My name's Punk. CM Punk.

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    Punk allowed women to stop looking feminine. Oh, the relief.

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    Punk, I see you as a hypocritical, manipulative waste of skin.

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    PUNK IS: the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions.

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    Punk is not really a style of music. It was more like a state of mind.

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    Punks in their silly leather jackets are a cliché. I have never liked the term and have never discussed it. I just got on with it and got out of it when it became a competition.

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    Punk [rock] seemed like rock 'n' roll music utterly without the music.

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    Punk was defined by an attitude rather than a musical style.

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    Punk rock is just another word for freedom.

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    Punk rock was the tsunami that threatened to drown us all in 1977.

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    Punk rock, when I was a part of it, was called 'the underground.' There was something very attractive in all the hidden places, the hidden histories.

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    Skating is what got me into punk rock.

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    Some people started to call me "the King of No" because with Daft Punk we were saying "no" to everything.

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    The last true punk band to get a major label contract was The Dickies.

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    Questioning anything and everything, to me, is punk rock.

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    The only punk that I really care about and am an expert on is the original punk of 1976 to 1979.