Best 202 quotes in «gardening quotes» category

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    Town-planning," Geddes once wrote, "is not mere place-planning, nor even work-planning. If it is to be successful it must be folk-planning. This means that its task is . . . to find the right places for each sort of people; places where they will really flourish." These places, of course, are not really to be found, but have to be made. From his earliest designs for a botanical school garden and urban renewal work in Edinburgh to his latest building initiatives in Montpelier in southern France, Geddes pursued the creation of such places. He perceived himself as a gardener ordering the environment for the benefit of life.

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    Use the water of encouragement on someone else's flowers - especially the flowers that are wilted, trampled on, and taken for granted. But don't nourish the weeds.

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    ...Want to know why my roses grow dead on a living vine? Prayer against civil war. Let us hate with a single heart. Don't drink the runoff. I always wanted a ruin so I bought a run-'er-down. Love contaminates

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    Watering everyday on a seed results in fruitful faith.

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    We may not have a new roof by then. But we will have flowers. Far more important, wouldn't you agree?

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    We gardeners are healthy, joyous, natural creatures. We are practical, patient, optimistic. We declare our optimism every year, every season, with every act of planting.

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    We’re all given gifts in life, it’s what we do with them that shows us what we’ve learned.

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    ...what I have found... is that I’m more alive and engaged with the edible landscape. For example, when the strawberries, cherries, or black raspberries ripen, it is an exciting moment! Nothing about a lawn is that exciting.

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    We seem to have lost the gift of patience, of waiting for time to unfold its story.

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    When, in the morning at sunrise, I go out to Walheim, and with my own hands gather in the garden the peas which are to serve for my dinner, when I sit down to shell them, and read my Homer during the intervals, and then, selecting a saucepan from the kitchen, fetch my own butter, put my mess on the fire, cover it up, and sit down to stir it as occasion requires, I figure to myself the illustrious suitors of Penelope, killing, dressing, and preparing their own oxen and swine. Nothing fills me with a more pure and genuine sense of happiness than those traits of patriarchal life which, thank Heaven! I can imitate without affectation. Happy is it, indeed, for me that my heart is capable of feeling the same simple and innocent pleasure as the peasant whose table is covered with food of his own rearing, and who not only enjoys his meal, but remembers with delight the happy days and sunny mornings when he planted it, the soft evenings when he watered it, and the pleasure he experienced in watching its daily growth.

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    When I die, bury me with a few garden tools, I shall make a garden in the heaven too.

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    Where have all the flowers of old Singapore gone? Gone, one would imagine, with the old folks and homes

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    When tended the right way, beauty multiplies.

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    ...why not let nature show you a few things? Cutting grass and pulling weeds can be a way of life... Lilacs on a bush are better than orchids. And dandelions and devil grass are better! Why? Because they bend you over and turn you away from all the people and the town for a little while and sweat you and get you down where you remember you got a nose again. And when you're all to yourself that way, you're really yourself for a little while; you get to thinking things through, alone. Gardening is the handiest excuse for being a philosopher. Nobody guesses, nobody accuses, nobody knows, but there you are, Plato in the peonies, Socrates force-growing his own hemlock. A man toting a sack of blood manure across his lawn is kin to Atlas letting the world spin easy on his shoulder. As Samuel Spaudling, Esquire, once said, 'Dig in the earth, delve in the soul.' Spin those mower blades, Bill, and walk in the spray of the Fountain of Youth.

    • gardening quotes
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    Who doesn't enjoy a little gardening? As we plant the seeds and remove the weeds we reap a wonderful harvest of blessings. What are the weeds? Anyone or anything that sucks the nutrients from the seeds we have planted. The seeds are our goals, desires, good thoughts and feelings. good works and deeds anything that uplifts us. If we don't keep up on our weeding then our garden will die.

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    You don’t have to do it all. If unrushing your life feels overwhelming or impossible, consider that it is impossible for you. That’s why we need God. Where you can’t, He already has.

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    You can spend your whole life traveling around the world searching for the Garden of Eden, or you can create it in your backyard.

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    All spiritual experiences are sensations in the body. They are simply a graded series of sensations, beginning with the solidity of earth and passing gradually, in full consciousness, through liquidness and the emanation of heat to that of a total vibration before reaching the Void.

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    .... all blades of grass, wood, and stone, all things are One.

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    You're not a gardener, are you? So perhaps you don't know that once a garden is established, much of good gardening is about removal rather than planting, honing what you have to produce a pleasing effect, sacrificing the particular for the good of the whole. Gardening is a creative pastime, but the result is always a work in progress; unlike a painting or a piece of music a garden is never fixed in time. ("In The Garden")

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    Your top priority needs to be—first and foremost—eating fresh, chemical-free produce and keeping your busy family healthy.

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    A garden is a friend you can visit any time.

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    A stranger here Strange things doth meet, strange glories see; Strange treasures lodged in this fair world appear, Strange all, and new to me. But that they mine should be, who nothing was, That strangest is of all, yet brought to pass.

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    Apart from painting and gardening, I'm not good at anything.

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    But you, oh gardener, poet that you be / Though unaware, now use your seeds like words / And make them lilt with color nicely flung.

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    A weed is a plant that is not only in the wrong place, but intends to stay.

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    At home, I relax by gardening, or just pottering.

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    Cares melt when you kneel in your garden.

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    Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision. And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in.

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    Computers, singing, reading, painting and gardening are my hobbies.

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    Gardening gloves are for sissies. I always have dirt under my nails.

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    Consult the Genius of the Place in all.

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    Gardening has just sort of grown on me. I find it therapeutic. And I like smelly things.

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    gardening is something more than a pastime; it is a religion.

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    Gardening has a magical quality when you are a child.

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    gardening is a madness, a folly that does not go away with age. Quite the contrary.

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    Gardening is, apart from having children, the most rewarding thing in life

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    Gardening is full of mistakes, almost all of them pleasant and some of them actually instructive.

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    Gardening is not a rational act.

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    Do we really require so many gardening programmes, makeover programmes or celebrity chefs?

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    Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.

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    Firmness in all aspects is a most important quality when gardening, not only in planting but in pruning, dividing and tying up. Plants are like babies, they know when an amateur is handling them.

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    [Gardening] is a means by which you can attain many valuable hours of solitude without being thought unsociable.

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    Gardening is an instrument of grace.

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    Gardening is not a rational act. What matters is the immersion of the hands in the earth, that ancient ceremony of which the Pope kissingthe tarmac is merely a pallid vestigial remnant.

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    Gardening is the best therapy in the world.

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    Gardening is the instrument of grace.

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    Garden as though you will live forever.

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    gardening is a madness and a rapture.

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    Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized.