Best 145 quotes in «handsome quotes» category

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    Rich only matters if he marries you," I said grimly. "Handsome matters not at all.

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    Maybe he was not quite what he seemed to be…handsome, brilliant, and…. Crazy? Like the Roman Emperors Caligula and Nero? - Amazon Lee and the Ancient Undead of Rome by Kira G. and Kailin Gow

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    Mirabelle? Mirabelle Bevan? Well, I’ll be blowed!” Mirabelle started, almost spilling her drink. It took her a moment to realize who the handsome man was, now his hair was greying at the edges and he was out of uniform. Puffing laconically on a cigarette, martini in hand, he wore a lounge suit and an understated silk tie with a discreet regimental insignia woven into the fabric. “Eddie,” she smiled. “What are you doing here?

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    Not very tall, not very dark but very...very handsome,’ was his way of describing himself.

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    Oh! not handsome—not at all handsome. I thought him very plain at first, but I do not think him so plain now. One does not, you know, after a time.

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    Perhaps if he stumbled onto a bath and a tailor he could even be considered handsome.

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    There’s a guy there too, sitting in an armchair across from me with a glass coffee table between us. He’s maybe three or four years older than me, and he looks like he has just stepped off a GQ cover, with his thick wavy dark hair, square jaw, flawless smooth skin, and elegantly tailored suit that does a lot for his tall athletic frame. Aside from Grayson, he’s probably one of the most handsome guys I’ve met in person. - Celestra Caine about Jack Simple, FADE by Kailin Gow

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    She heard nothing but experienced a sensation that prickled along her spine like a warm touch caressing her skin. Slowly, with the care of prey beneath a predator's survey, she turned her head- and met the gaze of the elegant gentleman lounging at the door. In her travels, she had seen many a striking and charming man, but none had been as handsome as this- and all had been more charming. This man was a statue in stark black and white, hewn from rugged granite and adolescent dreams. His face wasn't really handsome; his nose was thin and crooked, his eyes heavy lidded, his cheekbones broad, stark and hollowed. But he wielded a quality of power, of toughness, that made Eleanor want to huddle into a shivering, cowardly little ball. Then he smiled, and she caught her breath in awe. His mouth... his glorious, sensual mouth. His lips were wide, too wide, and broad, too broad. His teeth were white, clean, strong as a wolf's. He looked like a man seldom amused by life, but he was amused by her, and she realized in a rush of mortification that she remained standing on the stool, reading one of his books and lost to the grave realities of her situation. The reality that stated she was an imposter, sent to mollify this man until the real duchess could arrive. Mollify? Him? Not likely. Nothing would mollify him. Nothing except... well, whatever it was he wanted. And she wasn't fool enough to think she knew what that was. The immediate reality was that she would somehow have to step down onto the floor and of necessity expose her ankles to his gaze. It wasn't as if he wouldn't look. He was looking now, observing her figure with an appreciation all the more impressive for its subtlety. His gaze flicked along her spine, along her backside, and down her legs with such concentration that she formed the impression he knew very well what she looked like clad only in her chemise- and that was an unnerving sensation.

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    Taken from the dedication in my debut novel Exactly 23 days. To honour all women on International Women's day. For women everywhere: When you know you are finally mended, spread the word, hold out your hand, share some love from your heart and some laughter from your soul and be there for a new member of the sisterhood who needs your help. Let's all help our sisters worldwide to stand tall and know, they can and they will recover, survive and thrive, to live the life they deserve. To all the sisters who reached out and held my hand in whatever way you could, who cried my tears with me, and laughter my laughter too, I thank every one of you. I survived.

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    She lifted her lantern high, and he allowed her to free him from the shadows, casting his face in warm, golden light. He had aged marvelously, grown into his long limbs and angled face. Penelope had always imagined that he'd become handsome, but he was more than handsome now... he was nearly beautiful. If not for the darkness that lingered despite the glow of the lantern- something dangerous in the set of his jaw, in the tightness of his brow, in eyes that seemed to have forgotten joy, in lips that seemed to have lost their ability to smile. He'd had a dimple as a child, one that showed itself often and was almost always the precursor to adventure. She searched his left cheek, looking for that telltale indentation. Did not find it. Indeed, as much as Penelope searched this new, hard face, she could not seem to find the boy she'd once known. If not for the eyes, she would not have believed it was him at all. "How sad," she whispered to herself. He heard it. "What?" She shook her head, meeting his gaze, the only thing familiar about him. "He's gone." "Who?" "My friend." She hadn't thought it possible, but his features hardened even more, growing more stark, more dangerous, in the shadows. For one fleeting moment, she thought perhaps she had pushed him too far. He remained still, watching her with that dark gaze that seemed to see everything.

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    Some people would regard people who look like they do as ugly if they did not look like them.

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    There is a look in his eye, a heavy look that makes him seem older, as though in one night he has lived one hundred lifetimes. And it makes him appear even more handsome.

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    This bastard was in a self-help program? For what? Square-jawed, cleft-chin sufferers? Handsome Bastards Anonymous?

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    Wasn’t it correct in America to call a man ‘handsome’ rather than ‘beautiful’?

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    Your vision will determine your future, mirror only helps you to see your ugly or beautiful face, but only the vision you have can take you far beyond your expectations and imaginations in life.

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    When it comes to their love lives, some people do not really have high standards; they merely have low sex drive.

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    Women were gravitating towards him from all directions like a planetary orbit. (Zoe on meeting Justus)

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    you are as fleetingly beautiful as a mother’s tears and a father’s pranks a brother’s bachelorhood and a best friend’s bad mood a bride’s glittering jitters and a handsome stranger’s smile.

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    All the best women are married all the handsome men are gay

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    Age had not made him less handsome, as is so often the case; it had simply made him less visible.

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    All Southern women wished of their menfolk was simply to be 'like Paris handsome and like Hector brave'.

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    All your female friends are either old or ugly; nay, more ugly than old women usually are. These you lead about in your train, and drag with you to feasts, porticos and theaters. Thus, Fabulla, you seem handsome, thus you seem young.

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    A man cannot learn to be wise any more than he can learn to be handsome.

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    Alone with Giddon again, Bitterblue considered him, rather liking the mud streaks on his face. He looked like a handsome sunken rowboat.

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    A woman half dressed seemed to have some power, but a man was simply not as handsome as when he was naked, and not as secure as when he was clothed.

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    Anyway, since when are you shy? Just talk to him already!' ' 'And say what? Nice fiddling, handsome man?' 'Absolutely.

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    As I would learn later in life, money makes you extremely handsome.

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    As more Americans meet Mitt Romney, I think they'll see beyond the handsome exterior and see not just a good salesman, but a thoughtful (and, yes, conservative) leader.

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    Am I not sensitive, clever, well-mannered, considerate, passionate, charming, as kind as I'm handsome and heir to a throne?

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    And have your mother put my head on a stake? Do you have any notion what that would do to my handsome good looks?

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    Beautiful eyes in the face of a handsome woman are like eloquence to speech.

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    Beauty is a very handy thing to have, especially for a woman who ain't handsome.

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    Busted. I'm a monster. Jev is my deceptively harmless-and shockingly handsome-alter ego.

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    But, bless us, things may be lovable that are not altogether handsome, I hope?

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    Come to think of [a handsome young carpenter], Harrison Ford used to be a carpenter.

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    Custom is, to think a handsome thing in private but tame it down in the utterance.

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    Except for the con men borrowing money they shouldn't get and the widows who have to visit with the handsome young men in the trust department, no sane person ever enjoyed visiting a bank.

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    For a few seconds Oskar saw through Eli's eyes. And what he saw was...himself. Only much better, more handsome, stronger than what he thought of himself. Seen with love." (Let the Right One In)

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    Do not expect help.' 'One should always hope.' 'Then hope for a handsome savage with kindly ways.

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    Good customers are an asset which, when wellmanaged and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company.

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    Handsome brother with a smooth goatee, makes me wonder why he act so ugly.

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    Having a fling with you doesn't appeal to me. You're handsome, but you're too inexperienced to be good in bed. Having ridden many horses doesn't make you a good rider; it just proves that you can't recognize a good one or don't know how to keep her.

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    He is also handsome," replied Elizabeth, "which a young man ought likewise to be, if he possibly can. His character is thereby complete.

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    He makes a very handsome corpse and becomes his coffin prodigiously.

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    He was so handsome,but he didn't look well.He reminded her of a cigarette.

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    He would have been handsome—in a serial-killer kind of way—if not for those tattoos.

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    How would I like to be seen? Very endearing, charming, intelligent, handsome.

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    I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.

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    I am not handsome or sexy. Of course, it's not like I am hopeless.

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    But I’ve also been known to answer to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘handsome.

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