Best 111 quotes in «melody quotes» category

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    Who are you? A noise or a melody? Or may be you are a silence! If you are a silence, then you will be discovered only by the silent one!

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    You are the poem rising through me. You are the melody escaping my lips. Could this be you—another me?

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    You can learn things from a heart so bleeding When love bargains with deceitful pleading Hours soar from dawn to dawn splitting your time Don’t hear melody from a soundless chime

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    A good picture book can almost be whistled. ... All have their own melodies behind the storytelling.

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    You who are sitting before me have the power to change my consciousness into painting, poem, melody or anything else!

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    All my music is very simple in that melody is usually clearly stated.

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    A lot of rap songs don't usually have a lot of melody per se.

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    Chemistry is the melodies you can play on vibrating strings.

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    Every soul is a melody which needs renewing.

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    Friends will not only live in harmony, but in melody.

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    Every heart has its own melody," he said. "You know mine. - James Carstairs

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    Great melody over great riffs is, to me, the secret of it all.

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    But when you get to a song, not only do you have to do a vocal melody, you have to write words and not be redundant and make some semblance of a story

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    Hope sings when all melodies are gone.

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    I don't really inject the rock 'n' roll thing, what I take from rock 'n' roll is probably the melodies and the musical behind it.

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    I find that the rhythm of going on long walks will suggest melodies.

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    I am moved more by melodies, song structure, and evocative textures.

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    I get a feeling, on a guitar, and I sort of mess around until something resonates with me, and then I just find that what happens is that a melody comes, and with that, words.

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    I have no want or desire to solo. I'd rather create melodies and accompanying parts.

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    If you can do something that doesn't rely on a major melody but still sounds immediate rather than being obtuse and devoid of anything to catch onto, that's great.

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    I hear melodies and hooks all day. I've always been that way, since I was a kid.

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    I'm a sucker for pop melodies, things you can't get out of your head.

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    I am really obsessed with finding melodies that just hypnotize you and sink you into a song.

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    I look at melody as rhythm.

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    I'm much better at fixing or changing a melody to suit me than I would a lyric. But for me, everything is lyric. It has to be true for me to say it.

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    Inside the silence is a melody.

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    It's funny how the littlest things can make you feel larger than life; the right lyric, the most heartfelt melody, the clearest message. Love.

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    I'm really good at melodic and sonic things, but I don't really think I have anything to say. But I really enjoy the puzzle-making of taking words and adding a melody to them.

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    I've forgotten many things, but I'll never forget a melody.

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    It's always music first, or melody and words together, but never words first.

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    I would listen to something on the radio and try to tap out the melody, then the harmonies.

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    I would just be vibing with whatever I liked the most. And then there were a couple songs that I started on my own. I would have a melody or an idea and I would take it to the studio to go through it.

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    I want to be a tuneswept fiddle string that feels the master melody, and snaps.

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    I would say that I'm more moved by melody, even though I love to rap.

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    Music is the soundtrack to life. It plays the melody of our being.

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    Lately I haven't been able to write for the guitar - it'll usually start out with a melody on the bass, and I'll layer vocals. I just can't really physically hear the guitar anymore, so I'll just go into GarageBand and play around with the keys. I'll sit on a melody or some lyrics for a really long time and just play with it.

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    Music really does just boil down to basically, essentially songwriting chords and melodies.

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    No harmony. No melody. No rhythm. No bullshit.

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    Melodies die out, like the pipe of Pan, with the ears that love them and listen for them.

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    Pop music has always adopted the style of marrying upbeat melodies to dour lyrics.

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    My thought with harmonies and melodies in general, is that if it doesn't come right away then it's never going to come at all.

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    Prose poetry is not set to a melody or music so there's something freeing about it.

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    Richard Shindell works impressive alchemy with the plainest, most primal American pop melodies.

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    Often when I find myself listening to music, at least 60 to 70% of it is foreign, so I don't understand a word of it. Melody to me will always be a million times more important than words.

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    Sometimes I feel like a melody doesn't have anything to do with me, but it's just something that comes, is accumulated from me playing on the piano, and then this little creature just appears.

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    Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise.

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    The human brain is a funny thing: it's very susceptible to tempo and melody. You put the right words to it, and it becomes very influential.

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    The nobleness of silence. The highest melody dwells only in silence,--the sphere melody, the melody of health.

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    They were singing in French, but the melody was freedom and any American could understand that.

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    There come to one's soul heavenly thoughts as he joins in heavenly expressions coupled with heavenly melody.