Best 255 quotes in «real life quotes» category

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    False life is exhausting; Real Life is inexhaustible.

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    Families in real life don't tend to resolve things neatly.

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    Heroes betray us. By having them, in real life, we betray ourselves.

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    Friends, much as in real life, are often more trouble than their worth.

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    I appreciate the Surreal Life. I had a really positive experience on that show, and with those people. I found some love in my heart for religion again, and had the support of a new family of friends. I wouldnt have had the pleasure of meeting those people, if we were not all placed in that fishbowl.

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    In real life I'm a tall, blond Christian.

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    I'm the least sexy person in real life.

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    In real life there are no bad guys. Everybody just has their own perspective.

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    I like to read away as much of the afternoon as possible, until real life rears its ugly head.

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    In real life, I'm gorgeous, beautiful.

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    It is a surreal life living on a television series set, and especially when I go out in public. I have people who recognize me and will come up to me, saying how much they enjoy seeing me, asking for a picture, and I still think to myself, "Uh, why?

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    Just getting to talk to that person [Woody Allen ] in real life was pretty wild.

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    It is never, never too late, in a story or in real life, to correct.

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    It's always better to be real.

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    I want to do something crazy for a part - something I'd never even consider in real life.

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    People in real life cuss God out when they're angry. That's all real.

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    Nobody in real life ever takes me seriously.

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    Nothing is wrong - whatever is happening is just "real life.

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    Now I'd like someone to tell me there is no drama in real life!

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    One of the things that draws writers to writing is that they can get things right that they got wrong in real life by writing about them.

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    Photography, for me, is a lot like web surfing in real life.

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    Poetry either pulses with real life or it's just an aborted simulacra. There's no middle ground.

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    Playing a villain was fun, only because you get to do all the things you wouldn't normally do in your real life.

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    Anyone who knows more than me in a certain area is an expert compared to me.

    • real life quotes
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    The image you see of me out in public is really different from who I am in real life.

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    The moment that any life, however good, stifles you, you may be sure it isn't your real life.

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    Unfortunately, real life doesn't have a remote control.

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    When you make movies based on real life, you try to exaggerate it.

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    You have to experience real life before you can understand what it means to really worship. That's it.

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    A deus ex machina will never appear in real life so you best make other arrangements.

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    Ah youth, youth! That's what happens when you go steeping your soul into Shakespeare

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    A real definition of life lies in our daily thoughts and the steps we take to or away from what is distinctive and noble.

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    The point,' Ms. Conyers continued, "is that no word had one specific definition. Maybe in the dictionary, but not in real life.

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    The same as real life, there is no happily ever after.

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    When I emerge from filming I feel slightly out of synch with real life, but it's also a relief.

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    You know, real life doesn't just suddenly resolve itself. You have to keep working at it.

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    A hundred years ago, this City[...]'s energy production, its food and fuel, came from all over the world, often traveling thousands of miles. People used energy just to ship more energy to the places that needed it. When you’re high on fossil fuel fumes, I guess almost anything can make sense.

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    A lot of churches and church people give God a bad name. There's a scripture in the Bible that says the traditions of men make the word of God of none effect. That's so true. All our religious rituals dilute the reality of who God is and make a lot of people not want to have anything to do with Him. I had to learn to reject 'Churchianity' and not Christianity.

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    And naturally, everything they tell about in books can happen in real life, but not in the same way. It is to this way of happening that I clung so tightly.

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    And when had a critical eye ever helped me, really? Nobody likes the girl who points out all the inherent sexism on The Bachelor. But people are charmed byt the girl kvelling about nail art, boba tea, and the homeopathic benefits of ayahuasca.

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    [...] as Kurt Vonnegut pointed out [...] the literary novel has become extraordinarily privatistic of late. It's as if the big issues (Does God exist? from whence springs decency? what sort of species is Homo Sapiens?) were either settled or not worth discusssing, and serious writers should therefore confine themselves to their various ethnic heritages and interpersonal relationships.

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    Being a writer is 1% inspiration, 50% perspiration and 49% explaining you're not a millionaire like J.K.Rowling.

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    A small event as tiny as a drop of a pin can change the direction of your entire life

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    As often happens between people who have chosen different ways, each of them, while rationally justifying the other's activity, despised it in his heart. To each of them it seemed that the life he led was the only real life, and the one his friend led was a mere illusion.

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    A vida real não nos concede muitas possibilidades mais do que úteis que as pessoas podem ter na ficção.

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    Being poor, living in poverty, seemed a lot like probation - the crime being a lack of means to survive.

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    But by the time you’ve worked long enough, hard enough, Real Life (which insists on being capitalized as if it were a personage with a proper name and a right to barge into this rental unit called your life) begins to reveal itself as something other than effort, other than accomplishment. Real Life wishes to be left to its own purposeless devices.

    • real life quotes
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    By their actions, they will show you who they are.

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    But you don’t really mean to say that you couldn’t love me if my name wasn’t Ernest? GWENDOLEN: But your name is Ernest. JACK: Yes, I know it is. But supposing it was something else? Do you mean to say you couldn’t love me then? GWENDOLEN (glibly): Ah! that is clearly a metaphysical speculation, and like most metaphysical speculations has very little reference at all to the actual facts of real life, as we know them.

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    Dance is the art closest to nature, to real life.