Best 105 quotes in «bus quotes» category

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    You never know when the next person to shake your hand at an autograph session, or the next guy you bump into on line at the pizza parlor, that could be your best friend for the rest of your life. Or it could be the person that two years later pushes you out of the way of a speeding bus. I mean, you just don't know.

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    You're either on the bus or off the bus.

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    You risked the cub? (Dev) He’s not just a cub. (Aimee) You’re right. He’s the passenger who fell off the short bus. (Dev)

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    Be a true traveller, don't be a temporary tourist.

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    and so I opened my eyes and I opened my mind and I saw something I never would have noticed on a bicycle unless I was going very, very fast down a very long hill. Because of the speed of the bus and how I was exerting no effort, the telephone wires on the side of the road, sagging between poles, went up and down with the same rhythm as my heartbeat.

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    And the bell jangled, the driver started. The bus whirled off, to the last stop, the lonely room, the lonely night.

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    Beograd je najbolje mesto da se sačeka autobus za Zemun.

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    Busy in a bus or lacking luck you poke to pluck a pick-up truck. Utterly shocked you choke in the lock and check if you chuck a buck or if you are stuck in the muck. So you should lurk in a day like this in such a murky lucky way. In a day when you don't know if you laugh or cry... Errands wait for those who are late in the busiest day. Such day that defies all your senses and makes you want to fly... To fly away!

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    From the top of the bus she could see the vast bowl of London spreading out to the horizon: splendid shops with mannequins in the window, interesting people and already a much bigger world.

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    You wouldn't be allowed to get on a particular bus, but you'd be asked to sign your autograph.

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    I get so god damn lonely and sad and filled with regrets some days. It overwhelms me as I’m sitting on the bus; watching the golden leaves from a window; a sudden burst of realisation in the middle of the night. I can’t help it and I can’t stop it. I’m alone as I’ve always been and sometimes it hurts…. but I’m learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I’m learning to make things nice for myself. To comfort my own heart when I wake up sad. To find small bits of friendship in a crowd full of strangers. To find a small moment of joy in a blue sky, in a trip somewhere not so far away, a long walk an early morning in December, or a handwritten letter to an old friend simply saying ”I thought of you. I hope you’re well.” No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it. I get so god damn lonely and sad and filled with regrets some days, but I’m learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I’m learning to make things nice for myself. Slowly building myself a home with things I like. Colors that calm me down, a plan to follow when things get dark, a few people I try to treat right. I don’t sometimes, but it’s my intent to do so. I’m learning.I’m learning to make things nice for myself. I’m learning to save myself. I’m trying, as I always will.

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    I suppose a human's carriage is a dwarf's bus.

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    I recalled with some discomfort that the man driving the vehicle had invented the sport of volcano boarding, presumably as a way of solving, in one deft move, the problems of the insufficient riskiness of both snowboarding and hanging out on the slopes of active volcanoes. Although I was not sure that I wanted to live forever, I was sure that I didn’t want to go down in a blaze of chintzy irony, plunging into a ravine strapped into the passenger seat of a thing called the Immortality Bus.

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    One of my hobbies is discovering Universal laws. Here's one: if you light a cigarette, the bus always comes immediately. I have tested this theory many years, its a golden rule. If you light the cigarette, the bus ALWAYS comes.

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    Maisha ni Dunia. Lakini Dunia ni basi. Sisi ni wasafiri. Mtu anapokufa amefika mwisho wa safari yake, huku Dunia ikiendelea.

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    Mama, I know you used to ride the bus. Riding the bus and it’s hot and bumpy and crowded and too noisy and more than anything in the world you want to get off and the only reason in the world you don’t get off is it’s still fifty blocks from where you’re going? Well, I can get off right now if I want to, because even if I ride fifty more years and get off then, it’s the same place when I step down to it. Whenever I feel like it, I can get off. As soon as I’ve had enough, it’s my stop. I’ve had enough.

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    Sam Temple kept a lower profile. He stuck to jeans and understated T-shirts, nothing that drew attention to himself. He had spent most of his life in Perdido Beach, attending this school, and everybody knew who he was, but few people were quite sure what he was. He was a surfer who didn’t hang out with surfers. He was bright, but not a brain. He was good-looking, but not so that girls thought of him as a hottie. The one thing most kids knew about Sam Temple was that he was School Bus Sam. He’d earned the nickname when he was in seventh grade. The class had been on the way to a field trip when the bus driver had suffered a heart attack. They’d been driving down Highway 1. Sam had pulled the man out of his seat, steered the bus onto the shoulder of the road, brought it safely to a stop, and calmly dialed 911 on the driver’s cell phone. If he had hesitated for even a second, the bus would have plunged off a cliff and into the ocean. His picture had been in the paper.

    • bus quotes
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    People will often give you a detailed tour of the underside of the bus that they will throw you under later.

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    Travelling shouldn't be just a tour, it should be a tale.

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    She had a new secret, the strenght of the moon, looking at her

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    Since I can't turn into a bat and fly, I'll still need my bus pass

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    Trekking means a travelling experience with a thrilling excitement.

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    They were actually sitting at a table, like two old friends, not like the hunter and the hunted. And it wasn't especially awkward. They were comfortable together, despite the fact that she'd hit him with a bus. Maybe his scheme would work.

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    Travel teaches as much as a teacher.

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    Travelling the road will tell you more about the road than the google will tell you about the road.

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    Why ships won't use roads, is why cars won't travel on oceans. When the position is wrong, the leader won't be right.

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    We are giving you a new service in Dubai, we call it Wonder Bus. In this bus, everyone can get preview of this nice sea & land adventure in Dubai.

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    What sticks with me now is that this man said he needed to get to a hospital. He probably needed to reach his destination more than anyone else on the bus, yet he lacked the capacity to ride without getting kicked off. Maybe he reached the hospital eventually, and maybe he was connected with social workers and housing specialists who will help him transform his life. But I fear he got on another bus, and another bus after that, without going anywhere at all.

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    When I was in junior high school, I used to think that Disney's 1990's paranormal television program 'So Weird' was every kid's ideal life - not going to school, living on a tour bus, having rockstar parents, traveling all over North America and never staying in one place for more than a week or so. Of course, eventually the realization hits you that the kids out there who really do live like this, pulling up stakes every week and never staying with their friends or having a permanent residence, aren't really happy.

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    You go into extinction by being obsessed about becoming something else and then travelling in the wrong car while your real self keeps waiting at the bus stop for your unfulfilled return!

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    Arrest me for sitting on a bus? You may do that.

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    A smile across the aisle of a bus in the morning could save a suicide later in the day.

    • bus quotes
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    As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal.

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    A little old lady sitting at the front of the bus can do nothing to change civil rights.

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    ....and when Tatiana lifted her glistening eyes to him, Alexander was looking down at her with his I’ll-get-on-the-bus-for-you-anytime face.

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    Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus.

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    [Charles de Gaulle] has been abysmally careless, like a man running a bus over mountains, who forgot to equip it with good brakes.

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    Don't waste your energy on those who don't get on your bus.

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    Anyone over the age of thirty catching a bus can consider himself a failure.

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    Comparing Madonna with Marilyn Monroe is like comparing Raquel Welch with the back of a bus.

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    Dad was a bus driver, and when he finished work he would repair cars.

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    Fat men get knocked over by buses no earlier, nor later, than thin men. And I, for one, have buried most of my thin friends.

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    Err Houston, we've had a problem. [pause] We've had a main B bus undervolt.

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    Getting on the bus and touring was my life. And when that was not around, I felt myself a bit lost at times, because that was all I had.

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    Finding a good bus driver can be as important as finding a good musician.

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    For me, someone like the Eddie Murphy character doesn't live anywhere; he lives on a stage and when he's not on the stage he's on a bus getting to the next stage. You don't really want to see him at home, or all those things you can do in the movie.

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    I didn't actually realise what apartheid meant. I'm probably a bit naive, but I thought it was more of a vague segregation, like on the beaches and buses.

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    Here is how you know if it is love or lust. Push them in front of a bus. If you jump in the way and save them it is love.

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    I don't travel anywhere without the PS3 and XBox. There's nothing better to do on long bus trips while on tour.

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    I'd sooner be smashed into a mangled pulp by a bus when we cross the street than look forward to a life like yours.