Best 14385 quotes in «spiritual quotes» category

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    Such is true joy’s absolute certainty, Its slow lit fuse that burns holes In the shabby shroud of death forever.

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    Sufferings awakes search for spiritual things.

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    Suffering is part of this life only until one realizes that it does not need to be, at that point all suffering ends.

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    Supernatural breakthrough requires supernatural expectations.

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    Sunshine is a light. May the sunshine brighten your path of life.

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    Supernatural is spiritual.

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    Sumber yang paling utama sebagai rujukan kesusasteraan spiritual di seluruh dunia Islam itu dan yang paling penting ialah al-Qur'an sendiri, diikuti dengan hadis Rasulullah terutamanya hadis Qudsi dan hadis yang berkaitan dengan fahaman dan doktrin spiritual. Selepas itu fahaman-fahaman metafizikal dan juga kosmologikal, doktrin yang telah dirumus oleh ahli-ahli metafizik Islam dan doktrin para wali Sufi berasaskan sumber keagamaan dan fahaman tradisional yang tidak bercanggah dengan doktrin spiritual kaum Sufi.

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    Summer rushes in on the heels of spring, eager to take her turn; and then she dances with wild abandon. But the time soon comes when she gratefully falls, exhausted and sated, into the auburn arms of autumn.

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    Sure, the Leaning Tower of Pisa leaned like everyone else said it would, the mountains of Tibet were more beautiful than you had ever expected, and the Pyramids of Egypt stood mysteriously in the sea of sand like in the pictures; yet is it the environment or rather the openness in mindset, that makes up the elusive essence of happiness that we experience when we travel?

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    Surrendering is not giving up--it is gaining strength.

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    Sure we all need money but what do you really focus on? It is a matter of the heart. If your thoughts are on material and worldly things, no good fruits can come out of it. Seek the kingdom of God first and the other things shall be added unto you not vice versa.

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    Surrender your pain, look within and see your perfect and divine self.

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    Surrounded by enemies, surrounded by evil, surrounded by darkness, injustice......."don't be afraid , those who are with us are more than those who are with them" 2 Kings 6:16

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    Syadvaad means no religions’ foundation is hurt. It does not point out a ‘direct’ mistake of any religion.

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    Synchronize each breath with the present moment and become intertwined with happiness. Breathing in, we are grateful for the opportunities that are given to us; breathing out, we let go of the depression and anxiety that hold us back.

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    Take all those things that would propose to be important, and weigh them upon the scale of your soul. Asking how much each thing actually impacts, not just the moment, but the years ahead. Discard all that is trivial masquerading as significant, and reserve your days for those things that truly matter.

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    Take anything that is above you to God, lift it, bless it and release it and see what God will do.

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    Take a ride in a rickshaw and go on dropping money along the road. Your greedy nature will go away.

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    Taking care of yourself will take care of more than yourself.

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    Takut untuk mengalami hal-hal baru adalah wajar. Yang bisa mengatasinya akan diganjar hadiah berupa pengalaman, kebijakan dan kebesaran

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    Talk To God Ch 13 p. 90: No it doesn't have to be a prayer. It could be someone just concentrating extremely hard, wishing or hoping that will create "the vibe" if they are so moved. And that vibe, as you will learn, becomes extremely powerful beyond earth. That vibe drives the universe. But don't confuse this. Forget about prayers. You don't need to pray to communicate with others. That's a religious definition, not a human or a God thing. When you are concentrating on your wishes, focusing on something you desire or wish to share, your soul and spirit are reaching out to all other humans near you, using your brain as the communicator and returning the support to you. If people near you are aware and are moved to respond, they will. And that response is a powerful, electric, spirited response that carries with it the ability to give that person the supporting power, the strength and the ability to assist them in doing whatever it is they desire. And what all humans desire, and the energy that is exchanged with one another, in human terms, is love.

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    Tame the mind. Master the heart. Harness the body. Conquer the soul.

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    Tarot Card are the best friend you can ever have. They are always there for you.

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    Teach that God is, not was; that He speaketh, not spake.

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    Teknologi tertinggi yang ada di dunia ini adalah tubuh manusia. Komputer paling rumit sekaligus paling canggih ada di otak manusia

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    Ten greatest gifts; love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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    Tempestuous plains tell the tale, Windswept wastes do bewail, Haunting Spirit of the land, Seeks the living, seeks the damned. Horizoned edge sheared with grass, Dark Storm Rising in the pass, Ageless Spirit seeks the path, To torment souls to the last. Brooding Spirit upon the plain, Thunderhead gathers for the rain. Light grows dim then bolts with pain, On dry Earth her sin is stained. (Frightened creatures do stampede, Into night, they do recede). Ungodded hand on seasoned blade, Reaps the harvest of the Age. Released from her eternal din, Spirit of the Age rises again. Seeking to plunder and consume, Those who were proud, those who presumed. Spirits rage while storm draws nigh, Upon burning plain and emblazoned sky. It is said giants grapple in the Earth so deep, To contend for souls that they might keep. The Storm spirit now searches the high and the low, To seek her manchild victim in the fields below. Leaves bad wasteland to claim but a fallen man, Denying it Heaven, crowning it, ‘Son of the Damned.’ Treacherous Spirit of the far lost night, Tramples souls down denying them light. Storm seethes with furious hiss, Leads men on to bottomless pit. This most ancient of foes has come from her den, To seek the living, to make ready those dead. A living sacrifice is her soul desire, To snatch the soul for black funeral pyre. A double-damned devil, that is she, This one who lies, who claims to make free. A lying spirit, that is her domain, A storm-wracked Fury of self-proclaim. Onward she seeks, this bleak Northern wind, Searching for naught but for a soul akin. Amidst the howling and the rage, To murder again, that is her trade. As this spirit of graves left the plain, She left a wake of dead in shrouded train. Now down from the plain Storm did come, Unto those cities wherein was no sun. There with whirlwind she did rip and scour, For those souls of whom she could tear and devour. She comes to seek the living and the dead, Those who were frightened, those with no dread. Thus upon those she did acclaim, “I am the Mistress of the living and the slain.” O’ haunting Spirit of this land, Taker of life, maker of the damned. --On Villainess Storm, Ch. One Valley of the Damned

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    Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good; this is a graduated form of gratitude.

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    Thank the past for all the lessons it taught you; anticipate the future for all the blessings it has in store for you.

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    Thankfully, life is a journey of progress and not perfection, and we can improve our blurred reflection by taking up the Sword of the Spirit. We can find a healthy dose of just how much God loves us in the Bible and start to have as much respect for ourselves as God has for us.

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    Thank you to that entity, who gifted me, this, for you can now rest, ensured that I, will work to see this mission through.

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    Thank you I say to whomever or whatever gave me such an ability to dream.

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    That energy of each person is carried into the next space, and the next, the collective result of perceptions, thoughts and emotions create the experience of the world we live in. So if you want to change the world for the better, change yourself first, or better yet, lose yourself. You must lose the desire to control everything and instead find the love in everything. Oftentimes we need a push to get here. This “push” can be in the form of a healthy environment. One that stimulates innovation, encourages growth and embraces connectedness.

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    Thank You is a great thing to share... If a situation brings Gratitude to mind, then a heart felt Thank You is a great way to express it.

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    That for which, you are deserving; will come before you effortlessly. Your purity is required. What is required for your purity? [The intent of] ‘May no living being in this world be hurt by me’. If anyone hurts you, it happens as per the law [nature’s law].

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    That girl's got" the vision "----a heart that sees some peoples hearts are blind and stumble in the darkness some peoples hearts shine with light and can see and help those who stumble The purer the heart the greater the light the better the vision

    • spiritual quotes
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    That what keeps us supported is dharma (religion).

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    That summer I spent a whole month at the place, and every day I went to fish in the early morning, in the lake formed by the mouth of of the rivulet Kakarma where it joins the charming Insa. The hut, where Yevseyitsch lived, was built close to the water's edge, and each day as I approached the lake, I perceived the bent, white-haired old man leaning against the wall of his cottage, facing the rising sun; his withered hands clasped round a staff which he pressed against his breast; while his sightless eyes were raised towards the Eastern sky. He could not see the light, but he enjoyed the warmth, which comforted him in the chilly dawn; and his countenance was at once both serene and melancholy.

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    -That's when I realized that Heaven doesn't exist in another place, and neither does Hell. It's all here on Earth. We live them both right here with one another. It's just sometimes we have to go through Hell to get to Heaven. - Eoghan (The Last Princess - page 255)

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    That what helps us stabilize our antahkaran (inner complex of mind, intellect, chit and ego) is Religion (dharma).

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    That which gives result is religion (dharma). That which pushes away illusion (wrong belief) is religion. That which reduces or destroys illusion is Religion.

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    That which gives results is Gnan (practical and experiential knowledge). That which does not give results is theoretical knowledge (shooshka-gnan).

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    That which harms in the spiritual path (& progress) and benefits the worldly life, it is called deluded intellect (viprit buddhi). And enlightened intellect (samyak buddhi) helps in both, the spiritual as well as worldly realm.

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    That which is actually there cannot be seen and that which is not there is seen, that is called Moha (illusory attachment)!

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    That which never becomes ruined is considered as true relationship. True relationship is only with the Soul. Other than that, all other relationships are selfish relationships.

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    That which reduces our flawed vision is called religion [dharma]. It is non-religion [adharma] that increases a flawed vision. The worldly life is indeed the result of a flawed vision.

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    That which cures all worldly miseries, is called ‘Scientific’ Knowledge.

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    That which frees one from bondage is the right religion.

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    That which gives detailed analysis of anger-pride-deceit-greed and puts them aside and doesn’t allow any clashes to occur at home, is known as intellect. It makes one do ‘everywhere adjustment’.

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    That which is empty, is full of everything in the cosmos.