Best 74 quotes in «being me quotes» category

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    All photographs aspire to the condition of being memorable - that is, unforgettable.

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    Being memorable equals getting picked.

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    At this time let us be exceedingly mindful that bearing one another's burdens and sharing one another's suffering is integral to being members of Christ's body.

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    Among the earliest forms of human self-awareness was the awareness of being meat.

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    And any stone being mentally handled must become endowed with such poetry and artistry as God has given you.

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    Being mean just for being mean's sake isn't funny.

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    I got a lot happening, a whole lot, and it's not always easy being me.

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    I don't like being mediocre. I won't be.

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    I enjoy just being me. I don't need to be Queen Latifah, the brand, 24 hours a day.

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    If I stopped making records or performing, I'd probably still be famous for a while being me. But I'd rather have something to show for myself.

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    Dreamers are not content with being mediocre.

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    Humility feels that there is someone, somewhere who can do anything I can do better - except one thing: no one can be better at being me.

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    I adore not being me. I'm not very good at being me. That's why I adore acting so much.

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    I don't have an image that I'm trying to like portray. I'm just being me.

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    I don't like to be me. I'm not so comfortable being me on screen because then I'd be a presenter. I'm not Jimmy Fallon.

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    If prayer stands as the place where God and human beings meet, then I must learn about prayer.

    • being me quotes
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    I just feel like sometimes I'm a force to be dealt with. My talents are sometimes overused and also sometimes underused. It's not easy being me.

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    I'm making a case against how money managers are handling customers' money. The objective of the customer is not being met if the fund managers are diversifying their assets into hundreds of businesses. If they do this, they are typically performing close to the indexes. But that's not the way wealth is created.

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    I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill

    • being me quotes
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    I'm sorry for being me. I won't ever do it again.

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    I'm not a Mexican writer, but I think everything that happens in Mexico affects the Mexican writers I know, in their sense of being human and of being Mexican, even if they don't in any explicit way address these issues in their writing.

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    I release any feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.

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    I'm trying to be entertaining without being mean

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    Ingratitude is monstrous; and for the multitude to be ingrateful were to make a monster of the multitude; of which we being members, should bring ourselves to be monstrous members.

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    In short? It is exhausting being me. Pretending to be normal is draining and requires amazing amounts of energy and Xanax.

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    In the process of being metabolized, sugar robs your body of valuable nutrients ... Sugar also inhibits your liver's production of enzymes needed in the detoxification process.

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    I sometimes truly despair at ever being meaningfully altered and affected by the things I claim are so important to me.

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    I think there are times when you're jamming with the universe, and other times when it feels like no matter how hard I work, no matter how good a person I am, I will always be punished for being mediocre.

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    I think men spend so much time passing for being men.

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    It gets better and better being me.

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    It is your virtue, being men, to try; And it is ours, by virtue to deny.

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    I think you can be mature without being grown-up. You can also be grown-up without being mentally mature. One of them is forced, while the other one is your choice.

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    It is the medium, or the specific configuration of the medium, that we call a work of art that brings feeling into being.

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    I think we are constantly asked day in and day out to find the things that we find frustrating or inspiring or that we're passionate about, and attack it from that angle. I don't like being lumped into the idea of being media, or liberal media for that point of view. I am not trained as a journalist.

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    It's hard enough to be alive and human, without the additional burden of being me.

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    I've developed a way to separate myself from me being me, to me being the character. I can separate watching me, Tinsel Korey, from watching Emily

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    It's impossible being me, I radiate a glow that makes others turn and grimace in horror as if staring into the sun.

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    It's wiser being good than bad; It's safer being meek than fierce: It's fitter being sane than mad.

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    I've been thinking about that a lot too lately, These Days. I think it's becasue I grew up in retail, in costumer service. I grew up having to talk to everybody, having to sell to everybody so now that I can just sell me, it's fun. It's not even a sale, it's really just me being me.

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    Meditation is simply a strange surgical method that cuts you away from all that is not yours and saves only that which is your authentic being.

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    Look at you lot, you're all so vacant, is it nice not being me it must be so relaxing.

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    Meditation is for you to realise that the deepest nature of your existence is beyond thoughts and emotions, that it is incredibly vast and interconnected with all other beings.

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    My mom took all of my behavior personally. Everything I did she thought it was an act of rebellion against her. But it was just me being me.

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    Metaphysics,--the science which determines what can and what cannot be known of being and the laws of being.

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    My biggest fear as an actor is being involved in something mediocre, or being mediocre myself.

    • being me quotes
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    My life feels so surreal. That's why I've made a shtick of being me.

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    Nonviolence which to me is the glory of Hinduism, has been sought to be explained away by our people as being meant for the sanyasis only.

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    Nature says women are human beings, men have made religions to deny it. Nature says women are human beings, men cry out no!

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    Of course, I didn't imagine then that I could have had a real relationship with any guy. I thought that by virtue of being me I was disqualified.

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    Now all of a sudden I'm so less interested in pretending to be a lot of other people, and much more interested in being me.