Best 26 quotes in «sneaky quotes» category

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    My momma always said the best way to get what you want from people is to give them what they think they want. They expected me to be stupid, so I used that to our advantage.

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    Some people never understood what it was, all, about.

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    Sometimes you have to live down to people's expectations, Kate. If you can do that, you'll get much further in life.

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    The thing about women is that they got liberated too fast. They never learned to be straightforward about life because they had to sneak around for about a thousand years tricking men into doing things they wanted. So they manipulate you instead of telling you what they want, so you never know where the hell you are. And then they get mad at you and bitch.

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    When I met Millie, she was a hugger. She hugged over everything. I didn’t. We came to an agreement that hugs are reserved for prolonged partings and death. That’s it. At least, I thought that was our agreement. It seems like she’s figured out how to steal hugs more frequently. Millie’s turned into a hit and run hugger.

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    Fear is a sneaky thief, stealing away precious moments of your life.

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    Hormones were as potent as whiskey, and twice as sneaky.

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    I'd be a terrible secret agent. I can't keep a secret and I'm not sneaky.

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    Where's Kahn?" "In bed. You don't mind if I pet your little pink kitty? Do you?" I chuckled, "You mean my HOT DIGGITY DOG.

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    Also ... the plan sounded exactly like the sneaky, twisted, ridiculously annoying and noble sort of thing Leo Valdez would do.

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    He hugged her again, before she could put some distance between them. Then the most sneaky wolf in the den lowered his voice and whispered, “But you’ve got an advantage, sweetheart. You’re already in his head. And you know how to mess with it.

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    Texting is a fundamentally sneaky form of communication, which we should despise, but it is such a boon we don't care. We are all sneaks now.

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    I would never understand photography, the sneaky, murderous taxidermy of it.

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    Being dead means never having to do anything sneaky.

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    See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too.

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    The sun like a sneaky keyhole view of hell.

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    You're sure he's not a vampire?' Claire said.'I've seen movies. They're sneaky.' She was kidding. Eve didn't smile.

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    Be open in everything with your partner, because where there is secrecy, it can mistakenly come off as being sneaky; where you just may be innocently quiet.

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    Be prepared. A dog is adorable and noble. A dog is a true and loving friend. A dog is also a hedonist.

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    For that purpose, partly as the result of Ranieri’s persistent lobbying, two new facilities had sprung up in the federal government alongside Ginnie Mae. They guaranteed the mortgages that did not qualify for the Ginnie Mae stamp. The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (called Freddie Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (called Fannie Mae) between them, by giving their guarantees, were able to transform most home mortgages into government-backed bonds.

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    A circle of friends, doesn't always keep perfect relationships.

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    Honey, if the man is that dense, you can drag that cot he been sleepin' on into your room, nab his clothes, and lay in wait for him. When he comes lookin' for his things, lock the door and settle the matter once and for all.

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    It is often very useful for others to think you less intelligent than you are," Benedict said, his tone amused. "It works particularly well against those who aren't as intelligent as you in the first place.

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    Her bare feet whispered across the floor as she approached him with the sort of stealth that only small children and trained killers possess.

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    Look!" Mr. Poe said, who was still too far to help but close enough to see. "Genghis has an eye tattoo, like Count Olaf! In fact, I think he IS Count Olaf!" "Of course he is!" Violet cried, holding up the unraveled turban. "Merd!" Sunny shrieked, holding up a tiny piece of shoelace. She meant something like "That's what we've been trying to tell you.

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    It's hard not to look sneaky when you're sneaking.

    • sneaky quotes