Best 216 quotes in «fascism quotes» category

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    But Fascism cannot continue in a modified form.

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    Communism is fascism with a human face.

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    Darwinism has laid the groundwork for Hitler's and Mussolini's fascism and Stalin's communism.

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    Even painless research is fascism, supremacism...

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    David Irving is not just a Fascist historian. He is also a great historian of Fascism.

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    Fascism is [...] arbitrary rule by a charismatic head of state.

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    Fascism was a counter-revolution against a revolution that never took place.

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    Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction...

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    Fear and destructiveness are the major emotional sources of fascism, eros belongs mainly to democracy.

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    Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known in history as the century of Fascism.

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    Fascism is fascism. Terrorism is terrorism. Oppression is oppression.

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    Fascism is the frenzy of sexual cripples.

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    Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag.

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    Fascism isn't a libertarian doctrine! It just isn't, never will be and it can't be cast as one.

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    Fascism is the consequence of economic jam and dictatorship is the product of Fascism, for Fascism cannot be managed save by a dictator.

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    Fascism was little more than terrorist rule by corrupt gangsters. Mussolini was not corrupt himself but he did nothing except to rage impotently.

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    For the Fascist, everything is the State, and nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value, outside the State. In this sense Fascism is totalitarian.

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    If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.

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    In Fascism, if you were a Jew, you were simply killed. Nobody had the idea of arresting Jews and torturing them to confess the Jewish plot. Because in Fascism, you are guilty for your whole being.

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    I have often thought that if a rational Fascist dictatorship were to exist, then it would choose the American system.

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    In many respects fascism not only is here but has been here for nearly a century. For what we call liberalism--the refurbished edifice of American Progressivism--is in fact a descendant and manifestation of fascism.

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    Irony is always the best weapon against fascism.

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    Islam is not a religion, but an imperialist ideology like communism or fascism.

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    Islam should be compared to other totalitarian ideologies like Communism or Fascism.

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    I write against violence. I write against fascism. I write against one person dominating another.

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    One day fascism will be treated with psychoanalysis.

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    That which the Fascists hate above all else, is intelligence.

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    Peoples of the Americas are rising once again, saying no to imperialism, saying no to fascism, saying no to intervention - and saying no to death.

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    Sure we'll have Fascism here, but it will come as an anti-Fascism movement.

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    The white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.

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    There are words bandied about that are being misused - words like 'socialism,' words like 'communism,' words like 'fascism.

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    The trouble with normal is it always gets worse, fashionable fascism dominates the scene.

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    Women aren't more easily swayed by fascism than men, but I believe that their situation makes them in effect more slavish than men.

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    A country where people are afraid of even their own shadows is surely a country of dictatorship! In such vile countries there are two groups of people: The zombies, the living-dead who serve the dictator and the rest, the clever and honourable people who fight for their freedom!

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    Worst of all, there is no sign of any relaxation of antisemitism. Logically it has nothing to do with Fascism. But the human raceis imitative rather than logical; and as Fascism spreads antisemitism spreads.

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    About the principle of representation and the concept of a parliament, today we have grown accustomed to associating them exclusively with the system of absolute democracy, based on universal suffrage and the principle of one man, one vote. This basis is absurd and indicates more than anything else the individualism that, combined with the pure criterion of quantity and of number, defines modern democracy. We say individualism in the bad sense, because here we are dealing with the individual as an abstract, atomistic and statistical unity, not as a ‘person’, because the quality of a person — that is, a being that has a specific dignity, a unique quality and differentiated traits—is obviously negated and offended in a system in which one vote is the equal of any other, in which the vote of a great thinker, a prince of the Church, an eminent jurist or sociologist, the commander of an army, and so on has the same weight, measured by counting votes, as the vote of an illiterate butcher’s boy, a halfwit, or the ordinary man in the street who allows himself to be influenced in public meetings, or who votes for whoever pays him. The fact that we can talk about ‘progress’ in reference to a society where we have reached the level of considering all this as normal is one of the many absurdities that, perhaps, in better times will be the cause of amazement or amusement.

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    All dictators must understand that all the nightmares they have created for innocent people will one day come back for the dictator himself!

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    Aklıma bir bilimkurgu kongresinde Ted Sturgeon'un söyledikleri gelmişti; ona göre bilimkurgu, temel insan hak ve özgürlüklerinin dillendirilebildiği son kaleydi. Sansürcü zihinler bilimkurgu okumayan; bilimkurguyu anlamaktan aciz olan ve okusalar dahi neyi yasaklamaları gerektiğini bilemeyecek kişilerdi. Sansürcü zihniyet bilimkurguyu kendine yem etme mertebesine yükseldiği gün zaten her şey bitmiş demekti. Artık demokrasiden geriye tek bir iz bile kalmazdı.

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    An ancestor from the 1530s would find little different in the 1930s. [Basilicata, Italy]

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    And I'll close by saying this. Because anti-Semitism is the godfather of racism and the gateway to tyranny and fascism and war, it is to be regarded not as the enemy of the Jewish people, I learned, but as the common enemy of humanity and of civilisation, and has to be fought against very tenaciously for that reason, most especially in its current, most virulent form of Islamic Jihad. Daniel Pearl's revolting murderer was educated at the London School of Economics. Our Christmas bomber over Detroit was from a neighboring London college, the chair of the Islamic Students' Society. Many pogroms against Jewish people are being reported from all over Europe today as I'm talking, and we can only expect this to get worse, and we must make sure our own defenses are not neglected. Our task is to call this filthy thing, this plague, this—this pest, by its right name; to make unceasing resistance to it, knowing all the time that it's probably ultimately ineradicable, and bearing in mind that its hatred towards us is a compliment, and resolving (some of the time, at any rate) to do a bit more to deserve it. Thank you.

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    A not at all the same thing as a patriot. A nationalist encourages us to be our worst, and then tells us that we are the best.

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    A oči so vse na Julki. In vse klopi zadržujejo dih, da bi bile vse oči še bolj tesno pri njem. Kakor da bodo iz njih, iz oči, vsak hip zaplavale otroške dlani kot golobje peruti in privzdignile njeno telo in mu zamanjšale bolečine. Njene oči pa so žametno in vlažno mehke, ker se njena stopala ne dotikajo poda. Rožnat trak, ki povezuje kiti, pa čepi na kavlju kot metulj z razprtimi krili.

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    Another fact that allowed Fascism to gain power over men was their blindness. A man cannot believe that he is about to be destroyed. The optimism of people standing on the edge of the grave is astounding.

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    Arendt, as we have seen, is committed to understanding totalitarianism in its complete novelty, as an unprecedented phenomenon. It is unprecedented in the strict sense that it does not just represent a novel variation with respect to the categories defining forms of government that we have long held… historically, mankind ‘even in its darkest periods, granted the slain enemy the right to be remembered, as a self-evident acknowledgment of the fact that we are all men’ (Arendt 1968a: 452). What was attempted in the camps was neither punishment nor persecution but obliteration, such that even death was robbed of its meaning, ‘making martyrdom, for the first time in history, impossible.

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    Aquel gentío, aquellos gritos, 《¡Franco! ¡Franco! ¡Franco!》, aquellas banderas españolas... Nadie trabajaba esa tarde. Las empresas habían dado permiso a sus empleados para ir a recibir al 《salvador》de la patria. Y la gente, como una alfombra extendida sobre las calles, lo llenaba todo, hasta el último rincón. ¿La misma gente que había luchado por la República? ¿La misma cuyos padres, maridos o hijos habían caído en el frente? ¿La misma que soportó los atroces bombardeos que buscaban crear el máximo miedo en la población civil? ¿La misma que pasó hambre y frío? Aquella mañana del 26 de enero de 1939, viendo a las tropas victoriosas entrando por la Diagonal, se preguntó de dónde sacaban los supervivientes las banderas, y si el entusiasmo y la alegría eran reales o un simple alivio por el fin de la guerra. Habían pasado poco más de diez años y todo seguía igual o... Banderas, saludos fascistas, gritos de adhesión al vencedor. ¿Tan rápido el olvido? ¿Tanta necesidad de paz a cualquier precio? ¿Tanto miedo que masticar y tragar con tal de seguir adelante? ¿Y los más de cien mil cadáveres enterrados en cunetas y montañas, fosas comunes y cementerios, a la espera de un tiempo mejor en el que volver a merecer un respeto y recuperar su dignidad, mientras el régimen seguía fusilando y aumentando la cuenta? El dictador volvía por tercera vez a Barcelona y allí estaba la ciudad rendida a sus pies. Tal vez los que permanecían en sus casas fueran más numerosos, mucho más, pero ellos callaban. También lo hacían algunos de los presentes, obligados a presenciar toda aquella parafernalia porque si no podían ser represaliados por sus empresas, que en caso de estar lejos habían puesto autocares para la movilidad de sus empleados. Era un día sin excusas. Hasta los enfermos debían curarse milagrosamente.

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    As bitter as it may be, the fact remains: It is the irresponsibleness of masses of people that lies at the basis of fascism of all countries, nations, and races, etc. Fascism is the result of man's distortion over thousands of years. It could have developed in any country or nation. It is not a character trait that is confined specifically to the Germans or Italians. It is manifest in every single individual of the world. The Austrian saying "Da kann man halt nix machen" expresses this fact just as the American saying "Let George do it." That this situation was brought about by a social development which goes back thousands of years does not alter the fact itself. It is man himself who is responsible and not "historical developments." It was the shifting of the responsibility from living man to "historical developments" that caused the downfall of the socialist freedom movements. However, the events of the past twenty years demand the responsibility of the working masses of people. If we take "freedom" to mean first and foremost the responsibility of each individual to shape personal, occupational, and social existence in a rational way, then it can be said that there is no greater fear than the fear of the creation of general freedom. Unless this basic problem is given complete priority and solved, there will never be a freedom capable of lasting more than one or two generations.

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    As observers of totalitarianism such as Victor Klemperer noticed, truth dies in four modes, all of which we have just witnessed. The first mode is the open hostility to verifiable reality, which takes the form of presenting inventions and lies as if they were facts. The president does this at a high rate and at a fast pace. One attempt during the 2016 campaign to track his utterances found that 78 percent of his factual claims were false. This proportion is so high that it makes the correct assertions seem like unintended oversights on the path toward total fiction. Demeaning the world as it is begins the creation of a fictional counterworld. The second mode is shamanistic incantation. As Klemperer noted, the fascist style depends upon “endless repetition,” designed to make the fictional plausible and the criminal desirable. The systematic use of nicknames such as “Lyin’ Ted” and “Crooked Hillary” displaced certain character traits that might more appropriately have been affixed to the president himself. Yet through blunt repetition over Twitter, our president managed the transformation of individuals into stereotypes that people then spoke aloud. At rallies, the repeated chants of “Build that wall” and “Lock her up” did not describe anything that the president had specific plans to do, but their very grandiosity established a connection between him and his audience. The next mode is magical thinking, or the open embrace of contradiction. The president’s campaign involved the promises of cutting taxes for everyone, eliminating the national debt, and increasing spending on both social policy and national defense. These promises mutually contradict. It is as if a farmer said he were taking an egg from the henhouse, boiling it whole and serving it to his wife, and also poaching it and serving it to his children, and then returning it to the hen unbroken, and then watching as the chick hatches. Accepting untruth of this radical kind requires a blatant abandonment of reason. Klemperer’s descriptions of losing friends in Germany in 1933 over the issue of magical thinking ring eerily true today. One of his former students implored him to “abandon yourself to your feelings, and you must always focus on the Führer’s greatness, rather than on the discomfort you are feeling at present.” Twelve years later, after all the atrocities, and at the end of a war that Germany had clearly lost, an amputated soldier told Klemperer that Hitler “has never lied yet. I believe in Hitler.” The final mode is misplaced faith. It involves the sort of self-deifying claims the president made when he said that “I alone can solve it” or “I am your voice.” When faith descends from heaven to earth in this way, no room remains for the small truths of our individual discernment and experience. What terrified Klemperer was the way that this transition seemed permanent. Once truth had become oracular rather than factual, evidence was irrelevant. At the end of the war a worker told Klemperer that “understanding is useless, you have to have faith. I believe in the Führer.

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    As painful and embarrassing as it may be, the fact remains that we are confronted with a human structure that has been shaped by thousands of years of mechanistic civilization and is expressed in social helplessness and an intense desire for a führer.

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    A spoonful of sugar can be as helpful in dealing with foreign diplomats as it is in child psychology, for these are not unrelated fields.

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    (a statement someone makes to Maisie regarding attitudes prior to WWII): "...the corridors of power are littered with Fascist leanings; anything to save the upper classes through disenfranchisement of the common man while allowing the common man to think you're on his side.

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