Best 82 quotes in «inferno quotes» category

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    One should cultivate good habits of memory, for it is capable of making existence a Paradise or an Inferno.

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    There comes a moment in history when ignorance is no longer a forgivable offense... a moment when only wisdom has the power to absolve. - Bertrand Zobrist

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    Society: an inferno of saviors!

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    Thus Dante's motto over Inferno applies with equal force to marriage: "Ye who enter here leave all hope behind.

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    [...] a autoestrada é um circo de emoções baratas e mesquinhas, é a humanidade em movimento [...] as autoestradas são uma lição sobre aquilo em que nos transformamos e os acidentes e as mortes são na maioria uma colisão de seres incompletos, de vidas lamentáveis e dementes. quando dirijo pelas autoestradas eu vejo a alma da humanidade da minha cidade e ela é feia, feia, feia: os vivos sufocaram o coração de vez.

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    Alema said, 'Are you mad?' Ship thought it probably was, since it was beginning to take liking to her, but that was beside the point. The Emperor-to-Be was trying to break free; all they needed to do was open a hole for him. 'Us and what fleet?' Choose one. Ship suggested. There are four.

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    Anything is possible when people believe in a cause.

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    As you may know, when someone endures a horrific event like a car accident or a sexual assault, the long-term memories can be permanently debilitating.

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    Deep blackness waits outside; a veiled inferno it attempts to hide. We see no more than dark clouds growing, but set inside, a fire is glowing.

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    Ben: 'Just...finish it.' Caedus: 'Finish it? Ben, we're just getting started.' --Ben Skywalker and Darth Caedus

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    Believe me, I know what it’s like to feel all alone … the worst kind of loneliness in the world is the isolation that comes from being misunderstood. It can make people lose their grasp on reality.

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    Bourbon, Kentucky bourbon especially, is like Dante’s Inferno in a glass, fire walks down your throat, lungs, and heart and everything in between with an unpleasant after-taste. We got along just fine.

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    Caramelizados até o inferno os móveis secretavam sabe demônios quais gorduras, óleos e cera.

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    Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa; misericordia e giustizia li sdegna: non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.

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    El infierno existe porque existe el miedo

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    Enjoy it. One way or another, your days are numbered.

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    Dizem que o diabo só existe no quê, no inferno, mas para mim, Nicolau Pedro Nkanga, no meu nome de batismo, mais conhecido por kota Lau, na minha palavra de honra, juro com sangue de Cristo!, eu, Nicolau Pedro Nkanga, arrepito, vi nos meus olhos o diabo era mesmo pessoa nesta terra, com diabices dele, a me fazer as caretas, assim, as truquices dele, no quê, sacana, filho da mãe dele que lhe pariu e do pai dele também, o mau malvado do diabo. Um dia até que o gajo me apareceu mesmo no sonho, queria me matar, me puxar para ir com ele no inferno dele, veja sô!, o Senhor Santo Deus é que nos chama ou é o diabo que nos empurra só no buraco?!

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    Empurrei meu corpo pra morte, enfim derrotada; me larguei sobre uma encosta íngreme e indevassável; caí rolando, esfolada por pedregulhos, esfaqueada por galhos até um córrego de esgoto? O qual continuou me empurrando para o além, próximo à morte, longe da vida; colado ao verso do inferno.

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    Gonindu-ne-o prin cetăți închise din loc în loc, va-mpinge-o-n Iad de veci, de unde-ntâi invidia ne-o trimise. Spre-a ta scăpare cred și judec deci să-ți fiu conducător, și te voi scoate de-aici, făcând prin loc etern să treci, s-auzi cum urlă desperate gloate, să vezi și-antice duhuri osândite, ce-a doua moarte-a lor și-o strigă toate.

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    Green Inferno was the truth, everything can be saw, how we were in the privous centuries, how did we survive and many other interesting stuff. So do you have the guts?

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    Hades is evolved to the highest state of simplicity.

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    Hell is nothing but a place we wish God has created for our enemies, we ourselves think that he will ultimately show some kind of clemency towards us

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    Hell in life indicates a state of suffering, of agony, of torture (by others, by circumstances, or by ourselves), and of insipid colors and little joy. Hell is a heavy vibration that drags us spiraling down from the highest to the lowest, darkest vibrations..

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    Hell was invented to scare to death the unruly human mind and bring it to obedience.

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    If passion was a substance I would say it is dark brown, and then blood red. It's like wet grass, tons of it soaked in mud. It's warm and it stinks like shit and it's unaccountably and endlessly good. It's thick and it goes on for miles and it isn't so much deep as bottomless and it holds you in its grip, you never drown. And then it goes. That's all you know.

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    I am the shade. Through the dolent city, i flee. Through the eternal woe, i take flight..

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    I do not fear death, for death transforms visionaries into martyrs; converts noble ideas into powerful movements.

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    Iubirea-aceeași moarte ne-a sortit : străfund de iad pe ucigaș l-așteaptă.

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    I know you want to run, but I’m not going to let you. Sooner or later you need to start trusting someone.

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    I'm a fan of the truth," she replied forcefully, "even if it's painfully hard to accept.

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    Inferno was for learning about the nature of our sins. Purgatorio is for learning how to overcome our tendencies to fall victim to them. Understanding our dilemma is important, but it's not enough. What we do with that understanding makes the difference between life and death. Humility is the foundation of all spiritual progress. Humility builds resilience. Stop thinking of yourself as the center of your world you will find it becomes easier to endure life's setbacks. Plus, you will in time become more grateful, more merciful, and more loving.

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    ...I’ve learned to expect the worst from people who hold power.

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    Madness is an ostrich who sticks her head in the sand while a pack of hyenas closes in around her.

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    Midtveges fram i gonga gjennom livet, eg fann meg att i tjukke svarte skogen, i vilska fór eg langt frå rette vegen.

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    Nessun maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria;... دردي بزرگتر از ياد روزگاران خوشي در دوران تيره روزي نيست.

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    Nesse mundo moderno, Os sãos são muito poucos. E ainda que no inferno, São chamados de loucos.

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    Never make a promise you cannot keep.

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    Noi leggeveamo un giorno per diletto Di Lancialotto, come amor lo strinse; Soli eravamo e senza alcun sospetto Per più fiate gli occhi ci sospinse Quella lettura, e scolorocci il viso; Ma solo un punto fu quel che ci vinse. Quando leggemmo il disiato riso Esser baciato da cotanto amante, Questi, che mai da me non fia diviso, La bocca mi baciò tutto tremante. Galeotto fu il libro e chi lo scrisse: Quel giorno più non vi leggemmo avante." ""We were reading one day, to pass the time, of Lancelot, how love had seized him. We were alone, and without any suspicion And time and time again our eyes would meet over that literature, and our faces paled, and yet one point alone won us. When we had read how the desired smile was kissed by so true a lover, This one, who never shall be parted from me, kissed my mouth, all a-tremble. Gallehault was the book and he who wrote it That day we read no further.

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    O, câte vise și ce dor de viață i-a-mpins, grăii, pe aceștia spre mormânt!

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    Non isperate mai veder lo cielo: i’ vegno per menarvi a l’altra riva ne le tenebre etterne, in caldo e ’n gelo.

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    Now you must cast aside your laziness, for he who rests on down or under covers cannot come to fame - Virgil

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    One great work of art inspired by another.

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    Og la oss ikke anklage Herren om vi ser små uskyldige barn lide. Ingen kan vite hvorfor, men den guddommelige rettferdighet lar oss ane at det er på grunn av forbrytelser begått før ankomsten til denne verden.

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    Overnight, Dante's work solidified the abstract concept of hell into clear and terrifying vision - visceral, palpable, and unforgettable. Not surprisingly, following the poem's release, the Catholic Church enjoyed an enormous upstick in attendance from terrified sinners looking to avoid Dante's updated version of the underworld.

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    Only seconds slip by without me scrambling for the aid of someone better, more knowledgeable, to walk beside. Writers are good for that. They like nothing more than to tell you what they know. Dorothy Sayers, with all her essays and treatises, was good for that. Are women human? What constitutes the mind of the Maker? How did Dante survive the Inferno? Ask Dorothy; she’ll tell you and gladly.

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    Qui viva la pietà, quand'è ben morta. در اينجا ترحم وقتي زنده است كه كاملا مرده باشد.

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    ​Per me si va ne la città dolente, Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, Per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: Fecemi la divina potestate La somma sapienza e'l primo amore Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro. Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'intrate.

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    Precum prin aer pe-aripi nemișcate, iau două turturele-alături sbor de-acelaș dor spre cuibul drag purtate, așa și ei, dintr-al Didonei cor veneau prin noaptea ce-o frământă vântul; atât cu ruga-nvinsei vrerea lor.

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    Qui il nulla è curvo, qui è rettilineo, qui si impenna, qui si inabissa, qui ruota, qui goccia, qui è arsura, qui è fame, qui è sonno, qui è sogno senza immagini dentro il sonno, qui è fumo, qui è foresta, qui è radura, qui è fuga, qui è ritorno, qui è dimora, qui è desolazione, qui è consolazione, qui è mano, qui è occhio, qui è piedi, qui è correre, qui è accorrere, qui è agguato, qui è cattura, qui è liberazione, qui è cielo, qui è inferi, qui è inizio, qui è fine, qui è durata, qui è conclusione, qui è inauguramento, qui è dipartita, qui è arrivo, qui, finalmente, è cava cavità di caverna".

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    Roots cannot grow into trees if there are no supernatural elements in the soil. Man cannot grow wealthy and famous if he doesn't contribute to either, the good or evil.