Best 36 quotes in «alone time quotes» category
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If this was the true self it was marvelous and what’s more it seemed never to change but always to pick up from the last stop, to continue in the same vein, a vein I had struck when I was a child and went down in the street for the first time alone and there frozen into the dirty ice of the gutter lay a dead cat, the first time I had looked at death and grasped it. From that moment I knew what it was to be isolated: every object, every living thing and every dead thing led its independent existence. My thoughts too led to an independent existence.
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It is hard to love yourself if you never spend time with yourself. 'Alone Time' is Necessary
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I never realized thinking could be so tiring.
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Just five minutes, God, I chant like some hostage negotiator on the brink of a resolution. Five minutes alone. Please, please. Please.
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Love makes me naked; Propinquity's a harsh master; O the songs we hide singing to ourselves!
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Never keep yourself alone. Keep talking to yourself. And you'll start feeling better.
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Jestem sam, przepełnia mnie straszliwa pustka, tęsknota i lęk. Cały pokój wypełniają moje myśli. Nic poza mną i moimi myślami, moim lękami. Mógłbym wyobrazić sobie najbardziej niestworzone historie, mógłbym tańczyć, pluć, stroić miny, przeklinać, zawodzić – nikt by się o tym nie dowiedział, nikt nie usłyszałby tego. Myśl o takiej absolutnej prywatności mogłaby mnie doprowadzić do szaleństwa. To tak jak udany poród, wszystkie więzy odcięte. Jesteś odseparowany, nagi, samotny. Błogosławieństwo połączone z agonią. Masz mnóstwo czasu. Każda sekunda przytłacza cię jak góra. Toniesz w niej. Pustynie, morza, jeziora, oceany. Zegar wybija godziny jak rzeźnicki topór. Nicość. Świat. Ja i nie ja. Oomaharumooma. Wszystko musi mieć nazwę. Wszystkiego trzeba się nauczyć, doświadczyć, wszystko trzeba sprawdzić. Faites comme chez vous, chéri.
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Prioritise self-care & incorporate a MINIMUM of 60 mins 'ME TIME' into your daily routine. YES THERE ARE enough hours in the day. NO EXCUSES.
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Tea is just an excuse. i am drinking this sunset, this evening. and you.
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Spending time alone in your own company reinforces your self-worth and is often the number-one way to replenish your resilience reserves.
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There is a certain delightful sort of hope which the introvert can receive only by having company over...the hope that they will leave soon.
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The world’s refusal to leave me out of its activities made me consider its destruction. Bring on the wave. Please, the asteroid.
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I enjoy my time alone.
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We need solitude, because when we're alone, we're free from obligations, we don't need to put on a show, and we can hear our own thoughts.
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Anyone who's really interested in anything spends time alone.
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But she was waiting patiently. She no longer believed in talk. It never rescued anything. At seventy she had come to believe in time alone. ~pg 254
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Do not whine... Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone.
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Gee, I wish I had spent more time alone with my computer.
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Wenigstens eine kleine Weile lang mußte ich, jedem Anspruch entrückt, in Frieden mit mir selbst sprechen können, ohne daß irgendjemand mich dabei unterbrach.
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I can't really write unless I'm full of inspiration. And even then I can't write unless I have some alone time.
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I spend a lot of time alone so I get a lot done. I don't do much else but work, check things out.
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I spend most of my time alone, because I so value and thrive in the quiet. Heaven.
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I spend so much time alone that whenever I see my shadow I feel crowded.
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Never having alone time is real tough on people.
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Love heals all wounds and not just time alone.
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I'm most often surrounded by people, so what I usually crave is time alone.
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The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of possibility.
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only grieving can heal grief; the passage of time will lessen the acuteness, but time alone, without the direct experience of grief, will not heal it.
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One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God.
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The best gift you can give yourself is an open mind.
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The thing I worry about for myself is I spend a lot of time alone, and another person comes around and you're like, 'What are you doing here? Get out of here.
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Spend some amount of time alone everyday.
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Time alone reveals the just man; but you might discern a bad man in a single day.
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Well, it's true that I've never been solitary, although I spend a lot of time alone. I've never felt lonely or been shy.
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When you feel like an outsider - for whatever reason - you spend a lot of time alone.
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The very beautiful rarely love at all; those precious images are placed above the reach of the passions: Time alone is permitted to efface them.