Best 24 quotes in «cannibal quotes» category

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    But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .

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    The shiny black nose of a fox appears through her door before the rest of it steps tentatively across the wooden floor to where she’s cooking. A pile of children’s clothes lie discarded in a corner of the room. The fox knows what she is cooking and holds back a shudder. There are some things even foxes know better than to eat.

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    The word "cannibal," the English variant of the Spanish word canibal, comes from the word caribal, a reference to the native Carib people in the West Indies, who Columbus thought ate human flesh and from whom the word "Caribbean" originated. By virtue of being Caribbean, all "West Indian" people are already, in a purely linguistic sense, born savage.

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    Are there any vegetarians among cannibals?

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    Childhood is cannibals and psychotics vomiting in your mouth!

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    Courage is walking naked through a cannibal village

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    What’s with savage humans always wanting to cannibalize us?” Jaden asks as she runs past Summer to check for any more of the Tainted around the corner. “They want to suck your blood,” Rob says in a Romanian accent. Jaden snorts. Too bad humor won’t help them out of this mess.

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    Cannibals are devouring senators.

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    In '73 I photographed the cannibals in New Guinea. They treated me OK but they didn't make you feel relaxed... I managed to escape unscathed though, I'm pretty good at that.

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    I didn't see my character, Core, as a cannibal but as somebody who is extremely passionate and who doesn't have any conscience. She takes her passion to its complete extreme.

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    I was on one of my world 'walkabouts.' It had taken me once more through Hong Kong, to Japan, Australia, and then Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific [one of the places I grew up]. There I found the picture of 'the Father.' It was a real, gigantic Saltwater Crocodile (whose picture is now featured on page 1 of TEETH). From that moment, 'the Father' began to swim through the murky recesses of my mind. Imagine! I thought, men confronting the world’s largest reptile on its own turf! And what if they were stripped of their firearms, so they must face this force of nature with nothing but hand weapons and wits? We know that neither whales nor sharks hunt individual humans for weeks on end. But, Dear Reader, crocodiles do! They are intelligent predators that choose their victims and plot their attacks. So, lost on its river, how would our heroes escape a great hunter of the Father’s magnitude? And what if these modern men must also confront the headhunters and cannibals who truly roam New Guinea? What of tribal wars, the coming of Christianity and materialism (the phenomenon known as the 'Cargo Cult'), and the people’s introduction to 'civilization' in the form of world war? What of first contact between pristine tribal culture and the outside world? What about tribal clashes on a global scale—the hatred and enmity between America and Japan, from Pearl Harbor, to the only use in history of atomic weapons? And if the world could find peace at last, how about Johnny and Katsu?

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    I Play Dodgeball with Cannibals (Chapter 2)

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    I was a cannibal for twenty-five years. For the rest I have been a vegetarian.

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    Learn how to smile in the cannibal pot and life will be so much easier.

    • cannibal quotes
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    Most vegetarians I ever see looked enough like their food to be classed as cannibals.

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    Think of it. To go down to posterity as a 'man who lived among the cannibals.'

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    Cannibal, there are outside people which have already eaten a person and have described the taste incrediable... But few of them are in jail!?

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    If we can abandon our missionary zeal we have less chance of being eaten by cannibals.

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    Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals.

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    People are just cannibals unless they leave each other alone.

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    He has been known to devour men.” “He’s a cannibal?” Cadmus asked in horror. “Well, not really,” Daemon replied. “He is a Cyclops. He does not eat his own kind — just men and only those who challenge him … he does not hunt them.

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    I unwrapped my love for her like one might unwrap leftovers. Gotta eat up the old stuff first, as a cannibal might say in a retirement home.

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    Good wins in the end because evil is a self-destructive, cannibalistic force that Inevitably engorges upon itself.

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    Many a survivor of a plane crash who is or was against cannibalism and had never eaten human flesh once found themselves in a situation where they had to either eat human flesh, or go the way of all flesh.