Best 925 quotes in «recovery quotes» category
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My story can unchain someone else’s prison.
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Nature paces its change in gradual steps, and in this time of renewal, I danced in sync to the rhythm of life.
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Neglect transpires when the accountable adult fails to provide sufficiently for the needs of a child. It may be deliberate and conscious cruelty, or it may be an incapability or unwillingness to care for and nurture a child.
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Never allow your head to be buried in the grave of the fearful, mediocrity, and purposeless. Get up and begin to produce something great with your life. Stand out and stand tall.
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Never congratulate a doctor for the fast recovery of a patient.
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Never focus on the end. Only focus on your first step.
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Never feel this bad again. Never come back to this place, where only a knife will do. Live a gentle and kind life. Don't do things that make you want to hurt yourself. Whatever you do, every day, remember this - then steer away from here.
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Never has nostalgia held stronger sway; never has the belief in the redemptive possibilities of the future seemed so laughable.
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Never underestimate the grace of bouncing back from a fallen heart.
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Nevertheless, being weak or showing vulnerability is essentially a sign of inner strength.
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Nobody is going to believe you, but you must still voice up for those who can’t.
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Nobody should be in a position where they are suffering abuse at the hands of another, and if this is the case for you, stopping the abuse by leaving the situation is the only course of action to take.
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No drug can give your life purpose, only you can do that.
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No more Silence, Survivors of Child sexual abuse have a voice,
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My hand-stitched wings itch to take flight to test the winds of change that inevitably blow at the end of a cycle.
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No one can carry that pain out from you nor can anyone heal for you.
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no one can recover if they won’t admit the wrongdoings. i won’t recover if i pretend it was all sunshine. i have to remember his vindictive temper and realize that sheltering the house from the storm wasn’t actually going to make a difference if i still got damaged in the process. because then it’s just another broken house with no one to tell its story.
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No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Nurture your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. It’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it. I get so goddamn lonely and sad and filled with regrets some days, but I’m learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I’m learning to make things nice for myself. Slowly building myself a home with things I like. Colours that calm me down, a plan to follow when things turn dark. A few people I try to treat right, even though I don’t sometimes, but it’s my intention to do so. I’m learning. I’m learning to make things nice for myself. I’m learning to save myself. I’m trying, as I always will.
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No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it.
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NOTHING IS STRONGER THAN THE RESILIENCE OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. (found in an ad at Goodreads, but similar to the following quote by Bern Williams) : Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.
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No soul sin beyond recovery.
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No two eating disorders are the same. No two individuals are the same. No two paths to recovery are the same. But everyone's strength to reach recovery IS the same.
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Now I’m sober and I realize, I didn’t drink to escape the world, I drank to escape myself
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Oftentimes, especially during my recovery, I didn’t need to think about everything I was doing wrong; instead, I needed to focus more on what I was doing right—and then do more of the right stuff. I needed to live more in the solution.
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Often times, people don't realize how much their childhood still affects them when they are an adult. Or other people don’t realize the affect things still have on those they know. Other people might even say, “Get over it” or “Move on.” But it’s usually simply not that easy.
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Oh, what a difference a single difference makes.
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Once I stopped running from the past and intentionally leaned into the memories to examine them, I wasn’t haunted by the past anymore.
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Once you commit and decide that there is no turning back, you’ll find the strength.
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One could recover the dreams of one's youth but why would want to?
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One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that life can change unexpectedly and instantaneously. Regardless, you have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, so that when life unexpectedly changes for the better -you already know how to walk and can seize it.
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One of the most challenging aspects for those who are seeking to find the God of their understanding for the first time is His formlessness. It can be difficult to believe in, and connect with, something that cannot be seen. Perhaps this is because although God is in all things He is felt and experienced on levels that relate directly to the condition of our own hearts.
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One of the most dangerous myths surrounding eating disorders is that they are a life sentence.
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Once upon a time the future was supposed to be brighter, shinier and more fun. When did that vision pass? When did the word 'new' lose it's luster? Now the past is supposed to hold the hopes we once confided to the future. We're directing attachments that used to go forward backward.
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One who ignores inner awareness and fails to perceive good reason is doomed to the dark days of yesteryear. - David E Love, Author, Dante's Eighth Circle
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Only love can neutralize shame.
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One reason we're not winning the fight against depression is that our available treatments leave so many in partial recovery limbo.
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Only ten percent of your addiction can be linked back to genetics, the other 90 percent of the problem links back to choices you made.
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Only when an addict learns to love himself will he feel he’s worth changing.
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Other flowers came at the end of the summer, but by then the winter sadness had already dissipated, and the effect of the blooms was not the same.
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Our brokenness summons light into the deepest crevices in our hearts.
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Our existence is based on the variety of life that we have experienced. Yet, in the end when the reality of identity crises strikes, the truth of life can be overpowering and can hit us hard.
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On the fifth day, they told my parents I was on the bottom of the chart, and there was nothing else they could do.
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Our past offers us a choice ... live IN it or live FROM it.
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Our past offers us two choices ... live IN it or live FROM it.
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Our wounds are not a measure of one individual’s sad fate, but an indication of our unity with others.
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Out of all the piles of dirt, garbage, and shit we have been handed, we can grow a patch of daisies.
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Part of me felt deep compassion. And another part felt like, You fucker.
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Parents that provide a nonviolent, fostering, strong and steady background for their children assist in impede violence and abuse in their households.
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Parents are a role model for their youngsters and how they act with these small ones or in front of them can be grasped easily.
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Past shapes your future, yet it does not dictate, determine, speaks nor controls your future.