Best 40 quotes in «sacredness quotes» category

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    Ours is an age of criticism, to which everything must be subjected.

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    Never violate the sacredness of your individual self-respect.

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    There is a divine depth in silence. We meet God alone.

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    After many paths and many years, perhaps many lifetimes, we become aware of the sacredness of our suffering.

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    There is a sacredness in tears

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    The veils have become very thin and we are now able to access a large part of our sacredness - and we are utilizing that sacredness.

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    A far cicada rings high and clear over the river’s heavy wash. Morning glory, a lone dandelion, cassia, orchids. So far from the nearest sea, I am taken aback by the sight of a purple land crab, like a relict of the ancient days when the Indian subcontinent, adrift on the earth’s mantle, moved northward to collide with the Asian landmass, driving these marine rocks, inch by inch, five miles into the skies. The rise of the Himalaya, begun in the Eocene, some fifty million years ago, is still continuing: an earthquake in 1959 caused mountains to fall into the rivers and changed the course of the great Brahmaputra, which comes down out of Tibet through northeastern India to join the Ganges near its delta at the Bay of Bengal.

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    All the beauty lies in the sacredness of the heart.

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    As one sat in the aeroplane amidst all the noise, smoking and loud talking, most unexpectedly, the sense of immensity and that extraordinary benediction which was felt at il L., that imminent feeling of sacredness, began to take place. The body was nervously tense because of the crowd, noise, etc. but in spite of all this, it was there. The pressure and the strain were intense and there was acute pain at the back of the head. There was only this state and there was no observer. The whole body was wholly in it and the feeling of sacredness was so intense that a groan escaped from the body and passengers were sitting in the next seats. It went on for several hours, late into the night. It was as though one was looking, not with eyes only but with a thousand centuries; it was altogether a strange occurrence. The brain was completely empty, all reaction had stopped; during all those hours, one was not aware of this emptiness but only in writing it is the thing known, but this knowledge is only descriptive and not real. That the brain could empty itself is an odd phenomenon. As the eyes were closed, the body, the brain seemed to plunge into unfathomable depths, into states of incredible sensitivity and beauty. The passenger in the next seat began to ask something and having replied, this intensity was there; there was no continuity but only being. And dawn was coming leisurely and the clear sky was filling with light - As this is being written late in the day, with sleepless fatigue, that sacredness is there. The pressure and the strain too.

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    Embrace the sacredness of existence.

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    Believe in the sacred word of God, the Holy Bible, with its treasury of inspiration and sacred truth; in the Book of Mormon as a testimony of the living Christ. Believe in the Church as the organization which the God of Heaven established for the blessing of His sons and daughters of all generations of time.

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    enchantment is the means through which we may gain access to sacredness. Entertainment is the means through which we distance ourselves from it.

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    Flesh and blood is sacred, if anything is sacred.

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    Explore the sacredness of existence.

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    f you seek the Lord God Almighty for your life and for any life situation, you will find him and you will live your life in peace…Make your life holy by belonging to God Almighty…Belong to Christ….Get the Stellah Mupanduki healing and moulding books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God and find your righteous healing coming from God Almighty. You will not fail, but you overcome….Benefit from the Finger of God Almighty using a vessel and find your greatest peace on earth and attain eternity after this life is gone….Hallelujah! Sacred Writing…For Sacred Healing...For Sacred Readers.

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    From human problems come human solutions, which in turn spawn inspiration, creativity, insight and enlightenment. Without life's problems, life would become stagnant, dull and boring.

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    If you study of scriptures, you find sacredness of life.

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    I believe that there is a sacred child-like spirit in all of us (often referred to as our younger self or sacred inner child), one we can access and heal in recovery. We can gradually learn to integrate our youthful spirit into our everyday life. There is sweet sacredness when a person truly dedicates himself or herself to reclaiming his or her forgotten and abandoned inner child.

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    If you find yourself unwilling to share, you are cheating yourself.

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    In what is now known as Bodh Gaya…a Buddhist temple stands beside an ancient pipal, descended from that bodhi tree, or “enlightenment tree,” and I watched the rising of the morning star and came away no wiser than before. But later I wondered if the Tibetan monks were aware that the Bodhi tree was murmuring with gusts of birds, while another large pipal, so close by that it touched the holy tree with many branches, was without life. I make no claim for the event: I simply declare what I saw at Bodh Gaya.

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    I grow into these mountains like a moss. I am bewitched. The blinding snow peaks and the clarion air, the sound of earth and heaven in the silence, the requiem birds, the mythic beasts, the flags, great horns, and old carved stones, the silver ice in the black river, the Kang, the Crystal Mountain. Also, I love the common miracles-the murmur of my friends at evening, the clay fires of smudgy juniper, the coarse dull food, the hardship and simplicity, the contentment of doing one thing at a time… gradually my mind has cleared itself, and wind and sun pour through my head, as through a bell. Though we talk little here, I am never lonely; I am returned into myself. In another life-this isn’t what I know, but how I feel- these mountains were my home; there is a rising of forgotten knowledge, like a spring from hidden aquifers under the earth. To glimpse one’s own true nature is a kind of homegoing, to a place East of the Sun, West of the Moon- the homegoing that needs no home, like that waterfall on the supper Suli Gad that turns to mist before touching the earth and rises once again to the sky.

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    Entering into and opening to our inherent spacious soul daily allows a natural liberation of our manifold self-identifications to occur, and it is then that we can truly rest in the sacredness and come to know our ground of being. The great Celtic writer John O’Donohue points to this when he says that “behind the façade of your life, there is something beautiful and eternal happening.

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    In his first summers, forsaking all his toys, my son would stand rapt for nearly an hour in his sandbox in the orchard, as doves and redwings came and went on the warm wind, the leaves dancing, the clouds flying…the child was not observing; he was at rest in the very center of the universe, a part of things, unaware of endings and beginning, still in unison with the primordial nature of creation, letting all light and phenomena pour through.

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    The sacred dimension is not something that you can know through words and ideas any more than you can learn what an apple pie tastes like by eating the recipe. The modern age has forgotten that facts and information, for all their usefulness, are not the same as truth or wisdom, and certainly not the same as direct experience.

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    The deepest and most profound wisdom that exists and moves through us is the intelligence of our own heart. It is a flowing sacredness. It can navigate you through anything. An intelligent ocean of life's experience.

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    The Glory of this life is in viewing it as eternal.

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    Sacredness inspires respect.

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    The eternity of existence is the sacredness of faith.

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    We can only love one another deeply from the heart, for there is home of sacredness.

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    The treasure of a lifetime lies in the sacredness of the heart.

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    To become a great teacher, one must become a teaching.

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    Where's your church?" "We're standing in it." "But this is a bookstore and it's a Friday." "Yes, but you might also choose to see it as a cathedral of the human spirit-a storehouse consecrated to the full spectrum of human experience. Just about every idea we've ever had is in here somewhere. A place containing great thinking is a sacred space.

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    When you eliminate the Ego's intense desire to be correct, the clarity of the moment can come through. How simple is that?

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    Whether you accept or reject the idea of God, the sacredness of all life is a goal devoutly to be wished

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    Your attention is so sacred that if you truly look for beauty and grace, you will find it in everything.

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    YOU... are a portal to the divine.

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    It is the youngest in the family who tends to the elders to learn about the sacredness of life and the beauty of death.

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    As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the sacredness of human life.

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    Be sanctuaries of respect for life, proclaiming the sacredness of every human life from conception to natural death

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    Under the mystichood ofNameless Bride, we grope in Her Sacred Darkness for plasmatic encounter, the fifth ionized state of matter. Our mundane sight of differentation and separation recedes into the magickal Abyss of Blackness where all is touch. We feel each other as tactile presences whose extended dimension stretches to the stars only to coalesce beyond galactic expanses in the white and worm-holes of Her ever spiraling Gown of Worlds beyond Worlds. Let us feel Her concrescence as we stroke each unique form in the unfathomable dimensions of Her perfect formfulness - ever-changing, ever-new, ever-variable in the rainbow myriads of infinite spasms of delight.