Best 88 quotes in «pope quotes» category

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    Charismatics have seen pictures of Pope Francis when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires praying and asking Protestant pastors to pray for him. His friendship towards the charismatic renewal is there.

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    Dear Pope, send me some hope or a rope.

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    God has set popes over kings and kingdoms.

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    I can't stay mad at Pope Frank. I just can't. It's a funny situation that I like the pope and Mel Gibson doesn't.

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    If a future Pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.

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    If all the priests go we all want to be married and the pope goes all priests should be married than I say go for it.

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    Every cleric must obey the Pope, even if he commands what is evil; for no one may judge the Pope.

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    Great thieves go Scott-free, as the Pope and his crew.

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    I have seen with my own eyes how the pope was carried on the shoulders of the princes, with all the pomp, being adored in the streets by the surrounding people.

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    I can say with total conviction that it was the Holy Spirit that chose, guided the election of Pope Francis.

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    I'm going to become the Pope next year. Nothing is impossible.

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    I see the work the pope has to do. It is a huge responsibility. Nobody campaigns for it.

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    I really want the pope to come into the pulpit and tell Filipinos to their faces what's wrong with them, because we refuse to listen to ourselves.

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    It is necessary to salvation that all Christians be subject to the pope.

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    It is fascinating to see how much Pope Francis relies on the work of the bishops in the Synods.

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    It seems from Pope Francis, immigrants, anybody who doesn't live here in America, has an automatic right to come here just because there's no other place like it on earth. And what is never discussed is how it got so special. How did it happen? Why is it so prosperous? Why is it so free?

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    I'm so, so thrilled that [Pope Francis] is there at this crucial moment in the history of our world.

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    I would like to see the Pope wearing my T-shirt.

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    I was in a state of shock, because I have never seen the pope talk about something as unimportant as Donald Trump. OK? And I was like, the pope is talking about me? This can't be happening. And then I said, is it good or bad? They said it's bad.

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    Liberals can always be trusted to see God in Mumia Abu-Jamal and the devil in the Pope.

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    Martha Pope herself is a legend within the institution, and he was enormously supportive. And me and the women candidates.

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    I toast the Pope, but I toast conscience first.

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    Jesuits make a vow of obedience to the Pope. But if the Pope is a Jesuit, perhaps he has to make a vow of obedience to the General of the Jesuits! I don’t know how to resolve this … I feel a Jesuit in my spirituality; in the spirituality of the Exercises, the spirituality deep in my heart.

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    I would like to sing for the Pope. And the Queen, and at Simon Cowell's wedding.

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    Pope actually said that maybe I'm not a good Christian or something. It's unbelievable. Which is really not a nice thing to say.

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    Pope John Paul didn't die - he pre-boarded.

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    Pope John Paul II's press secretary, who said, See, if only the Pope were Italian, he woulda shot back! Never got a dinner!

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    [Pope Francis] has felt the mercy of God in his own life and wants to share that experience with others.

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    [Pope Francis] lashed out against what he called malevolent resistance to his reforms.

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    Pope is questioning my faith. I was very surprised to see it. But I am a Christian, and I'm proud of it.

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    Queen Victoria was loyal and true to the Pope; that is what I was told, and so is Edward the Seventh loyal and true, but he has got something contrary in his body.

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    Mr. Churchill, Mr. Prime Minister, how many divisions did you say that the pope had?

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    The appointing power of the Pope is treated as a public trust, and not as a personal perquisite.

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    Over the pope as expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority, there stands one's own conscience which must be obeyed before all else, even if necessary against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority.

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    The Church of Rome, the Pope has always said, 'Seek peace.'

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    The dogma of the infallibility of the Bible is no more self-evident than is that of the infallibility of the popes.

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    The Pope also said that while he's in town he would like to go see 'The Book of Mormon.'

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    The Catholic priest, from the moment he becomes a priest, is a sworn officer of the pope.

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    The Pope is only concerned with the spiritual welfare of his flock.

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    Should we cry when the pope dies, my request we should cry if they cried when we buried Malcom X

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    The Pope is guarded by the Swiss guard who stand proudly in pajamas and silly hats.

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    There's more likelihood of Ian Paisley being the next pope, than of me agreeing to a fix or a stitch-up.

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    There are only three great powers in the universe: God in heaven, the pope in the Vatican and Dadá in the great box.

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    The ultimate binding element in the medieval order was subordination to the divine will and its earthly representatives, notably the pope.

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    The tribunal of God and of the pope is one and the same.

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    We had a picture of the pope and President [J.F.] Kennedy on top of the television.

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    Well beloved subjects, wee thought that the clergie of our realme had been our subjectes wholy, but now we have well perceived that they bee but halfe our subjectes, yea, and scarce our subjectes: for all the prelates at their consecration make an othe to the pope, clene contrary to the the that they make to us, so that they seme to be his subjectes, and not ours.

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    This requires a level of delusion/egomania usually reserved for popes and drag queens

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    Whereof it followeth Rome to be the seat of antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself. I could prove the same by many other scriptures, old writers, and strong reasons.

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    A Pope usually worked fourteen-hour days, seven days a week, and died of exhaustion in an average of 6.3 years. The inside joke was that accepting the papacy was a cardinal's 'fastest route to heaven.