Best 45 quotes in «brotherly love quotes» category

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    How could he have abandoned—no, shoved away the most important person in the world to him? The one person in the world to whom he, in turn, was also most important? God, he was a monster.

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    Emma, la maestra de la mentira. La reina del "Mi hermano es normal", "Mi hermano es tímido". Mi hermano es muy enfermizo, tiene alergias, mononucleosis, intoxicación alimentaria, la gripe. Y la mentira más grande y más turbia de tods: "Mi hermano".

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    God, I wish he and I had been genuinely close as opposed to the "Don't-they-look-nice-together-in-the-airbrushed-family-portrait close.

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    Dude, you need to appreciate how goddamn gifted you are. You’re so smart that I don’t understand what you’re talking about half the time, and we all know how brilliant I am.” Finn winked. “Matty, you’re amazing.

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    If she fails to wake, I will kill him. I will not kill him quickly.

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    If you punish them, they are your slaves and if you forgive them they are your brothers.

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    In this short time you have already become as a brother to me.' 'That is what the Prince creates between men--brotherhood.

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    Love is the greatest gift; we can give to one another.

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    Low and cold, Nick said, "Betray me." Alan's head snapped up. "What?" "Betray me," Nick said again, still in that terrible toneless demon's voice, hands clenching on the kitchen counter so hard Mae thought it would break. "Turn me over to the magicians, take the magic, do whatever you think you need to do, I do not care. But don't leave.

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    My brother cleared his throat. "I wish she knew that I think she is the most hilarious person on Earth. And that whenever she's not home, I feel like I'm missing my partner in crime." My throat tightened. Do not cry. Do not cry. "I wish she knew that she's really Mom's favorite--" I shook my head here. "--the princess she always wanted. That Mom used to dress her up like a little doll and parade her around like Mara was her greatest achievement. I wish Mara knew that I never minded, because she's my favorite too.

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    May we love each other with brotherly love. Love cast out all fears.

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    Mis-define the law of brotherly love by giving men a claim on their neighbors and you have destroyed freedom, justified despotism, and assumed that there can be a master mind, in an ordinary human being, as the mind of God.

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    Our deal's over," said Charlie. "I brought your feather. I want my brother. You took him. I want him back. Anansi's bloodline was not mine to give." "And if I no longer have your brother?" It was hard to tell, in the firefly light, but Charlie did not believe that her lips had moved. Her words surrounded him, however, in the cries of nightjars, and in the owls' shrieks and hoots. "I want my brother back," he told her. "I want him whole and in one piece and uninjured. And I want him now. Or whatever went on between you and my father over the years was just the prelude. You know. The overture.

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    Kyuthe," he said. "Kaylin. An'Teela. You carry my heart in your arms.

    • brotherly love quotes
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    Speak graciously to young men as you would to your brothers.

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    Rule, she's always been an Archer. Putting a rock on her finger is just a formality. No one doubts how much you care about her, or that you are committed to her and her alone. Screw her obnoxious family and whatever headache Mom and Dad might want to cause, your want her forever, ask her.

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    See? Grumpy. And defensive. If you need help, ask me, you stubborn asshole.” “Right, like you ask for help or time off when your leg hurts?” “My leg is fine.” “What a coincidence,” Cole said. “I’m fine too. I’m so damn fine it’s not even funny. Everything’s great. The ranch is great.” “Seems like it.” “Obviously.” “You’re as screwed up as I am,

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    She could hardly believe that this truculent stranger was her brother. "Nick," she said, testing his name on her tongue. "Why did you give me those presents? It nearly drove me mad, wondering who had sent them. And I was terrified that Sir Ross would think I was carrying on with a secret lover." "Sorry," he muttered, flashing her a contrite smile. "I wanted to be a- a benefactor. To give you the things you deserve. I never meant for us to meet. But the need to see you became so strong that I couldn't bear it any longer." "And that is why you approached me at Silverhill Park?" He gave her the smile of a naughty schoolboy.

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    What the hell, Cade? You knew, and you never thought . . . ‘Hey, maybe I should tell my brother’?” “No, Cole, I never thought that,” Cade said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “And why the hell not?

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    Still too thin. You've let your hair grow out a bit, though. Trying to look pretty for your prince? I've told you time and again you're far too ugly to be saved.' 'You've got no room to talk of ugly. Your poor wife, always having to wear a blindfold to bed. If I'm too thin, it's because you've got all my weight. Palace life is making you into a unicorn.

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    They placed their lives on hold for a group of strangers and asked for nothing in return. They affirmed the basic goodness of man at a time when it was easy to doubt such humanity still existed. If the terrorists had hoped their attacks would reveal the weaknesses in western society, the events in Gander proved its strength.

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    What are you about, Moncrieffe?" Eversea did look decidedly ill. "What am I about...? Well, I'm 'about' to enjoy, or at least drink, a cup of ratafia. Or brandy if I can get it. I'm about to join your father for a brief discussion of an investment opportunity in his study. I'm about to divest your neighbors and guests of their money in five-card loo. But that's later. More importantly, I'm about to dance with your sister." It was the smile Moncrieffe offered here, and the way he said "sister," that had Ian reaching, in a reflex almost as old as time, for a sword he wasn't wearing. He forced his hand to ease. For Moncrieffe had seen it; he casually placed his own hand inside his coat. A pistol was never far from his person.

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    Percy: “You asked Poseidon for… me?” Tyson: "For a friend, young cyclopes grow up alone on the streets, learns to make things out of scraps. Learn to survive." Percy: “But that’s so cruel!” Tyson: “Makes us appreciate blessings, not be greedy and mean and fat like Polyphemus. But I got scared. Monsters chased me so much, clawed me sometimes--" Percy: “The scars on your back?” Tyson: “Sphinx on Seventy-second Street. Big Bully. I prayed to Daddy for help. Soon the people at Meriwether found me. Mey you. Biggest blessing ever. Sorry I said Poseidon was mean. He sent me a brother.

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    Their willingness to help others is arguably the single most important trait that defines them as Newfoundlanders. Today, it is an identity they cling to, in part, because it is something that cannot be taken away from them.

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    There will be no insults here," Lachlan said to Ewan, his voice stern. "At least not against Sin. Braden, on the other hand, you may feel free to attack." "Och, now," Braden bristled, "where's your brotherly love?" Lochlan smiled devilishly. "That is my brotherly love. Notice I have yet to taunt you?" "Aye, but I'm sure it's nothing more than an oversight." -Lochlan & Braden

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    Truth or lie... he had always chosen the lie, to spare his little brother any unpleasant truth.

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    We couldn’t have done it without somebody else! We couldn’t have won this race or got the Fleece or saved Grover or anything! We owe our lives to Tyson, Percy’s…’ ‘Brother!’ I said, loud enough for everybody to hear. ‘Tyson, my baby brother.’ Tyson blushed. The crowd cheered. Annabeth planted a kiss on my cheek.

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    Why?” I asked him tiredly. “What would it have changed? What could you possibly have said that would have made a difference?” “That I was your brother, Harry,” he said. “That I loved you. That I knew a few things about denying the dark parts of your nature. And that we would get through it.” He put his elblows on his knees and rested his forehead on his hands. “That we’d figure it out. That you weren’t alone.” Stab. Twist. He was right. It was just that simple.

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    Will knelt beside me. I wished I could have taken a holo of him at that moment and played it for him the next time he kicked me out of his room. He never would believe he was the same brother who had once tried to knock me out with a pillow.

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    Wouldn’t hurt if you used your connections to grease the wheels.” “I can do that. But damn, Cole how hard is it to just ask?” “Hard,” Cole said, pushing his hand through his hair. “Especially when you’re afraid asking is going to blow up the family.” Cade nodded. “So we both know.” “Yeah.” “And Lark doesn’t.” “Nope.” “Keep it that way?” Cole tapped the side of his beer bottle. “I don’t know. I don’t like being a part of the deception.” “We didn’t lie, Cole; he did.” “But we know the truth. Do we keep covering for him?” “He never covered for us. He’d tell Mom on us, and then she’d whup our asses.” Cole laughed. Sometimes the memories were still good. They still seemed intact and not just like a facade that hadn’t meant a damn thing. “Yeah, he did. But he’s not alive to answer for it, or learn from it.” “How about we drink alcohol and make no decisions?” “I’m cool with that.” Cade took the bottle opener off the fridge and popped the top off his beer, taking a long drink

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    Yeah, I will. Why do you care so much all of a sudden?” Cade shrugged. “I don’t have anything else to do. And like I said . . . you and Lark and this ranch are all I have. Makes you cling to things tighter when you realize how easy it is to lose them.

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    Because of this ever increasing discernment of the true Mason he/she will find more efficient ways to apply brotherly love, relief and truth.

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    You are my brother. You are my sister. We are one human family.

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    Your money or your life!

    • brotherly love quotes
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    You will NEVER be just a guy, Rome. You're the best brother a guy could have. You're a fucking hero. No one, and I mean no one, has ever had my back the way you have. You are an incredible person, be it in the army fighting a war or sitting on the goddamn couch watching the game. Don't forget it.

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    In Philadelphia, you are welcome, and that's The City of Brotherly Love. I think that makes us culturally thick and sound, so you can experience all kinds of cultural authenticity.

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    Brotherly love is the badge of Christ's disciples.

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    We're on a planet. At the same time. In the Universe ... Let's do something Great Together!

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    For [Karl] Marx it is socialist society which realizes "concretely" the religious principles of equality, brotherly love, and freedom.

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    The music business used to carry a certain amount of brotherly love, but it isn't that way now.

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    Out of a brotherly love we occasionally embrace this or that somebody (because we cannot embrace everybody): but we must never letour somebody know it.

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    And, actually, I was feeling pretty good at the time. My brothers were like individual rays of sunshine that had come crashing into my room to drive out the fragments of Despair. For a few minutes, everything was golden. And everything was okay.

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    A man's heart does not love like a woman's, Lorelei. Logren would lay down and die if he thought his death would save your life because you are his sister, but his tongue is not so easily guided by his brother's heart.

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    Sunnis consider Shias a pack of unwholesome fanatics and Shias consider Sunnis a gang of lukewarm no-goods - there's nothing like religion for spreading brotherly love!

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    Brotherly love is a blessings of life.