Best 5189 quotes in «history quotes» category

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    Das menschliche Leben ist ... ohne Kenntnis der Geschichte nichts anderes als ... gewissermaßen eine immerdauernde Kindheit, ja sogar eine ständige Finsternis und Blindheit

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    DEAR LIGHT : you colored my life, and then you destroy me!

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    Descending south into St. Augustine’s Historic District along A1A, visitors are immediately confronted by an edifice which serves as a stark reminder that the city was originally founded as a military outpost, deep in hostile territory. Jutting up like a molar from the defensive teeth of the Ancient City is the forbidding fortress of Castillo de San Marcos, a coquina fortification which has served many roles it its nearly three hundred fifty year history.

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    Despite it all, there were heroes who rose above their circumstances. Those who reached out to people of another race with compassion and even love.

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    . Despite the considerable horror they had felt when the SA men were bellowing crude anti-Semitic slogans, in retrospect the joke-tellers were very much aware of the boycott’s inherent absurdity: A city on the Rhine during the boycott: SA men stand in front of Jewish businesses and “warn” passers-by against entering them. Nonetheless, a woman tries to go into a knitting shop. An SA man stops her and says, “Hey, you. Stay outside. That’s a Jewish shop!” “So?” replies the woman. “I’m Jewish myself.” The SA man pushes her back. “Anyone can say that!

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    Despite what everyone thinks, hatred is what makes the world goes round not love. Just look at Hitler, he changed the world with his hatred so did Abraham Lincoln. He didn’t free the slaves out of love, he simply hated the Confederates so he did something to piss them off and win the war.

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    Destiny doesn't always come when it's convenient or when you think it should. It comes when you're ready, whether you know it or not.

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    Det finns så många idiotisk regler. Gud skapade människan till sin avbild, så predikar prästerna i kyrkorna. Varför kan då inte kvinnorna ha samma rättigheter som män? /.../ För att Jesus inte var kvinna? Men var kom HAN ifrån då? Jo, det ska jag säga er, han kom från Gud och en kvinna.

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    Did not the souls also of the righteous ask question of these things in their chambers, saying, "How long shall I hope on this fashion?" when cometh the fruit of the floor of our reward?

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    Die größte Übeltat der protokollierten Menschheitsgeschichte ist der degoutante, mörderische Antigermanismus des 20. Jahrhunderts!

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    Dig Deep! When the task at hand seems to be very difficult. Dig Deep! Whenever you feel you're drifting away from your intended course. Dig Deep! When others doubt you and say it can't be done. Dig Deep! Whenever you feel like giving up. Dig Deep! When life throws you a curve ball. If you quit, you'll never hit that homerun

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    Digging through my roots to understand the way my branches grew.

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    Discover how to visit the past and bring yesterday's stories into our lives today

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    Don’t be afraid of failures it takes courage to try new things & only those who try create miracles.

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    Don’t be afraid of failures it takes courage to try new things & only those who try create History.

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    Don’t be afraid of those failures that do not lead to a loss of life or that do not incapacitate people.

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    Don’t keep those people in your life who are completely negative in approach. Eventually these people will stress you out and be the source of your downfall.

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    Don't think because you can't affect something at a great level that God can't use you in a great way. David didn't even train one day with the armies but He won the war. He didn't even have a weapon but he killed a giant.

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    Do you know a Psychopath? You do not know me; but after reading my memoir you will know me a little better and you will have had the experience of safely getting into the mind and life of a young psychopath in training. Critics have written: It is a powerful and unusual memoir; brutal and raw. A Psychopath In Training: In 1997 psychiatrist’s contracted by the Correctional Service and the National Parole Board wrote in their final report, before I was released back into the community, they had diagnosed me to be a psychopath. A Psychopath: How does one become a Psychopath? After of the death of my young mother, when I was fourteen, I became a ward of the state and forced into the care and custody of the Catholic Christian Brothers at St. John’s Catholic Training School for Boys until after I turned sixteen. Since then I have been incarcerated over seventeen years in various prisons, institutions and juvenile detention centres. I have been interviewed and treated by so many prison psychiatrists and psychologists I should be called the professional. In my youth I have experienced almost every kind of sleaze, sex and violence humans can inflict on each other. I had to learn the hard way on how to identify and deal with the people who were the dangerous psychopath’s in my life and the proof I succeeded is; I am still alive. My book cover depicts what is coming out of the government foster homes and prisons today: Our communities and our police forces are not at all prepared for the dangerous psychopaths being churned out. Are you ready? You and the educators alike can learn from my memoir.

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    Do you want to acquire God's own wisdom? Relate with the Holy Spirit. Be a seeker of divine guidance by the Holy Spirit. You can't be a man or woman of solution without God.

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    Dragons are integral to the Chinese Culture. The First Emperor of China is known as the Dragon King, and the people are known as Descendants of Dragons. - Kailin Gow, Amazon Lee Adventures in China: Tomb of the Dragon King.

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    Du, min snälla fästmö, som skrifva mig så hjertliga ord, som tränga sig igenom hela min varelse, och komma mig att skämmas och finna mig ovärdig all denna tillgifvenhet mot en sådan som jag, men på samma gång erfar jag ock i djupet af min själ den stora glädje att veta mig ega ditt hjerta, liksom du eger mitt.

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    Dunia ini masih senantiasa teramat sopan. Tidak mau melihat kenyataan yang telanjang bulat. Memalingkan muka dengan penuh rasa jijik dari kenyataan, perempuan telanjang itu.

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    Dynasties rise and fall according to what the Chinese used to call ‘the mandate of heaven’, but life for the peasant changes little.

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    Each era has the fatal hubris to believe that it has once and for all climbed to the top of the mountain and can see everything as it is, from the highest and most objective vantage point possible.

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    Each Inspirational Messenger who was and has been acknowledged in the history books was done so because of the way they chose to live. Their life had a core message that was central to their years, whether they exemplified and expressed whenever they took a step in the world.

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    Each life contains as much meaning as all of history.

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    Each week, I plan an assignment. Students, interrogate form down to the last comma. Students, broadcast the crimes of history.

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    Education continued to come under particularly strong fire...: If women learned how to manage in the world as well as men, if they learned about history and politics and studied for a profession, of course they would soon be demanding a voice and a role outside the home. The medical doctors soon discovered that education was dangerous to a female's health.

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    Efforts by Democrats to portray Jackson as 'manly' and for the 'common man' were apparently more effective than were the campaign tactics of Adams’s supporters, who attempted to depict Jackson as violent, unjust, a paramour, and even a poor speller. It is quite possible that this anti-Jackson propaganda actually reinforced the positive image of Jackson as a masculine commoner—especially when contrasted with that of Adams, whom the Democrats depicted as an over-refined aristocrat.

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    Einmal ist keinmal. What happens but once might as well not have happened at all. The history of the Czechs will not be repeated, nor will the history of Europe. The history of the Czechs and of Europe is a pair of sketches from the pen of mankind's fateful inexperience, unbearably light, light as a feather, as dust swirling into the air, as whatever will no longer exist tomorrow.

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    Either that information was not believed or inexplicably never passed on to the regional military command. When the attack finally came, Vienamese civilians were defenseless.

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    Émelie du Châtelet lämnade mannen hon inte älskade. Det har ni själv berättat." "Ja, och det var ett misstag. Jag trodde ni hade mer vett. Jag berättade det som en sedelärande historia om en kvinna som gjorde sin plikt och fick skörda frukten av det. Hon födde sin mans familj tre barn och gjorde sig förtjänt av sin frihet. Vad har ni gjort? Inrett en barnkammare utan att nedkomma med ett barn. Försöker stänga er egen man ute från er sängkammare.

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    Empires fall and drag their brands of civilization down with them.

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    ...environment scarcely recognises a political frontier.

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    —Esa es la palabra: horrible. La belleza y el socialismo parece que juegan en equipos contrarios. Pero a todo se acostumbra uno.

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    España daba vueltas en círculos desde los días de los Reyes Católicos: guerras, dictaduras, reyes engendrando hijos idiotas con primas, tías y medio hermanas, la Iglesia, el perpetuo anclaje en el pasado, los militares, más guerras, más curas, más incultura...

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    Es el hombre vivo lo que hay que buscar bajo el polvo de los archivos y en el silencio de los museos.

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    España se ha construido contra el Islam, en Reconquista, y por lo tanto la cosmovisión islámica del mundo es lo contrario de la cosmovisión cristiana del mundo, del mundo judeocristiano, occidental, del que España ha sido parte importantísima.

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    Espionage is the world's second oldest profession.

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    Error in opinion has this peculiar advantage with it, that the foremost point of the contrary ground may at any time be reached by the sudden exertion of a thought; and it frequently happens in sentimental differences, that the striking circumstance, or some forcible reason quickly conceived, will effect in an instant what neither argument nor example could produce in an age.

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    Esa es la primera señal: donde no se ven ni escarabajos ni lombrices, es que allí es alta la radiación.

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    E'stata reale prima di tutti noi. Siamo solo nati ottocento anni troppo tardi per poterla incontrare.

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    Etu Brute!

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    Es terrible comprobar que un sistema nacido para rescatar la dignidad humana haya recurrido a la recompensa, la glorificación, el estímulo de la delación, y que se apoye en todo lo humanamente vil.

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    European emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, which requires explanation.

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    Eu sentia uma ausência de medo, esse sentimento não existia. Dou minha palavra. Só depois dos ataques mais furiosos um dente cariado me incomodava. E por pouco tempo. Eu me consideraria muito corajosa até hoje, se não tivesse ido a especialistas alguns anos depois da guerra por causa de umas dores constantes, insuportáveis e absolutamente incompreensíveis nos pontos mais variados do meu corpo. Um neuropatologista experiente, depois de perguntar quantos anos eu tinha, ficou admirado: ‘Aos 24 anos seu sistema nervoso vegetativo está completamente destruído! Como vai viver?’ Respondi que ia viver bem. Em primeiro lugar, estava viva!

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    Eurocentrism is quite simply the colonizer's model of the world.

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    Europe was not born in the early Middle Ages. No common identity in 1000 linked Spain to Russia, Ireland to the Byzantine empire (in what is now the Balkans, Greece and Turkey), except the very weak sense of community that linked Christian polities together. There was no common European culture, and certainly not any Europe-wide economy. There was no sign whatsoever that Europe would, in a still rather distant future, develop economically and militarily, so as to be able to dominate the world. Anyone in 1000 looking for future industrialization would have put bets on the economy of Egypt, not of the Rhineland and Low Countries, and that of Lancashire would have seemed like a joke. In politico-military terms, the far south-east and south-west of Europe, Byzantium and al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), provided the dominant states of the Continent, whereas in western Europe the Carolingian experiment (see below, Chapters 16 and 17) had ended with the break-up of Francia (modern France, Belgium and western Germany), the hegemonic polity for the previous four hundred years. The most coherent western state in 1000, southern England, was tiny. In fact, weak political systems dominated most of the Continent at the end of our period, and the active and aggressive political systems of later on in the Middle Ages were hardly visible. National identities, too, were not widely prominent in 1000, even if one rejects the association between nationalism and modernity made in much contemporary scholarship.

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    Etymological fallacy is the worst sort of pedantry: a meaningless personal opinion trying to dress itself up as concern for preserving historical principles. It misses that language change itself is a historical principle: a language that doesn't change is a dead language