Best 94 quotes in «scottish quotes» category

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    The website increases my excitement when I read, “Hark, the pies are calling!” My excitement is short-lived, however. I read the page again and realize that it is “pipes” that are calling, not “pies” as I had hoped. I am disappointed. I personally react better to the call of pies.

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    The writing talent of Edinburgh is textured - we have poets, novelists, non-fiction writers, dramatists and more.

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    Touch the stone,' said Beliah, 'and you will touch "reality", or what the ignorant of all ages think "reality" is. That kind of truth will kill you, man. You won't see morning! I have kept you all your life from such things as remorse, terror, pity. Touch the stone, and those same angels will change you into an old poor pathetic deluded dying creature. Hubert, a nurse has to shave you, your hand shakes so much. You know that don't you? You dribble at every orifice, Hubert. You've begun to smell this past year or two...' He suddenly howled as if I had actually touched the stone,'YOU WILL BE RAVAGED IN FIRES OF GRACE!' I heard Nurse McGregor in the next ward. 'Good evening,' came her cheerful voice to the looney who had strangled his sweetheart and then buried her in his garden. 'Is it cocoa tonight, or tea, or milk?" Beliah was weeping. Outside the eaves dripped. The whole earth was drenched with the grief of Beliah. He wept inside me. I felt his marvellous tears on my face.

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    To us children he (Mr Ewing) was our very own ‘Mr Chips’ and invariably we would each receive half a crown whenever we encountered him on his afternoon walk. If we were particularly lucky, he would send us to the ‘Big House’ for ice-cream – a rare treat in the early 1950s

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    We took morphine, diamorphine, cyclozine, codeine, temazepam, nitrezepam, phenobarbitone, sodium amytal dextropropoxyphene, methadone, nalbuphine, pethidine, pentazocine, buprenorphine, dextromoramide chlormethiazole. The streets are awash with drugs that you can have for unhappiness and pain, and we took them all. Fuck it, we would have injected Vitamin C if only they'd made it illegal.

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    We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free.

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    When are we going to deal with Usaeil?” “Soon.” “The sooner, the better, Con. If you don’t do something she’s going to.” He raised a brow. “You mean worse than she already has? She’s all but told the Light.” “You think you know her, but you don’t. She cares about nothing but her own desires now.” Sounds like the Dark,” he said. “I know.

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    Everyone still thinks I'm Scottish - that's totally wicked.

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    Why can’t I get enough of you?” she asked between kisses. “Do you want to?

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    Ya were going to turn me into a rat? Had I known that I wouldn’t have tried to turn ya into a snake.

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    You can cover a great deal of country in books.

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    You're crazy,' I say. 'Aye,' Logan says. 'Crazy about you.

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    You've never heard of bagpipes?" Cody asked, sounding aghast. "They're as Scottish as kilts and red armpit hair!" "Um . . . yuck?" I said. "That's it." Cody said. "Steelheart has to fall so we can get back to educating children properly. This is an offense against the dignity of my motherland." "Great," Prof said. "I'm glad we now have proper motivation.

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    Though the continued march of intellect and education have nearly obliterated from the mind of the Scots a belief in the marvelous, still a love of the supernatural lingers among the more mountainous districts of the northern kingdom; for 'the Schoolmaster' finds it no easy task, even when aided by all the light of science, to uproot the prejudices of more than two thousand years. ("The Phantom Regiment")

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    I am Michael, and I am part English, Irish, German, and Scottish, sort of a virtual United Nations.

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    Give me but one hour of Scotland, Let me see it ere I die.

    • scottish quotes
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    I got into one of the Scottish classical styles called piobaireachd, which is a very old music that started around the 1700s or something. I really got into this music. After that, I started to compose bagpipe music in my notations. Then I started building bagpipes by myself, and then I started to perform with the instrument myself in the 1980s.

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    If you want something Scottish, go get yourself a kilt.

    • scottish quotes
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    I get recognised in the street, but that's more from all the Scottish people who are down in Blackpool on their holidays.

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    It can fairly be said of John Smith that he had all the virtues of a Scottish presbyterian, but none of the vices.

    • scottish quotes
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    I may be a werewolf and Scottish, but despite what you may have read about both, we are not cads!

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    I often have scripts sent to me with allegedly Scottish characters where I end up telling them, 'You're going to have to rethink this whole thing!

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    I've started looking at my own father a bit funny. He assures me, though, that I really am the son of a Scottish postman.

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    [Macbeth] is historically set in a place depicted by Shakespeare as brutal and violent, incredibly superstitious, and that's something that I do believe is Scottish.

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    Most traditional Scottish food is designed to use things that are just about to

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    I've been told I have an Irish temper, I know I have Scottish thrift, and, like the English, I love a good show.

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    Scotland is a great nation, but its horses are very uncomfortable.

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    Scottish football is full of hammer throwers.

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    Scottish operative lodges began in the seventeenth century to admit non-operative members as accepted or gentleman masons and that by the early eighteenth century in some lodges the accepted or gentleman masons had gained the ascendancy: those lodges became, in turn speculative lodges, whilst others continued their purely operative nature. The speculative lodges eventually combined to form the Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736.

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    Sean Connery wasn't the Scottish James Bond, and Daniel Craig wasn't the blue-eyed James Bond. So if I played him, I don't want to be called the black James Bond.

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    Scottish Theatre's greatest success story of recent times.

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    The Scottish Labour Party, while I have breath in my body, will listen to the views of trade unionists.

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    The Scottish are not shy when it comes to expressing themselves.

    • scottish quotes
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    When I watched Braveheart I was in tears and I was rooting for the Scottish people

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    We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.

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    An old liar told me here To think ahead and save my money. I should have spent it on ribbons. I should have learned the tune my dead grandfather played When the daft wife heard him resounding In the deep pine woods in early November.

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    Ah fuckin hate the way some American cunts call lassies cunts. Fuckin offensive, that shite.

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    Annie's message is timeless, her shining spirit and healing gift from the Spiritual Universe will capture your heart. She was born with birth defects in a time when special children and their mothers were put to death or banished. But have things changed really that much? Have they changed enough? "No!" Bullying, abuse, ridicule, and inequality thrives in the lives of women and children in our global modern society, just as surely as it did in the mid-1600s Colonial America. Based on factual research.

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    As every languageless, stateless, selfless nation has one last, twisted image of its worst and best, we have the ceilidh. Here we pretend we are Highland, pretend we have mysteries in our work, pretend we have work. We forget our record of atrocities wherever we have been made masters and become comfortable servants again. Our present and our past creep in to change each other and we feel angry and sad and Scottish. Perhaps we feel free.

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    A stóirín, ya are a handful of trouble, but I kind of like it.

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    ...but the air's flat and stale and the people half-hearted. There's nothing to do there. You can make love without trouble or meaning, or get mildly drunk, or extract second-hand emotions from the cinema, or put your mind to sleep on a dance-floor, or play bridge, or throw yourself in front of a train on the Underground. There are forty ways of escaping from consciousness. But I want something more exciting than that.

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    An exaltation of spirit lifted me, as it were, far above the earth and the sinful creatures crawling on its surface; and I deemed myself as an eagle among the children of men, soaring on high, and looking down with pity and contempt on the grovelling creatures below.

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    Cormag caught his hand and pulled him back until they were facing each other. “I think you're amazing,” he said, blurting the words out. Lachlan smiled, completely shocked and thrilled by how captivating he found him. He had never thought this could happen to him, that he would be attracted to another boy. He thought he knew himself so well. “I think you're smart, sexy, funny as hell. You have hidden depths, Lachlan. You only need the right person to coax you out of your protective shell,” he claimed. “Are you the right person?” Lachlan wondered, as he took a half step forward. Cormag took a deep breath and brushed at a strand of hair that was sticking out at a funny angle from behind the top of his ear. He tugged at his short hair every time he talked about his recent break up. He was such a dork.

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    Do not pay attention to my cousins. Every family needs a couple idiots and we keep them around for entertainment.

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    Fortune, if thou’ll but gie me still Hale breeks, a scone, an whisky gill, An’ rowth o’ rhyme to rave at will, Take a’ the rest, An’ deal’t about as thy blind skill Directs thee best.

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    Am I on your walk of shame? You did sleep with the right MacGregor, didn’t you?

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    Christ – wid ye take a look at that numpty? Fuckin "Popeye" izzit?’ Jimmy gestured towards the bar. ‘C**t obviously husnae hud his spinach, eh?

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    Ciaran broke the silence and spoke quietly. "She means naught to me." A tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it away. "It doesnae matter--truly," she whispered. He reached out and gently brushed her arms. When she closed her eyes to avoid his probing gaze, he raised her chin with his finger. "It matters to me," he said solemnly. He wiped her tears with his thumb. "I told her we were done when I returned to Glenorchy. She wasnae pleased. I didnae know she was there, Rosalia. She saw ye and Aisling and threw her body upon me." She could not help but smirk. "Her verra bare body, my laird." He paused for a moment, a spark of some identifiable emotion in his eyes. "I didnae notice, Rosalia. All I saw was ye.

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    Damn, I would give anything to see that man naked," Charlotte whispered. "How could you only say he was 'all right'?

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    Emotions like these didn't happen to regular, everyday people. They couldn't or else the entire world would be fornicating all the time.