Best 33 quotes in «faust quotes» category

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    Oh, happy he who still hopes he can emerge from Error's boundless sea! - Faust.

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    Así se reconoce a los sabios. Cuando no puedes palpar algo, es que no está aquí. Lo que no puedes asir con tus dedos no existe. Lo que no puedes calcular crees que no es verdadero. Lo que no puedes poner en la balanza no tiene peso para tí. Sólo crees que vale lo que tú mismo forjas.

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    The writer is the Faust of modern society, the only surviving individualist in a mass age. To his orthodox contemporaries he seems a semi-madman.

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    Being full of mischief, they love to listen; they gladly obey, for they like to betray you, pretending to be sent from Heaven, and lisping like angels, while they lie.

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    A thought expressed is a falsehood." In poetry what is not said and yet gleams through the beauty of the symbol, works more powerfully on the heart than that which is expressed in words. Symbolism makes the very style, the very artistic substance of poetry inspired, transparent, illuminated throughout like the delicate walls of an alabaster amphora in which a flame is ignited. Characters can also serve as symbols. Sancho Panza and Faust, Don Quixote and Hamlet, Don Juan and Falstaff, according to the words of Goethe, are "schwankende Gestalten." Apparitions which haunt mankind, sometimes repeatedly from age to age, accompany mankind from generation to generation. It is impossible to communicate in any words whatsoever the idea of such symbolic characters, for words only define and restrict thought, but symbols express the unrestricted aspect of truth. Moreover we cannot be satisfied with a vulgar, photographic exactness of experimental photoqraphv. We demand and have premonition of, according to the allusions of Flaubert, Maupassant, Turgenev, Ibsen, new and as yet undisclosed worlds of impressionability. This thirst for the unexperienced, in pursuit of elusive nuances, of the dark and unconscious in our sensibility, is the characteristic feature of the coming ideal poetry. Earlier Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe said that the beautiful must somewhat amaze, must seem unexpected and extraordinary. French critics more or less successfully named this feature - impressionism. Such are the three major elements of the new art: a mystical content, symbols, and the expansion of artistic impressionability. No positivistic conclusions, no utilitarian computation, but only a creative faith in something infinite and immortal can ignite the soul of man, create heroes, martyrs and prophets... People have need of faith, they need inspiration, they crave a holy madness in their heroes and martyrs. ("On The Reasons For The Decline And On The New Tendencies In Contemporary Literature")

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    Faust tends not to have happy endings.

    • faust quotes
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    „Bin weder Fräulein, weder schön, kann ungeleitet nach Hause gehn.

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    Defínite sólo a ti mismo. Eso será ya un enigma. Intenta revelarte en lo íntimo (...)

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    ¿Es el pergamino una fuente sagrada de la que un sorbo saciará nuestra sed para la eternidad? No, no repararás tu sed si la bebida no brota de ti mismo.

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    By Fortune's adverse buffets overborne To solitude I fled, to wilds forlorn, And not in utter loneliness to live, Myself at last did to the Devil give!

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    Eso hazlo por ti mismo, porque allá donde reinan los fantasmas es también bienvenido el filósofo. Para que la gente goce de su arte y favor, crea al instante una docena de nuevos fantasmas. Si no te equivocas, nunca llegarás a comprender. Si quieres nacer, hazlo por ti mismo.

    • faust quotes
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    I am Profusion; I am Posey: the Poet 'I' .. " --Boy Charioteer/Goethe's Faust Pt II

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    Grant me one hour on love’s most sacred shores To clasp the bosom that my soul adores, Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours.

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    Mephistopheles' contentious, often ambiguous relationship to Faustus is a reference to tantra just as it is to alchemy. It resembles the shifting tactics of a guru who varies his approach to his pupil in order to dissolve his resistances and prepare him for wider states of consciousness. Both Faustus and the tantric aspirant stimulate and indulge their senses under the guidance of their teachers who encourage them to have sexual encounters with women in their dreams. Both work with magical diagrams or yantras, exhibit extraordinary will, "fly" on visionary journeys, acquire powers of teleportation, invisibility, prophecy, and healing, and have ritual intercourse with women whom they visualize as goddesses. The tantrist [sic] is said to become omniscient as a result of his sacred "marriage," and Faustus produces an omniscient child in his union with the visualized Helen, or Sophia.

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    Men grieve [Mephistopheles] so with the days of their lamenting, [he] even hate[s] to plague them with [his] torments.

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    In fact a favourite problem of [John Tyndall] is—Given the molecular forces in a mutton chop, deduce Hamlet or Faust therefrom. He is confident that the Physics of the Future will solve this easily.

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    Mi buen amigo, todo llegará a su debido tiempo. Tan pronto tengas confianza, sabrás vivir

    • faust quotes
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    No matter what happens now You shouldn’t be afraid Because I know today has been the most perfect day I’ve ever seen.

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    One who has passed the thirtieth year already is as good as dead-- it would be best to kill you off by then.

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    Nonsense! I have merely come to terms with the fact that I am perfect, and I have decided life must go on, and I must learn to live with myself...

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    No quiero ser curado. Mi espíritu es poderoso. Si me curaran sería tan vulgar como los demás.

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    Sucht nur die Menschen zu verwirren, Sie zu befriedigen ist schwer.

    • faust quotes
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    O, thou art fairer than the evening air      Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars;      Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter      When he appear'd to hapless Semele;      More lovely than the monarch of the sky      In wanton Arethusa's azur'd arms Excerpt From: Christopher Marlowe. “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

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    The albino found himself brooding upon the nature of all unholy bargains, of his own dependency upon the hellsword Stormbringer, of his willingness to summon supernatural aid without thought of any spiritual consequences to himself and, perhaps most significant, of his unwillingness to find a way to cure himself of the occult's seductive attraction; for there was a part of his strange brain that was curious to follow its own fate; to learn whatever disastrous conclusion lay in store for it—it needed to know the end of the saga: the value, perhaps, of its torment.

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    The devil doesn't always laugh. Sometimes, he weeps with you.

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    The courageous testimony of Dr. Faust that a maiden's smile is more precious than history, philosophy, education, religion, law, politics,economics, and all the other branches of learning. Learning is another name for vanity. It is the effort of human beings not to be human beings.

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    THE LORD. You've nothing more to say to me? You come but to complain unendingly? Is never aught right to your mind? MEPHISTOPHELES. No, Lord! All is still downright bad, I find.

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    What you inherit from your father must first be earned before it's yours.

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    When he comes to the door he always looks mocking and half-way angry. You can see he has sympathy for nothing. It's written on his forehead that he can love no one.

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    Faust, the Ninth Symphony, and the will of Adolf Hitler are eternal youth and know neither time nor transience.

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    For me, the iPhone is harder than reading Faust.

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    -what good for us this endless creating? / what is created - then annihilating? '& now IT'S PAST'!.. '" --Mephistopheles (Faust; Pt II)

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    Hannibal at eighteen was rooting for Mephistopheles and contemptuous of Faust, but he only half-listened to the climax. He was watching and breathing Lady Murasaki...