Best 22 quotes in «living in the past quotes» category

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    Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.

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    Rehashing thoughts of painful events from the past or imagining negative events of the future is self-abuse and can be more destructive than physical harm.

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    The only reason time seems to be moving rather fast is that sometimes we’re too busy living in the past.

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    These facilities were relatively rustic even for this area of the world. Other inns at least had indoor plumbing and electricity. Most even had radios. But not this one. Perhaps it had something to do with the part of town he was in. It was known to the locals as the Nostalgia District, though no one really knew how the area had gotten its name. Did it come about through the feeling that it evoked in its residents and visitors? Or was it due to a lack of modern conveniences? The former certainly seemed less likely than the latter as it seemed doubtful that its long-time residents could continually, over the course of years, manage to be subject to a sense of nostalgia. After all, wouldn’t the perpetual absence of a modern context, eventually, defeat the purpose of evoking such a feeling? In fact, it would seem more appropriate to assume that visitors who spent enough time within the confines of this area were unwittingly apt to live in the past and become nostalgic for the modern day...or even the future.

    • living in the past quotes
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    The authoritarian character worships the past. What has been, will eternally be. To wish or to work for something that has not yet been before is crime or madness. The miracle of creation—and creation is always a miracle—is outside of his range of emotional experience.

    • living in the past quotes
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    We fall back into the past, we jump ahead into the future, and in this we lose our entire lives.

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    When you're hounded by the shame of the past, you can turn into a pretty miserable person who is always trying to measure up and please others.

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    You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday.

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    I do know that living in the past only messes up your present

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    If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

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    A lot of people have spent a lot of time keeping the future restrained so they can hold on to the past. Squeeze a few more years out of what they know because they're afraid of what might be. She's been restrained for too long. And we're trying to let her go.

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    To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can hurt you no more.

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    Chasing your tale? Sometimes we relive past accomplishments, failures and or past relationships to the point of exhaustion. When we do this, I liken it to a dog chasing its tail, just spinning round and round and going nowhere fast. Constantly chasing our own tales has the same effect on us. It leaves us in a state of dizzying immobility. When we wrap our arms so firmly around our past we leave little room to embrace our present future and that, my friends, is a sad tale to tell. ~Jason Versey

    • living in the past quotes
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    Do you think the memory of someone should dictate how we live going forward?' he asks, threading and unthreading his fingers together. 'It depends,' I say. 'I think you can probably honor someone's memory, but you can't live for them, because that means living in the past.

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    Every cure for nostalgia is obsolete.

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    I don't believe in yesterday, I believe in tomorrow. Whether it's positive or negative, the future is a new experience and not a ghostly replay of a time that was and can never be again.

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    I knew that on that island one was driven back into the past. There was so much space, so much silence, so few meetings that one too easily saw out of the present, and then the past seemed ten times closer than it was.

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    A spectator would conclude that I was living in the past. But I was very much living in the present. My present.

    • living in the past quotes
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    I have always wished the present to resemble memory: because the present can be flat at times, and bald as a road. But memory is never like that. It makes hills of feeling in collapsed hours, a scene of enclosure made all precious by its frame.

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    In my memories I have set my life in Brooklyn between pieces of glass, separate from my current existence, and this has enabled me to move forward. The past cannot tie me in knots, nor can it cause me to drown. And yet what is stored in glass belongs to me still. Each piece is a part of me: the hummingbirds, the locked doors, Mr. Morris in the yard, the pear tree, the woman covered by bees, and you. Especially you.

    • living in the past quotes
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    Is your life story the truth? Yes, the chronological events are true. Is it the whole truth? No, you see and judge it through your conditioned eyes and mind - not of all involved - nor do you see the entire overview. Is it nothing but the truth? No, you select, share, delete, distort, subtract, assume and add what you want, need and choose to.

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    Memories are a nice place to visit, but a terrible place to live.