Best 4500 quotes in «understanding quotes» category

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    It’s easy to love those we like, but what about those we don’t, and why would we anyways? There may be someone who doesn’t like us, yet they’re accepting of us, unconditionally loving us. Love means, I accept you as someone as imperfect as I am, someone who wants security and acceptance, someone who may be scared and shows it in the wrong ways, someone who is as worthy of my understanding, love, and acceptance as may feel I am of theirs. Someone who needs someone to love them first.

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    It's easy to take the time to stop and smell the roses but one must be willing to give of themselves enough to also stop to admire and understand life's weeds. Colleen Dougherty 10/2015

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    It's easy to judge only on the superficial. It takes a lot more time and work to truly understand.

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    It's good to see the snakes revealing themselves. They weren't actually hidden at all. People hide behind the masks, but eventually you see them for who they truly are.

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    It's humbling to think how little we contribute to our own ideas.

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    It's hard to know what happy is if you're not sure if you've felt it before.

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    It's knowing one's ... limitations ... and then ignoring them.

    • understanding quotes
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    [I]t's not enough to be right. I think you have to be generous. It's not enough to be logical. You have to be virtuous...[Y]our demeanor will carry your message, perhaps, even further than your words will...[P]eople don't just disagree with us. Many of them genuinely think that we are evil, and when people think you're evil, I don't think they listen very carefully to your words. They search your manner. They look for the slightest excuse to ignore all your impregnable arguments, all of your carefully-marshaled facts, and that's why we must never be mean-spirited or angry or petulant, or dismissive of the interest of others. I believe rudeness and arrogance, they would drive people away, that would only confirm their own prejudices. It's the excuse they're desperate for to walk away smug and happy and say 'these people are just small-minded angry bigots.' Our opponents don't recognize our good faith, but -and this is a hard thing- I think we must try our best to recognize their good faith...You can't expect them to recognize our good intentions unless we are willing to recognize theirs.

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    It's not as if our lives are simply divided into light and dark. There's a shadowy middle ground. Recognizing and understanding the shadows is what a healthy intelligence does.

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    It’s not that they mistook your kindness for weakness. It was a test that they failed miserably.

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    It’s okay if you can’t make sense of that. I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t grasp it, either. The most vital things we hide even from ourselves.

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    It's useless to paint a closed door, in order to change its color. The door needs to be open for both sides to change as same.

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    It’s when you feel low about yourself that others’ actions and opinions will affect you. When you look at yourself as a confident person, it’s then that you’ll find the most peace and understanding. It’s your world you have to live in, not theirs.

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    It takes an insane person to understand the language of insanity.

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    It takes respect, understanding, and forgiveness to make peace.

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    It takes two of us to discover truth: one to utter it and one to understand it.

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    It takes understanding to be outstanding

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    It was a gaze that held the comfort of familiarity. There was no mystery, no enigmatic depth, but unrestrained length, the length of years—the laughter of childhood games and Christmas carols of home— lining its pathways with simple, yet easily overlooked, understanding.

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    It was easier to know it than to explain why I knew it.

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    It was fortunate that love did not need words; or else it would be full of misunderstanding and foolishness.

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    It was in that tree that I learned to read, filled with the passions that can only come to the bookish, grasping, very young, bewildered by almost all of what I read, sweating in the attempt to understand a world of adults I fled from in real life but desperately wanted to join in books. (I did not connect the grown men and women in literature with the grown men and women I saw around me. They were, to me, another species.)

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    It was more than disappointment, but I gained from it. I learned from it. I leaned into it to step out of it. You learn from different perspectives and to be given the chance to grasp them is beautiful.

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    It wasn’t worth it, but at the time it was. And that’s all that mattered.

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    I understand nothing-that's my gift.

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    I understood something about myself as well, even if I didn't have the will to examine it just then.

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    I understand you" is the soul behind "I Love You". If this is missing, "I Love You" is empty.

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    I've said this before, but people love you for so many reasons. Some love you only for what you do for them. Some love you for how much money you spend. Some love you for your possessions. By now, we should know that isn't love, but merely infatuation. Don't be fooled into thinking a person like that is going to hang around once those things are gone.

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    I used to hold you as my everything, And so I built my castles in your lands, But you proved to me your inadequacies, With this, how will my castles stand?

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    I've always wondered why you're the only one who doesn't have a temper. I've never seen you in a rage." "I'm quite capable of anger," Helen assured her wryly. "Anger, yes. But not the kind of fury in which you shout and throw things, and make nasty remarks you'll later regret." Helen worked diligently on the vanilla vine as she replied. "Perhaps I'm a late bloomer. I could develop a temper later." "Heavens, I hope not. If you do, we'll have no kind, calm person to soothe savage beasts such as Mr. Winterborne." Helen sent her a quick, sidelong glance. "He's not savage. He's accustomed to being the center of much activity. It's difficult for a man with a forceful nature to be idle and ill.

    • understanding quotes
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    I've found out so much about electricity that I've reached the point where I understand nothing and can explain nothing. [Describing his experiments with the Leyden jar.]

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    Ivonne said, "You know white people are strange. I don't even know if they know why they do things." Ivonne had grown up in a small Mississippi town, and I, in a smaller town in Arkansas. Whites were as constant in our history as the seasons and as unfamiliar as affluence.

    • understanding quotes
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    I wanted, for so long, for someone to understand me better than I understood myself, to take control of me, to save me, to make it all better. I thought that the hardest part of a loving, mutually healing relationship would be showing my vulnerable, raw spots to a person, even though I'd been hurt so many times before. This has not been the hardest part. The actual hardest part has been realizing that no one, no matter how compassionate and kind they are, will say the perfect things always. Myself included. The hardest part has been learning to communicate what I need, to hear what others need, to tell others how to tell me what they need. Intimacy takes a lot of communication. We all have triggers. I don't know your triggers and you don't know mine. No matter how much I love or trust you, you cannot possibly know exactly the words I need to hear, the words I don't want to hear, and the way I like to be touched. And how strange that we expect these things of each other. How strange, and self-sabotaging, that we refuse to get into relationships and friendships with people unless they treat us in just that perfect way. We've been raised to want fairy tales. We've been raised to wait for flawless saviors to rescue us. But the savior isn't flawless and the savior is not coming. The savior is you. The savior is still learning. The savior is never done learning. The savior is a human being. Forget perfect. Forget flawless. And start speaking your truth. Start speaking what you want and how you want it. And start asking and listening, really listening, to what the people around you say. Maybe, then, we will stop abandoning and hurting each other. Maybe, then, there's hope for us.

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    I wanted to get to the most essential aspect of my being, and look around for a while. I wanted to explore what I am in my most basic self. I wanted to chip away at all of the nonsense I have acquired through my twenty-nine years on this earth. I wanted to find truth. Thoreau went to the woods. I went to the mats. Jiu Jitsu has peeled the veil of daily life, and has shown me what lies beyond the curtain. We willingly accept the chains that circumstance forces upon us, and we grow to find comfort in them. We attach various fetters of day-to-day living to our being, and we do so with a smile. We accept these constraints for they come in the way of comfort. We accept conformity for it appears the path of least resistance. We strive toward the middle, and we run from ourselves.

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    I wanted to call a time out, to demand that everybody just STOP until I could understand everything.

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    I want a girl who understands my silence

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    I went into the new year loving myself in different ways, in a different possibility. It was then that I understood things I hadn’t. It was then that I understood people I hadn’t. We work in ways where sometimes we don’t align because our intersections lead us elsewhere. We find ourselves in rapids which lead to lightning, in beds that leave us homesick. We lust after the impetuous, in hopelessness, and sometimes in the reactive. We like things and people who are bad for us and that’s fine. It’s fine because it’s life. It happens. They exist. We exist. We all exist together in this world where nothing seems to make sense. Where everything is nothing but imaginary because it’s what we imagine it to be. Reality exists and it’s there, but life is what you make it. Your actions ask for it. How you exist is how you exist. We take every new year and give it a theme because we’re scared of how it could be. You change in the moment, not by years. You be to become and becoming is something which frightens people. Lead by example instead of letting the example lead you. Take this new year and find yourself in people who question it because questioning is how you gain from it.

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    I was born subject like others to errors and defects, But never to the error of wanting to understand too much, Never to the error of wanting to understand only with the intellect.. Never to the defect of demanding of the World That it be anything that’s not the World.

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    I was never able to accept anyone else’s support but my own –

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    I will admit that we as young rebels always wanted fundamentalists to understand our take on their religion, but rarely, if ever, the other way around. The fundamentalists are the real artists. If you saw only a masterpiece of an original painting and someone threw a splash of red across it saying that their version is better, you would be offended too.

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    I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: "He is nothing but a boy -- a little boy!

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    Knowledge has great riches. Understanding has extraordinary treasure. Wisdom has exponential wealth.

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    i wish you could understand me, but of course it is not the way of this world that we are ever completely understood.

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    I wonder if she feels from me the thing I feel about her when I touch her. Not in sex, which he understood now was a different thing from everything else. I just mean when I touch her skin before we sleep and I understand all the things beneath it. Animals can't have that. They can't build their loved ones that way and feel right through their skin. That's never worn off, whatever else. He looked a where she slept. I can't imagine living without that.

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    Knowledge is a brilliant scholar, understanding is a resilient student, and wisdom is an accomplished sage.

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    Knowledge is hidden in books, understanding is hidden in hearts, but true wisdom is hidden in souls.

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    Knowledge hears, understanding hearkens, wisdom listens.

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    Knowledge is better than silver, wisdom is better than gold.

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    Knowledge offers you strength. Wisdom promises you influence. Understanding assures you wealth. Love guarantees you power.

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    Knowledge is a gift. Understanding is a prize. Wisdom is a blessing. Enlightenment is your reward.

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    Knowledge is deep. Understanding is high. Ignorance is narrow. Wisdom is wide.