Best 345 quotes in «gifts quotes» category
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Senior pastors cannot be those who think they can do everything but are willing to let a few people help them. Rather, they are those who know they can’t do everything, don’t want to do everything, and are not willing to do everything; they welcome others to come along-side with their gifts in order to form a powerful team for Christ.
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Should we try to account for all the gifts of life there would be no time for distress and uneasiness.
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Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.
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Some of most valuable gifts come wrapped in the ugliest paper.
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Some people are murderers of their own gifts. They wait and see their dreams suffer from deficiency of actions. The end result is that the world is robbed as they baggage their dead dreams for the cemetery!
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Sometimes It feels like time is an evil clown that we always imagine. It gives you everything you ask for, and when you are about to happily embrace every gift that you have received it snatches away everything laughing and clapping at you, watching you fall on your knees and break into pieces.
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Sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is the freedom to pursue their happiness.
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So, what can I do?” I asked. “Annoy?” I gave him a hurt look. Justus pulled the tip of his hoodie over his eye and lowered his voice. “It remains to be seen; sometimes it takes years to uncover abilities.” “Maybe I can’t do anything.” His blue eyes flashed up to mine. “Learner, we are all gifted.
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Success is a steadily progress.
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Take the unpopular route. Use the road no one travels by. Think of doing what is uncommon but remarkable. You have absolutely nobody to overtake you on the empty road!
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Stop seeking attention from people who don't give you the time of day. Value your time, comfort your spirit, have peace of mind. There are people who love you and care about you.Give your smiles to them.
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That day, I learned that I could be a giver by simply bringing a smile to another person. The ensuing years have taught me that a kind word, a vote of support is a charitable gift. I can move over and make another place for someone. I can turn my music up if it pleases, or down if it is annoying. I may never be known as a philanthropist, but I certainly am a lover of mankind, and I will give freely of my resources.
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Talents are seeds of greatness. With big dreams well dispensed in form of achievements, you can pick money from people’s pockets and they will never get the guts to call you a thief.
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Thanks to Karen Connelly who read earlier versions of this manuscript and to Ronald Hatch my editor and publisher.
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That God had shown her, these last few months, that He could be trusted. Not just with her well-being, but with her dreams. She could trust that He had given her this love for Drake for His own purpose, but that it didn't negate the other gifts He'd breathed into her. Loving him didn't mean losing herself
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The best gifts one can give to someone are not things, the best ones to offer are a little Time, Love, Care and Respect.
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The air was steeped with the heady fragrance of roses, as if the entire hall had been rinsed with expensive perfume. "Good Lord!" she exclaimed, stopping short at the sight of massive bunches of flowers being brought in from a cart outside. Mountains of white roses, some of them tightly furled buds, some in glorious full bloom. Two footmen had been recruited to assist the driver of the cart, and the three of them kept going outside to fetch bouquet after bouquet wrapped in stiff white lace paper. "Fifteen dozen of them," Marcus said brusquely. "I doubt there's a single white rose left in London." Aline could not believe how fast her heart was beating. Slowly she moved forward and drew a single rose from one of the bouquets. Cupping the delicate bowl of the blossom with her fingers, she bent her head to inhale its lavish perfume. Its petals were a cool brush of silk against her cheek. "There's something else," Marcus said. Following his gaze, Aline saw the butler directing yet another footman to pry open a huge crate filled with brick-sized parcels wrapped in brown paper. "What are they, Salter?" "With your permission, my lady, I will find out." The elderly butler unwrapped one of the parcels with great care. He spread the waxed brown paper open to reveal a damply fragrant loaf of gingerbread, its spice adding a pungent note to the smell of the roses. Aline put her hand over her mouth to contain a bubbling laugh, while some undefinable emotion caused her entire body to tremble. The offering worried her terribly, and at the same time, she was insanely pleased by the extravagance of it. "Gingerbread?" Marcus asked incredulously. "Why the hell would McKenna send you an entire crate of gingerbread?" "Because I like it," came Aline's breathless reply. "How do you know this is from McKenna?" Marcus gave her a speaking look, as if only an imbecile would suppose otherwise. Fumbling a little with the envelope, Aline extracted a folded sheet of paper. It was covered in a bold scrawl, the penmanship serviceable and without flourishes. No miles of level desert, no jagged mountain heights, no sea of endless blue Neither words nor tears, nor silent fears will keep me from coming back to you. There was no signature... none was necessary. Aline closed her eyes, while her nose stung and hot tears squeezed from beneath her lashes. She pressed her lips briefly to the letter, not caring what Marcus thought. "It's a poem," she said unsteadily. "A terrible one." It was the loveliest thing she had ever read. She held it to her cheek, then used her sleeve to blot her eyes. "Let me see it." Immediately Aline tucked the poem into her bodice. "No, it's private." She swallowed against the tightness of her throat, willing the surge of unruly emotion to recede. "McKenna," she whispered, "how you devastate me.
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The best art is not always the most popular art, and the most popular art is never truly the best art. The best art is that which is streamed through God. And the worst art is that which is void of God. The master artist of the universe is the Creator of All Things, and his reflection is in all of us. Only the artist who is aware that he is a reflection of that greatness, and that creativity is supreme love, is a true divine artist. Even if he is not the most popular artist, he will be very popular among the stars of His universe. That is the master artist, one who uses his talents to serve as a vehicle of God. In his work, you hear God's voice and see with His eyes.
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The future is our present for the next generation. It's our duty and our total responsabilty to leave a good deed from our gifts. The way we live our present will lead to a good gift or the worst of nightmares for generations to come.
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The gift blesses the giver.
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The gifts of God that are hidden within us are designed not only for our own needs but also for the needs of others.
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The gift of life is present at every moment — even moments that seem insignificant or unpleasant.
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The greatest gifts are those that say, “I know you”.
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The insights we receive when going silent, it's our gift to ourselves. Returning and living them, sharing them, that is our gift to the world.
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The more you give of yourself, the more you find yourself.
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The products your life must have could be in the form of perfecting your gifts and talents.
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There are gifts and talents that have not yet been used and power which has not been applied
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There are pleasures to be found where you would never look for them
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There is a difference between talented people and gifted people.Talented people are good AT something; Gifted people ARE that something.
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There is enough work for every soul, if we use our specific gifts to meet the specific needs of the society.
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There is greatness in everyone already. The job of the leader is not to put greatness in anyone. The job of the leader is to make people discover and exploit the greatness already existing in them!
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There is nothing you lack and all you will find; we are one at the heart - just divided by mind. Don't let life pass you by.
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There must always be a secret to be unwrapped at Christmas—that’s the rule
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The secret is in realizing your internal gifts and then setting them free.
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Real humility is not about denying the gifts you are offered; it is accepting them.
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The best gift, you can give me is a book.
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The best way to convert time is to find out your calling, find out your divine gifting and convert your time into developing your gift and your calling.
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The best way to be thankful for the gift of life is to not throw it away.
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The better we serve, the greater the fulfilment.
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The courage to dream, the courage to act.
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The creative mind is a divine force.
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The different sacred gifts serve a divine purpose.
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The function of the educator is to discover in each individual child the gifts implanted in her by Almighty God and to develop and dedicate them to His service.
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The greatest joy is in giving; after all, God gave Christ for us.
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The hills and mountains on your ways are going to be removed. But remember that’s what should happen when God gives you the shovel. Use your gifts; it’s the escape route!
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The most amazing thing is that all my sorrows, all of my darkest moments, are becoming my gifts.
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There are many good seeds in you. Therefore you must avoid every bad soil in the world.
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There are many unintentionally cruel talents that the world, indiscriminately, hands out to us. Whether we can use these gifts we never asked for is not the worlds concern.
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There! I can’t fix the whole country, and it will only last a few days, but I present you with the sun, on behalf of my dreadfully boring magic.” He bows low, holding out his hand. I reach out tentatively, afraid of being burned, but the globe merely hovers above my hand where I slide it on top of Finn’s. It’s golden and deliciously warm and instantly makes me happier and more at ease than I’ve been in weeks. I laugh, delighted, and by the look on Finn’s face you’d think I was the one who had given him an absurd and wonderful gift.
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There is a greatness inherent within you. That greatness comes from God. He has bestowed each of us with unique gifts and talents to be used for kingdom building here on earth.