Best 30 quotes in «curses quotes» category

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    We not only do not believe that man is punished for his 'sins,' but emphatically state that there is no such thing as sin. There are wrongs and injustices, but no sin. Sin, like purgatory and hell, was invented by priests, first to frighten, and then to rob the living. We do not fear these myths and curses, and that is why we devote our time and energies to help our fellow man. That is why we build educational institutions and seek, by a slow and painful process, to teach man the true nature of the universe and a proper understanding of his place as a member in society. At the same time we try to fortify his mind with courage to withstand the rebuffs, the trials and tribulations of life. That it is a difficult and arduous task no one can deny because we cannot correct all of 'God's mistakes' in one life time. As Ingersoll so succinctly states: 'Nature cannot pardon.' Remember this: You are not a depraved human being. You have no sins to atone for. There is no need for fear. There are no ghosts—holy or otherwise. Stop making yourself miserable for 'the love of God.' Drive this monster of tyrannic fear from your mind, and enjoy the inestimable freedom of an emancipated human being.

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    An untrained mind is way less inclined to count your blessings than it is inclined to count your curses.

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    An experienced witch does not rely on karma. She relies on magickal justice.

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    What are the gifts given to we who live Below?" "Long life, health, strength, and happiness." "What is the curse of those who live Above?" "Short life, illness, weakness, and misery." "Is this fair?" "It is fair. It is as the gods decreed at the time of the Divide. Some have to stay Above so that humanity might survive Below." "Then give thanks.

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    Enchantments and Dreams: I suspect they are made of the same stuff. They each beguile the mind and confuse the senses with wonder and strangeness so all that was familiar becomes freakish, and the most bizarre of things intimate and natural.

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    African Unique caster - expert crystal instant cleansing||healing spells, charms, jinxes, hex, black magic, curses, voodoo, paranormal, addiction bad luck, witchcraft, lost-love, protection in Singapore Hong Kong Malaysia philippines Kuwait Mexico city Australia Canada Belgium Cyprus Oman Jordan Azerbaijan Muscat Kington Cambridge Florida Dublin Auckland New Zealand Ireland Dominican Switzerland Denmark United Kingdom United states Sychelles Saudi Arabia CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY - START LIVING THE LIFE YOU LOVE - DR AFZAL POWERS reaching 82 years experience now in helping people change lives around the world with respect of all age, race, colour, culture, religion "Long distance" instant-healing. Get psychic true reading, Dreams interpretation, Full body channelling, Energetic body, Negative energy, spiritual release, , business boost, life path guidance, ghost attaacks, reality formations, spirits release, sleep walking, past life regression, hex cleansing, evil spirits, demons force out, protection, reverse curse, revenge, witchcraft, mental healing, paranorama, dreams of the dead, reminations, spiritual bonding, anxiety & depression instant solution relationships marriage, career, family inlaws, bad luck removal, property recovery, betrayal, Gay/lesbian, children protection, beauty, politics, the list is endless. for any request and for your privacy my personal casting number: WHATSAPP Text me/Call On +27728043416

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    Enchantments and dreams: I suspect they are made of the same stuff. They each beguile the mind and confuse the senses with wonder and strangeness so all that was familiar becomes freakish, and the most bizarre of things intimate and natural. For the longest time after the curse fell, I did not know if I was a beast who dreamed of being a man, or a man who dreamed he was a beast.

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    Hentzau saw the Jade Goyl just as clearly as the Fairy had in her dreams. The pale green stone ran through his human skin like a promise.

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    Aspiring Asimovs!

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    Don't degrade your soul to the extent of believing in curses. No man can curse you except your maker.

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    Favorite Quotations. I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue. The worth of a book is measured by what you carry away from it. It's not over till it's over. Imagination is everything. All life is an experiment. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly.

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    I'm going to bed now, Lovis! Not to sleep. But to think and to curse, and woe better anyone who disturbs me!

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    If before the severe judge idle speech is reprehended, how much more that which is hurtful. Consider, then, how damnable those words be, which proceed of malice, when that talk shall be punished which proceedeth only from idleness.

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    Magic is not always formed from words, from cauldrons brewing sides or black cats strolling down dark alleys. Some curses are manifested from desire or injustice.

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    If I believed in curses, I would believe that this is mine: when it matters most, in the moments when I know with the greatest clarity exactly what needs to be done, everything I say comes out wrong.

    • curses quotes
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    For him that stealeth, or borroweth and returneth not, this book from its owner, Let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him. Let him be struck with palsy and all his members blasted. Let him languish in pain crying out for mercy, Let there be no surcease to his agony till he sink in dissolution. Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the worm that dieth not. When at last he goeth to his final punishment, Let the flames of Hell consume him forever. [attributed to the Monastery of San Pedro in Barcelona, Spain]

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    Ow!' was the first thing out of her mouth, followed by a steam of articulate and literate curses that were neither blasphemous nor prurient.She'd had years to develop a vocabulary of invective that wouldn't offend anyone. It was the sort of thing a princess had to do if she was going to be able to adequately vent her feelings.

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    May you never find satisfaction with another woman." "Did you just curse me?

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    One notorious apikoros named Hiwa al-Balkhi, writing in ninth-century Persia, offered two hundred awkward questions to the faithful. He drew upon himself the usual thunderous curses—'may his name be forgotten, may his bones be worn to nothing'—along with detailed refutations and denunciations by Abraham ibn Ezra and others. These exciting anathemas, of course, ensured that his worrying 'questions' would remain current for as long as the Orthodox commentaries would be read. In this way, rather as when Maimonides says that the Messiah will come but that 'he may tarry,' Jewishness contrives irony at its own expense. If there is one characteristic of Jews that I admire, it is that irony is seldom if ever wasted on them.

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    Pharaoh’s Flour promises the full fidelity of your husband and the eternal good behavior of your children—not only because the delicacies that you create with it can never be forgotten, but also because Pharaoh’s Flour bakes into every cake and pie the ancient spells and curses with which the pharaohs guarded their undisturbed homes and descendants into Eternity. And the ancient spells and curses, once guarded by the wise and wealthy, are now available in your kitchen. Pharaoh’s Flour!

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    Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.

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    Tantrics flow with the rhythm of the universe, treating the universe as a manifestation of Shakti.They open themselves to receive universal energy and become a reservoir of those energies.When a Tantric blesses or curses, it materialises as accumulated energy, which when directed at someone has a massive impact

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    There is only one curse that really exists and that is to believe naively that curses really exist!

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    People's curses will become your clue to win. The trash they think you have will become the treasure for greatness they will plead to enjoy! You will understand this better by and by!

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    Rather blessings, after counting my misfortunes, I realized how the more blessed I am.

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    She stamped her foot. She hoped the greedy thing shit for a week. She hoped it shit its awful self insideout and backward, then fell into a crack and lost it's name and died alone and hollow-empty in the angry dark.

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    Some people see their blessings as curses. Some see their curses as blessings.

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    That bloody bastard! That thrice accursed son of a bitch!

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    There are, he assures her, no such things as curses. There is luck, maybe, bad or good. A slight indication of each day toward success or failure. But no curses.

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    Vulnerability is the curse of the thinking classes.