Best 24 quotes in «sentence quotes» category

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    I liked that sentence then and I like that sentence now but then I had no way of making any sense of it, I could only keep it in my mind's eye, where it rested and grew in the embryo that would become my imagination

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    I cross-examined him and he double-crossed me but that's fine; I'll prosecute him one day and he'll be sentenced to life without parole…with me.

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    If there is “better”, then there is a “best”. If there is “half”, then there is a “complete”. Far more than being a “better half”, you can be a “best complete”; like a word/phrase that beautifies and gives meaning to a sentence when it is added.

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    In days long past, Jarod said he’d write a sentence about my love, translated in Russian, and that sentence, like my love, is clearly not for sale, unlike his virginity, or this book, which I’m both offering at ten times the market value, so hurry up and buy now, before it goes down.

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    In Caiaphas' court-room the Prisoner was now the object of scorn and contempt, 'a worm and no man', a blot on the very name and honour of Israel, a Philistine of the Philistines, worthy only of death. Here we touch another nerve of Christ's sufferings, his rejection by his own people. 'He came to his own home, and his own people received him not' (John 1:11). He was officially disowned as a child of Abraham, he who had wept over impenitent Jerusalem. In this rejection God was rending the Saviour's heart. To be thus spurned by his own people and treated as a reprobate, was a bitter grief to bear. To be delivered to the pagans for further trial and then death added to the pain that wrenched at his heart. But the One who had come to save the world must suffer at the hands of the world.

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    Looks sure can be deceiving: not every ‘ugly’ person is a ‘bad’ person (or is guilty of whatever it is that they are accused of).

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    Ponovo, posle mnogo godina, rečenica, i to ista, kao da se nikada ranije nije pojavila, kao da prvi put stiže sa velike udaljenosti i pokušava da kaže nešto u šta niko ionako ne veruje, a kako i da joj veruju kada između njenih odlazaka i povratka ne prođe dovoljno vremena ili, možda, naprotiv, kako neki kažu, prođe previše vremena, tako da se do kraja ne zna ko je u pravu, oni koji tvrde da tekst čita sebe ili oni koji misle da ga čita neko drugi, sve je moguće u toj rečenici, pa čak i da to ne bude ona ista rečenica, već neka koja je, ko zna kada, počela da igra ulogu prve rečenice, da se retvara da dolazi i odlazi kada to ona hoće, a sve sa jednim ciljem, koji zapravo nije još nijednom rekla, odnosno ponudila na čitanje, budući da rečenice, same za sebe, nikada ne govore, da uvek ćute, spremne da zavole nečije usne, uverene da su usne ono što njima, rečenicama, nedostaje, pa tako i ovoj rečenici, koja promiče neizgovorena i, po svemu sudeći, uopšte ne namerava da stane, već će nastaviti da se kreće, pravdajući se potragom za smislom, za jezikom, za usnama, gornjom i donjom, koje odavde liče na školjku, a odande, iz blizine, ne liče ni na šta, kao ni ova rečenica. (Rečenica)

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    One sentence can make a difference, and the writer of that sentence can be you.

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    One word absent from a sentence, or misinterpreted incorrectly, can change the entire meaning of a sentence. One word can change the meaning of everything. Before you believe anything about God or anybody, ask yourself how well do you trust the transmitter, translator or interpreter. And if you have never met them, then how do you know if the knowledge you acquired is even right? One hundred and twenty-five years following every major event in history, all remaining witnesses will have died. How well do you trust the man who has stored his version of a story? And how can you put that much faith into someone you don't know?

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    Shukhov gazed at the ceiling in silence. Now he didn't know whether he wanted freedom or not. At first he'd longed for it. Every night he'd counted the days of his stretch—how many had passed, how many were coming. And then he'd grown bored with counting. And then it became clear that men like him wouldn't ever be allowed to return home, that they'd be exiled.

    • sentence quotes
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    Some of the people who hate me love some of the sentences that I have written, until they get to the name of the person to whom the sentences are attributed.

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    MENTAL LAMENT Anagram depicting life sentence for materialists Kamil Ali

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    On the single strand of wire strung to bring our house electricity, grackles and starlings neatly punctuated an invisible sentence.

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    So the particular strengths of the colon are beginning to become clear. A colon is nearly always preceded by a complete sentence, and in its simplest usage it rather theatrically announces what is to come. Like a well-trained magician's assistant, it pauses slightly to give you time to get a bit worried, and then efficiently whisks away the cloth and reveals the trick complete.

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    There is someone out there who needs just a line or a sentence of your life testimony to believe he or she can also make it. Keeping your testimony away from them is more of suspending their accomplishments till further notice! Come on! Let's learn from you!

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    The way you live each day is a sentence in the story of your life. Every day, you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

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    The way you live your day is a sentence in the story of your life. Each day you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

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    Three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days. The three extra days were for leap years.

    • sentence quotes
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    We are each, then, a sentence within the boundless book of humanity. The question is… What will our sentence read, how eloquently will it read, and who will read it?

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    A quote is a story, suspended in a sentence and treasured through time.

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    We cannot control the way people interpret our ideas or thoughts, but we can control the words and tones we choose to convey them. Peace is built on understanding, and wars are built on misunderstandings. Never underestimate the power of a single word, and never recklessly throw around words. One wrong word, or misinterpreted word, can change the meaning of an entire sentence and start a war. And one right word, or one kind word, can grant you the heavens and open doors.

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    a young man was hung by a rope made of Stalingrad snow

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    Here a man can live. All right, it's a 'special' camp. So what? Does it bother you to wear a number? They don't weigh anything, those numbers.

    • sentence quotes
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    Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation but as a question. [A caution he gives his students, to be wary of dogmatism.]