Best 144 quotes of Bill Johnson on MyQuotes

Bill Johnson

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    Bill Johnson

    A culture of honor is celebrating who a person is without stumbling over who they're not.

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    Bill Johnson

    A heart of faith is anchored in the unseen

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    Bill Johnson

    All fruit grows through abiding, not striving.

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    Bill Johnson

    America should meet its obligations in the form of Social Security, Medicare, our ability to pay our military, legally binding legislation that allows unemployment compensation, the judiciary, the federal court system, the federal prison system, all those kinds of things have to be paid for.

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    Bill Johnson

    An area of life that does not have hope is under a lie.

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    Bill Johnson

    Any area of my life for which I have no hope is under the influence of a lie.

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    Bill Johnson

    Any revelation from God's Word that does not lead us to an encounter with God only serves to make us more religious. The Church cannot afford 'form without power,' for it creates Christians without purpose.

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    Bill Johnson

    Anything you think you know about about God, that you can't find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question.

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    Bill Johnson

    A powerless church has nothing for the devil to counterfeit.

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    Bill Johnson

    A private victory leads to a public victory and a corporate blessing, because God turns His face toward those who will demonstrate character when no one is looking.

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    Bill Johnson

    As a forgiven son, I am justified, cleansed, washed clean. This is a greater reality than my sinful past.

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    Bill Johnson

    Automatically thinking ‘everything that happens is God’s will’ is a lazy way to live. We live in a war. Jesus wasn’t fighting the Father’s will when He raised the dead.

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    Bill Johnson

    Before God, I'm an intimate. Before people, I'm a servant. Before the powers of hell, I'm a ruler, with no tolerance for their influence. Wisdom knows which role to fulfill at the proper time

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    Bill Johnson

    Beware 'good' main characters who have a limited repertory of culturally acceptable feelings, while your evil bastards have a full range of vivid, passionate feelings.

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    Bill Johnson

    Bible study without Bible experience is pointless.

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    Bill Johnson

    Christianity was never meant to be defined by its disciplines, but by its passions.

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    Bill Johnson

    Complaining proves nothing but that you can hear the voice of the Devil

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    Bill Johnson

    Compromise is the door through which deception enters.

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    Bill Johnson

    Compromise is the welcome mat to deception.

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    Bill Johnson

    Corporate greed is killing America, and that's what we battling at Boeing.

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    Bill Johnson

    Divine favor causes you to rise to the top in your sphere of influence, and the reality is that favor can be recognized more easily is your start at the bottom.

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    Bill Johnson

    Doesn’t it honor Him more when His children no longer see themselves only as sinners saved by grace, but now as heirs of God? Isn’t it a greater form of humility to believe Him when He says we are precious in His sight when we don’t feel very precious?

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    Bill Johnson

    Don’t be impressed by darkness. Jesus didn’t do the opposite of whatever the devil did. He did what He saw the Father doing… The moment I have a lesser sense of Him and a greater sense of the problem, I will live in reaction to the problem.

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    Bill Johnson

    Don't let your past dictate your future.

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    Bill Johnson

    Don't rely on leaders to do things you're equipped to do yourself.

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    Bill Johnson

    Evangelism, in its purist form, is an overflow of worship.

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    Bill Johnson

    Every loss is temporary. Every victory is eternal.

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    Bill Johnson

    Every miracle brings the release of glory.

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    Bill Johnson

    Faith is not the result of striving. It is the result of surrender.

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    Bill Johnson

    Faith must rise beyond the recognised norm into a lifestyle that accurately represents the victorious Son of God.

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    Bill Johnson

    Fear is a thief. It robbed Peter of a perfectly good walk on water, & kept the other eleven in the boat.

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    Bill Johnson

    Fear looks like wisdom to those without risk.

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    Bill Johnson

    For those without fire, any fire is strange fire.

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    Bill Johnson

    Grace does not overlook sin, it empowers righteousness!

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    Bill Johnson

    God doesn't have to try to do supernatural things. He is supernatural. He would have to try to not be. If He is invited to a situation, we should expect nothing but supernatural invasion.

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    Bill Johnson

    God has called us into a place of tenderness, when nobody is looking, when there are no great decisions to make, when it’s just him and me in a hotel room, with no one to pray for, no one to preach to. When it is just two people in a room, that’s where you learn. That’s where you learn his heartbeat. That’s where you learn the presence. That’s where you learn the voice. It’s in the moments when nobody is watching, nobody is evaluating how good you’re doing. When it is just you and him.

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    Bill Johnson

    God is the ultimate steward. He even turns our tears into the seeds of a hope filled future.

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    Bill Johnson

    God set the standard for giving love that demands nothing in return.

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    Bill Johnson

    God will never violate His Word, but He doesn’t seem to mind violating our understanding of His Word.

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    Bill Johnson

    Grace is the atmosphere created by love that makes faith the only reasonable response

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    Bill Johnson

    Great faith doesn't come out of great effort, but out of great surrender.

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    Bill Johnson

    Heaven invades earth when there is agreement here to what exists there. Honestly, that's how it happens.

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    Bill Johnson

    I could not limit my values and pursuits to what makes others comfortable. Being possessed by a promise I live without options. I will spend the rest of my life exploring what could happen through the life of one who is willing to cultivate the God-given appetite to see impossibilities bow to the name of Jesus.

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    Bill Johnson

    If we rejoice in the acts of God without discovering His ways, we'll question who He is when He doesn't do what we've asked.

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    Bill Johnson

    If you believe you will not be free from sin until you die,you have just made death your savior instead of Jesus.

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    Bill Johnson

    If you don't live by the praise of men you won't die by their criticism.

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    Bill Johnson

    If you engage with the Holy spirit because you want to merely be effective in ministry, then you're developing professional intimacyand what do we call people who are intimate as a profession?

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    Bill Johnson

    If you knew who God made you to be, you'd never want to be anyone else.

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    Bill Johnson

    If you live cautiously, your friends will call you wise. You just won't move many mountains

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    Bill Johnson

    I’m not a good faster. My friends have visions of God, I have visions of hamburgers. The only time I watch the Food Channel is when I’m fasting. It’s pitiful. We did a 40 day fast. I bought 29 cookbooks. I don’t cook, but the pictures! I bought a deep-fryer and we don’t eat deep-fried food!