Best 102 quotes of Penelope Cruz on MyQuotes

Penelope Cruz

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    Penelope Cruz

    Age holds absolutely no fear for me. There is so much enjoyment ahead.

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    Penelope Cruz

    All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood - all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.

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    Penelope Cruz

    As a kid, I had a lot of energy; but the ballet lessons made me calm - this pleased my mother.

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    Penelope Cruz

    As an actress, I really love people like Anna Magnani and Debra Winger. I also think there is nobody better than Meryl Streep.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Awards are great, as you get to meet up with friends and colleagues from your industry - a sort of reunion.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Being actors we are dealing with the beauty and complexity of human confusion, no? And we are always trying to get answers.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Calcutta is like another world. People there are very special and grateful.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Especially when you are advertising a product, I talk to the photographer and we create a character - it always gives you more freedom because it makes it less about yourself.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Ever since I was a little girl, I've worried too much. It always bothers me because sometimes you end up worrying more about the worry and you are not resolving things that are right there in front of you. I have been like that all my life, and it's hard to change.

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    Penelope Cruz

    Every relationship ends, until maybe you find one that lasts forever.

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    Penelope Cruz

    For 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona,' for example, Woody Allen is one of the greatest American directors, and we really had a very good working relationship. We understand each other really well. He gave me one of the best opportunities somebody has ever given me in my career.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I always feel scared and insecure on a film set. I don't know any other way.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I am a big fan of photography, more of being behind the camera - so when I get the opportunity to work with such great photographers, I always try and learn from their technique.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I am amazed about how everyone wants to know about my love life. They whisper to me, 'Tell me the truth? Is it true?' Who cares? Because we have this job, we are to say to everybody what we do, or with whom we sleep? It's a bit absurd, but that's why everybody lies so much.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I can cook a little bit. I can cook a few Spanish dishes. But, in movies, it looks like I cook much better than I cook.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I came to Los Angeles for the first time in 1994. I spoke no English. I only knew how to say two sentences: "How are you?" and "I want to work with Johnny Depp.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I came to New York to study ballet and English.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I can cook a few things. I always save the same recipes to impress my friends, and I always do two or three things, so they think I can cook. But I don't know how to do anything else.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I don't know why, but women in a hair salon share their deepest secrets.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I don't do Twitter, Facebook; none of that. My email I do from my Blackberry or my iPhone.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I don't know if I believe in marriage. I believe in family, love and children.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I don't think I am beautiful. I can look good and I can look ugly.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I feel like I've been very lucky with the directors. The characters I've been offered, especially lately, have given me the opportunity to play all of these different women. I always wanted that, and it's something that you cannot do by yourself. If you want to play a diversity of characters, somebody else has to have the imagination to give you a role completely out of the box. We depend on somebody else's trust, and these directors are giving me their trust, and I am grateful for that.

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    Penelope Cruz

    If I read a script and the subject stays with me - then that's when I want to go to work. Before, I was very addicted to being on set, and I was doing three or four movies a year for many years. Now, fortunately, I can go to work only when I am passionate about a project, and the rest of the time, I can live my life. I'm not interested in doing movies just as a marathon. When I go to work now, I have much more to give. But the other way, you get empty.

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    Penelope Cruz

    If we continue on the path we're on, there simply won't be enough fresh water for everyone.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I had a very curly perm in the '80s, thanks to the 'Way You Make Me Feel' Michael Jackson video. I liked the girl in it.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have a little bit of an addiction to work. So I'm always hiding in the bathroom with my Blackberry to work when I'm on holiday.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have a strong personality, and I say what I think.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have food every day on the table, I have a family, friends, health - all the things without which it wouldn't matter how many roles I get to play.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have had a very singular kind of life since I started working so young, so I am very used to traveling, working, taking time for myself.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have seen water availability change drastically in my own lifetime. Around the world, millions of people are already living in a true water crisis.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being 'someone's girlfriend', and now I am happy being single.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I just try not to label myself in any way. I just have an allergy to labels in general. I can tell you that I am surrounded by very strong women and that I really appreciate that, but I'd rather not label myself.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I love ballet and I love dancing...... It's a little boring for me to go to the gym because I'm used to the dancing discipline - It's really hard, but much more fun.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I love New York, but being there the whole year, it gets a little crazy with the speed and rhythm of things.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I love the Italian culture, it's a beautiful culture. I love the language, the Italian people, their music, their attitudes... I just love it! Sometimes, I think I'm an Italian trapped in a Spanish woman's body.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I'm not like Puff Daddy, I hold my own umbrella.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I'm strong and opinionated. Those qualities brought me a lot of problems since I was a little girl in school, saying 'I don't agree' and fighting with the children. It's part of my curiosity for life.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I'm very honored to play one of the women in the movie Volver, and it was special acting with all those other talented actresses. Carmen Maura is a legend and it was a thrill to make a movie with her.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I never grew up dreaming about a wedding - I don't think about things like that. I don't know how to explain it. All I care about is to be happy.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I never want to lie about my age. If I look around at the actresses I admire, they are all women who have not fought growing older, but embraced it and been proud of it - women like Sophia Loren or Audrey Hepburn.

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    Penelope Cruz

    In my everyday life, I just wear jeans, t-shirts and trainers - if I can go barefoot, that's even better. But for the events I have a stylist, and in two hours we have selected a whole outfit.

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    Penelope Cruz

    In my house every Sunday, everybody was cleaning the house. There was always music, and everybody was dancing, sometimes naked around the house. Not hippie, but very free.

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    Penelope Cruz

    In Spain, actresses work until they are old. That's my plan.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I realized that when two people function well together at work, it doesn't matter if they hadn't seen each other for years. What they had before was still intact.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I really like the Caribbean. Anyplace in the Caribbean. I get there, and I feel like a monkey - the perfect state.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I really think insecurity is something that comes with being an actor - I don't know actors who aren't insecure. I do think I kind of lie to myself - there is a percentage of ego involved. And I don't say that's a bad thing - it's good to know that it's there whether we like it or not. But ego is like a lion that we have to keep under control.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I spend so much time living by myself - mostly in hotels - and I pick up cats when I'm feeling particularly lonely.

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    Penelope Cruz

    I still feel like I have so much to learn. I love that feeling, that next time I go to set, I will be terrified again. I don't want it to be any other way.

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    Penelope Cruz

    It feels great and it's very beautiful when you can bring someone of your own nationality into a story, where even the historic element of it is important. I loved that I could use my own accent for the character.