Best 83 quotes of Norah Jones on MyQuotes

Norah Jones

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    Norah Jones

    A lot of pop people out there are cool, but they overdo it.

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    Norah Jones

    A lot of my music is slow and subtle. The subtly is what I enjoy about making music.

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    Norah Jones

    A song will keep going round in my brain and keep me awake.

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    Norah Jones

    Breaking up is just hard, even if you're the one breaking up. It's not fun. It can be dramatic and complicated. And then you get a little distance and you think, why did it have to be so complicated and dramatic?

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    Norah Jones

    Coffee gives me bad breath.

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    Norah Jones

    Come away with in the night Come away with me And I will sing you a song Come away with me on a bus Come away where they can't tempt us With there lies I want to walk with you On a cloudy day In fields where the yellow grass grows Knee-high So won't you try to come Come away with me and we'll kiss On a mountain top Come away with me And I'll never stop loving you And I want to wake up with the rain Falling on a tin roof While I'm safe there in your arms So all I ask is for you To come away with me in the night Come away with me.

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    Norah Jones

    Designers send me clothes I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing.

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    Norah Jones

    During my first photo shoot, I was unhappy because they put so much makeup on me and straightened my hair. I've been stubborn ever since.

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    Norah Jones

    Everyone in my high school was a bit nerdy. We didn't even have a football team.

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    Norah Jones

    For a young artist to really make it and make money is a lot more difficult these days.

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    Norah Jones

    For me making music is part social, part interaction, part collaboration.

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    Norah Jones

    For me, there's a fine line between being a cheeseball and being a good performer.

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    Norah Jones

    God bless Ray Charles. It was such an honor to meet him and sing with him and actually just to watch him sing from just two feet away.

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    Norah Jones

    I actually write more on guitar than I do on piano.

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    Norah Jones

    I became a musician so I wouldn't have to get up at 6 in the morning.

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    Norah Jones

    I could do without 'cool' publications calling me 'mom jazz.' But I laughed all the way to the bank, baby.

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    Norah Jones

    I'd done recordings, little demos, since I was in college, which I used to get gigs. But I never thought I'd have a record label.

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    Norah Jones

    I didn't think it was fair to my music to label me as the daughter of somebody - I didn't think it described me very well and I didn't think it had anything to do with my music.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't go about playing music differently. It changes my sleeping schedule and my drinking habits, that's what I like to say.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't like shopping, and I like my clothes to be comfortable.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't think I'm a great songwriter, but I think I've learned a lot about it, and I don't think there's any one way to do it. I don't think I can control it at all. I can just kind of hope that it happens.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't think it's a bad thing to share how you feel, especially if people can relate to it.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't try to sound like anyone but me anymore. If something is out of my element, I try to avoid it.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't want to be singing my diary.

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    Norah Jones

    I don't want to be the next big anything. I just want to play for people and that's it.

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    Norah Jones

    I feel like all the songs are little scenes, different angles, of the feelings that come around something ending.

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    Norah Jones

    I feel like I've been lucky, because I don't feel like I've ever tried to be somebody I'm not. People might disagree.

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    Norah Jones

    If I were a painter I would paint my reverie If that's the only way for you to be with me

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    Norah Jones

    I genuinely don't feel that anything that's been written or said about me has overshadowed my music, and that's the most important thing as far as I'm concerned.

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    Norah Jones

    I got stood up by the letter Y, he was hanging around with his X.

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    Norah Jones

    I had success early on where I'm able to try to keep it fun, and I don't have to do things just for the sake of making a living, which a lot of my musician friends don't have that luxury of course.

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    Norah Jones

    I had very modest expectations when I first moved to New York. I didn't even expect to get a record deal.

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    Norah Jones

    I just want to keep making music, recording and trying different things. I don't want to do the same thing all the time.

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    Norah Jones

    I like records that flow really well and you don't have to skip around because there's lot of different jumps.

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    Norah Jones

    I like songs with a lot of heart and feeling and subtlety.

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    Norah Jones

    I love eggs so much. I feel like my day hasn't started until I've had eggs. I'm probably gonna die from high cholesterol!

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    Norah Jones

    I love film, and I would love to be a part of something that people universally love as a piece of film. Sure. Of course I would. And I would love to take acting lessons, and see that side of it someday. But I'm a musician.

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    Norah Jones

    I love my dad and we have a very good relationship now.

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    Norah Jones

    I make a good fried chicken.

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    Norah Jones

    I'm a musician because I love it and it's supposed to be fun.

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    Norah Jones

    I'm happy. I feel good about music.

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    Norah Jones

    I'm not going to play lead guitar in a concert hall full of people, because I'm going to mess up a lot.

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    Norah Jones

    I'm not melancholy; I'm a happy-go-lucky person, kind of silly. I like funny things. I have a lot of energy. I tend to like music that's mellow, though.

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    Norah Jones

    I'm not trying to conquer Hollywood. I love my day job.

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    Norah Jones

    In college I had a weekend gig at a restaurant, a solo thing that was the best practice I could have ever had. That's where I learned to coordinate my singing and my piano playing.

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    Norah Jones

    I remember early on, for instance, having to play wedding gigs, that I hated playing the music. Now I don't have to play music that I don't like. I only get to do what I enjoy, so that's pretty lucky.

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    Norah Jones

    I think it's important for people who love music to retain physical CDs or even vinyl, because it sounds so great and so much warmer than music over the internet.

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    Norah Jones

    I think playing music is one of my great joys in life.

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    Norah Jones

    I think singing comes most naturally for me. Because it's part of your body - it's a natural thing. You can practice all you want but it's part of your body.

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    Norah Jones

    I try to just make music that I love, and if I believe in it that's all that matters.