Best 1698 quotes in «values quotes» category

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    If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death No death may be called futile.

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    If we value what we've inherited for free - from other women - surely it's right morally and ethically for us to wake up and say, 'I'm a feminist. '

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    If you carry someone else's fears and live by someone else's values, you may find that you have lived their lives.

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    If you come back from the dead, you don't have the same value system, I think.

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    If you love a book you tend not to follow its surface value, you follow the other things in it.

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    I gained a great deal from the period during which I worked in theater and I value those things a great deal.

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    I have lots of things that aren't so old that I value, such as a copy of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl," which he signed for me.

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    I had chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values.

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    I have friends say, "Don't you want to have a little you?" The jury's still out on that for me. I don't have a definitive answer, but I do know that I can look back on some of the things I've worked on and some of the things that have literally come out of my imagination and be just as proud of it as if I had created a person. I feel like that shouldn't be of any less value. It can't be because it's what my life is, and I don't want to make it smaller or more palatable just because society tells you to. If you can get comfortable with sacrifice, then you are having it all.

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    I have never obtained any ethical values from my scientific work.

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    I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.

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    I have a sensible set of values that tell me to never lie.

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    I have never compromised on fundamentals. I've always believed in focusing on creating value and not valuation.

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    I learnt in the jungle that there is a great tranquility associated with having nothing of value

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    I learned early on the value and the power of music to inspire and to drive me.

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    I have stunning friends. I value my friendships as I value my family.

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    I know the price of lettuce. You need to understand price and value. You buy the best lettuce you can at the best price you can.

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    I learned to value the small transactions as well as the large.

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    I liked the results of the profits in the markets.

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    I make no claim to being a business genius. You can make so much money in this business that it loses its value.

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    I like to do movies that provoke rather than reinforce conservative values.

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    I look for what's of value and extract that. I don't look to criticize.

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    I love vintage and I shop vintage a lot because it's just such great value for money.

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    Immaturity is the inability to act in your own long-term best interest or consistent with your deepest values. As aforementioned, self-awareness is critical to self-regulation in that it is the process of identifying, among other things, our values.

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    I'm a targeted shopper - so if I'm looking for a pillbox hat - I'll search for that and go from "highest price" to "lowest price." The more expensive stuff is most often the most precious - and will often retain its value if I ever consider reselling.

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    I'm concerned about Donald Trump's relationship with Russia that ignores Russia's aggressiveness in its near abroad. I'm concerned about the willingness to question alliances and the value of allies, or require them to pay more, or they don't get to play.

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    I'm motivated by my passion for our basic values, protecting our interests, and for protecting the future.

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    I'm not sure that the current value of the NASDAQ is justified, but I'm not sure that it isn't.

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    In an efficient market at any point in time the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value.

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    I'm very analytical about the industry and I understand that there are value systems, and all sorts of things like that.

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    In 2003, the value of Airbuss orders was more than twice as much as Boeings.

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    In those moments when priorities clash always stay guided by your values, not your perceived necessities.

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    Independence is of more value than any gifts; and to receive gifts is to lose it.

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    Inequality is a fact. Equality is a value.

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    In everything I do, whether in business, philanthropy or my personal life, I am guided by my inner truth, my values.

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    In India everything has a use and a value.

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    In life you can either follow your fears or be led by your values, by your passions.

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    In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.

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    Inner values like friendship, trust, honesty and compassion are much more reliable than money - they always bring happiness and strength.

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    Integrity's a neutral value. Hyenas have integrity, too. They're pure hyena.

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    In politics, the people I most despise are those who have no values.

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    In self-trust all the virtues are comprehended.

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    In the act of deciding what to eliminate, you place value on what's left behind.

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    In the current situation with criminalization, we've created situations where sex workers have very little power and control over their lives. Increasing one group of women's power and control over their lives does not take anything away from other women. When a woman's value has been constructed as keeping a man and keeping him faithful, then when he's not we've been taught to internalize that there's something wrong with us.

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    In the largest scheme of things, just as no one has the right to tell us our true value, no one has the right to tell us what we truly owe.

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    In the past, hearing music had more value.

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    I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.

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    I savor life. When you have anything that threatens life... it prods you into stepping back and really appreciating the value of life and taking from it what you can.

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    I really believe in the value of just being more present with the people you're around.

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    I really value passion for the product above experience.

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