Best 2926 quotes in «expression quotes» category

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    Our happiness should not depend on external things but it is the expression of the internal attitudes.

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    Our happiness should not depend on external things; it is the expression of internal attitudes.

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    People dance because dance can change things. One move, can bring people together. One move, can make you believe like there's something more. One move, can set a whole generation free.

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    People tend to suppress that which they cannot express.

    • expression quotes
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    People wonder at the romantic lives of poets and artists, but they should rather wonder at their gift of expression. The occurrences which pass unnoticed in the life of the average man in the existence of a writer of talent are profoundly interesting. It is the man they happen to that makes their significance.

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    Perhaps the most powerful and appealing aspect of another's words, however, is simply their convenience. Whether distilled in the briefest apophthegm, or spread out across some voluminous tome, the thought is ready-made, the heavy lifting done. It's there to be used like a weapon or tool, and as time wanders on, seemingly leaving us fewer and fewer new things to say, it becomes ever more useful. As technology moves forward, as well, it also becomes much easier. Indeed, in this "information age" where so much is available to so many so quickly that enlightenment nearly verges on light pollution, it can sometimes appear that expression has been reduced to nothing more than a mad race to unearth and claim references. As such, the citation is also there to be donned, like some article of fashion from which we may reap the praise of discriminating taste without ever exerting ourself in the actual toil of manufacture.

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    Personal life, expression, knowledge, and history advance obliquely, and not directly, toward ends or toward concepts. That which is sought too deliberately is not obtained.

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    Peu d'être sont capables d'exprimer posément une opinion différente des préjugés de leur milieu. La plupart des êtres sont même incapables d'arriver à formuler une.

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    Photoghraphic projects can be as short as an afternoon or as long as a lifetime.

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    Real love never fails, never fades, and the greatest expression of it is giving.

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    poetry. i am not writing it. (make way for me please) it is my skin. dripping with light.

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    Possession of wealth is not the happiness but expression of gratitude for the possession is the happiness.

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    Positive energy radiates from every word you share to a magnitude that can not be measured on scale. The vibrations he sends your way are received and absorbed into the very core of your existence. The power within his words quench the areas of your spirit that only God knows. Mortality thrives on the very essence of Godly Love

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    Power isn't the big cars and bent slaves Power is your people in the streets as they drag you to prison.

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    Prose: words in their best order; poetry: the best words in the best order.

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    Raymond collected expressions. He repeated them in experimental accents, as if learning a tune. He sounded like an Eighteenth Street Mexican when he said cuate, like a Logan Square cubano when he said comemierda.

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    Real communication is not possible. That is why my message, your perception and your expression shall never be the same.

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    Please wake me when I'm free I cannot bear captivity 4 I would rather be stricken blind Than 2 live without expression of mind

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    Progresele culturale, care sunt evidente şi se extind la categorii sociale în mod tradiţional excluse, pot continua. Dar ăn acelaşi timp există mai multă prostie. Faptul că ţăranii de odinioară tăceau nu însemna că erau proşti. Un om cu şcoală nu e neapărat inteligent. Nici vorbă. Azi însă, toţi cei care tăceau vor să âşi facă auzit glasul, iar în unele cazuri, inevitabil, îşi fac auzită doar prostia. Să spunem deci că altădată prostia rămânea ascunsă, necunoscută, pe când în zilele noastre ea urală pe străzi.

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    Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration. All those emotions — spanning from intense love, intense frustration, jealousy, confusion, all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red. You know, there’s nothing in between. There’s nothing beige about any of those feelings, it all comes back to me, and it’s red.

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    Simple minded people do things like gossip, lie, spread rumors, and cause troubles. But, I know you're more intelligent.

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    Sex is a metaphor for everything else and everything is a metaphor for sex as well. Because sex is a coming together of two weather patterns, two separate countries, two entities in a conscious state of potentially blissful crisis. Or chaos, or harmony. You’re not quite sure what’s going to happen, but it is the most catastrophic, exciting, and weakening thing that can happen to us. If we are personally involved in it, every fiber of our being is made self-conscious, or is encourages to unify on some level with others. We are delicate. We bring our damage to sexuality, we bring our hopes, we bring our self-image, we bring our world-image, we bring what we believe we are/what we believe we aren’t, our blind spots, our prejudices, our sadness. Everything comes out. A lot of people are left wanting, and confusing, and having the idea that their body is like an unloved apartment building; it’s up for grabs and it’s of absolutely no worth. If we feel that way about ourselves and if we feel that way about others, then of course, sex is nothing more than a lot of rubbing and some kind of release. But the more we are, the more we can feel, the more we can empathize, the more human we are.

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    Show me a ten-foot wall and I'll show you an eleven-foot ladder

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    Salvation is revealed to people when we show and express to them the love of Jesus Christ.

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    Sensuality never takes a day off.

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    Speak the words that will free you. Express yourself.

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    Speech is a rolling-mill that always thins out the sentiment.

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    Some of us are fated to live in a box from which there is only temporary release. We of the damned-up spirits, of the thwarted feelings, of the blocked hearts, and the pent-up thoughts, we who long to blast out, flood forth in a torrent of rage or joy or even madness, but there is nowhere for us to go, nowhere in the world because no one will have us as we are, and there is nothing to do except to embrace the secret pleasures of our sublimations, the arc of a sentence, the kiss of a rhyme, the image that forms on paper or canvas, the inner cantata, the cloistered embroidery, the dark and dreaming needlepoint from hell or heaven or purgatory or none of those three, but there must be some sound and fury from us, some clashing cymbals in the void.

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    Sometimes words are just a crude translation of love.

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    Stay upbeat and keep your head held high. There is no end to the power of positive thinking. I AM looking forward to all the wealth, success, and abundance speeding my way!

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    The emotion of art is impersonal. And the poet cannot reach this impersonality without surrendering himself wholly to the work to be done. And he is not likely to know what is to be done unless he lives in what is not merely the present, but the present moment of the past, unless he is conscious, not of what is dead, but of what is already living.

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    Tears are the words that the heart could not express, silent truths the eyes do confess.

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    Thank you,’ I answered, unsure of the proper American response to her gracious enthusiasm. In the Arab world, gratitude is a language unto itself. “May Allah bless the hands that give me this gift”; “Beauty is in the eyes that find me pretty”; “May Allah never deny your prayer”; and so on, an infinite string of prayerful appreciation. Coming from such a culture, I have always found a mere “thank you” an insufficient expression that makes my voice sound miserly and ungrateful.” (169).

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    That which makes you want MORE is the same as that which makes the plant grow; it is Life seeking fuller expression.

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    The Bloody-Nine opened his mouth, and shrieked out all of his bottomless love and his endless hate in one long wail.

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    The creator wrestles with a hard, invisible substance, a substance far superior to him. Even the greatest victor emerges vanquished, because our deepest secret, the only one that deserves expression, always remains unexpressed. This secret never submits to art's material contours. We suffocate inside every word. Seeing a blossoming tree, a hero, a woman, the morning star, we cry, Ah! Nothing else is able to accommodate our joy. When, analyzing this Ah! we wish to turn it into thought and art in order to impart it to mankind and rescue it from our own dissolution, how it cheapens into brazen, mascaraed words full of air and fancy!

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    The desire of God is an expression of his need

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    The expression of your heart is beating beneath your fears

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    Sympathies that lie too deep for words, too deep almost for thoughts, are touched, at such times, by other charms than those which the senses feel and which the resources of expression can realise.

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    The Digital Age promises to amplify their being—YouTube’s original motto was “Broadcast Yourself”—but, in truth, it only delivers a horde of users with identical devices echoing one another in cyberspace.

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    The expression of gratitude for whatever blessing you receive from God here on earth can only be in Joy

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    The more time I spent at the Finches', the more I realized what a waste of my life this school crap was. It was nothing but a holding tank for kids without bigger plans or ideas.

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    The greatest thing about our times is that you don't need permission to express yourself the way you wish. Sometimes people tell themselves they can't do it, because they're missing this or that, but historically, specialization is a recent convention. Most of us are born natural polymaths.

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    The length of words used to explain something does not determine the quality of the thought. Yet, I tend to believe that the shorter one can say something, the better it is.

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    The limits of freedom of expression is tautological: it ends at the point where it begins to affect the freedom of expression of others.

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    The kingdom is not represented by an expression of religious traditions

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    The letter is susceptible of operations which enables one to transform literal expressions and thus to paraphrase any statement into a number of equivalent forms. It is this power of transformation that lifts algebra above the level of a convenient shorthand.

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    The mind may never achieve or express anything great unless emotion plays a part.

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    There are many things which can not be expressed by words. There are many words which can not be spelled by human tongue. There are many tongues which utter one single truth.

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    Then she said, "Listen to me, and listen to me carefully. What you are writing, and what you want to write," and she leaned forward again and tapped with her finger the piece I had given her, "this is very good and it will be published. Now listen. People will go after you for combining poverty and abuse. Such a stupid word, 'abuse', such a conventional and stupid word, but people will say there's poverty without abuse, and you will never say anything. Never ever defend your work. This is a story about love, you know that. This is a story of a man who has been tortured every day of his life for things he did in the war. This is the story of a wife who stayed with him, because most wives did in that generation, and she comes to her daughter's hospital room and talks compulsively about everyone's marriage going bad, she doesn't even know it, doesn't even know that's what she's doing. This is a story about a mother that loves her daughter. Imperfectly. Because we all love imperfectly. But if you find yourself protecting anyone as you write this piece, remember this: You're not doing it right.