Best 76 quotes in «fickle quotes» category

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    The film industry is so fickle about financing, and it's so difficult to get movies made.

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    The gay community is very fickle. And I know because I'm part of it and I see it every day.

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    The live audience is a blind date. The camera is a hungry lover. One wants to be wined and dined and seduced and then decide where the evening will go. The other knows how it wants to be touched, wants it now and can damn well tell if you are lying about it. Both are fickle. Both feel good. Depends on your mood.

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    The most fundamental seems fickle.

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    The pressure of show business is on all the time and show business is a fickle business. Whatever is popular now - that's all that counts. I have to constantly re-identify myself to myself, reactivate my own standards, my own convictions about what I'm doing and why.

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    The skating community is very fickle. And with me, they're especially fickle for whatever reason. Maybe I bring it on myself, but if you don't prove yourself and you don't skate consistently, then they can very easily write you off and bring somebody from behind you and put them in your place.

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    There was a time when I looked to other people for recognition, because I didn't have enough confidence to trust my own judgment. Now I'm not looking for reassurance, because I realize how fickle people are. My own strength is the best I can have.

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    This is a very fickle and faithless generation.

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    To trust the God of the Bible is to trust an irascible, vindictive, fierce and ever fickle and changeful master.

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    TV is a fickle business. I'm only good for the length of my contract.

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    We live in a country where power changes hands cyclically, because everybody in power screws up at some point, or the voters get fickle and just want a change.

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    We are all born with a rut radar. Mine is finely wired, a little oversensitive maybe. Perhaps just a bit hyperactive. Twenty steady boyfriends before turning 16, a new best friend 12 times a year, switched college majors every time I met someone who seemed exactly like the sort of person I really, really wanted to be. I'm not fickle. I'm just never there yet.

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    What is the student but a lover courting a fickle mistress who ever eludes his grasp?

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    When I was fifteen, all I wanted was to go off to some other world, a place beyond anybody’s reach. A place beyond the flow of time.” - But there’s no place like that in this world. - Exactly. Which is why I’m living here, in this world where things are continually damaged, where the heart is fickle, where time flows past without a break.

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    With stand-up you've just got that one chance. Audiences can be quite fickle.

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    With wavering steps does fickle fortune stray, Nowhere she finds a firm and fixed abode; But now all smiles, and now again all frowns, She's constant only in inconstancy.

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    Woman is always fickle - foolish is he who trusts her.

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    Write from the soul, not from some notion what you think the marketplace wants. The market is fickle; the soul is eternal.

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    This Force, by troth, I'll never comprehend! It doth control and also doth obey? And 'tis within and yet it is beyond, 'Tis both inside and yet outside one's self? What paradox! What fickle-natur'd pow'r! Aye: frailty, thy name-- belike--is Force.

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    Fate is a fickle bitch. Just when you believe you've secured the goose that lays the golden egg, she back heels you in the bollocks.

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    You told me love was fickle and fleeting.

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    Feelings are great, and they have a purpose, but it’s certainly not to guide your life. Whoever said, “Follow your heart” was a fool. Your “heart” is your emotional center. Emotions have a great purpose - to allow us to enjoy life, to mourn loss, to have a tangible way to experience love - but feelings are fickle, and they are not meant to be the guiding force in our life.

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    Why do you need worldly things to define you? Why do you need a rank or a status to tell others who you are? Why concern yourself with the capricious opinions of others who are less impressed with who you really are and more impressed by the carefully crafted image you present to them - an image that is entirely surface with no inherent value? Take away the things and the status and see who notices you.

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    Fear is a fickle friend who will loyally stand by your side as long as you allow it to diminish you.

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    This was how it was with travel: one city gives you gifts, another robs you. One gives you the heart’s affections, the other destroys your soul. Cities and countries are as alive and feeling, as fickle and uncertain as people. Their degrees of love and devotion are as varying as with any human relation. Just as one is good, another is bad.

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    Trends are about as fickle as the direction of the wind; as are the legacies of those who flow with them.

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    God knew man would evolve. People think some of the Old Testament laws are absurd now because we live in a very different culture, a different time period. They had their problems and we have ours. God is constant but man is not, and he foreknew the ever-changing world his people would have to deal with; therefore, and if there is indeed an omniscient God, a Christ-like figure would be our only rational, possible connection to a constant, holy God throughout the evolution of culture and social law. The only answer that makes sense when it comes to relevance regarding religions and time periods is Christ, and the chances are slim that men could have invented it.

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    Acting isn't a sure thing. We're not set to have jobs for the rest of lives, and fame is really fickle.

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    An inconstant woman is one who is no longer in love; a false woman is one who is already in love with another person; a fickle woman is she who neither knows whom she loves nor whether she loves or not; and the indifferent woman, one who does not love at all.

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    As the worlds getting filled with temptations, were getting a bit frivolous and a bit fickle.

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    Dogs are more loyal. Cats are fickle.

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    All the ways of this world are as fickle and unstable as a sudden storm at sea.

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    Ambition drives you on, ability certainly helps, but the fickle finger of fate and luck are great things.

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    Beware leverage in all its forms. Borrowers - individual, corporate, or government - should always match fund their liabilities against the duration of their assets. Borrowers must always remember that capital markets can be extremely fickle, and that it is never safe to assume a maturing loan can be rolled over. Even if you are unleveraged, the leverage employed by others can drive dramatic price and valuation swings; sudden unavailability of leverage in the economy may trigger an economic downturn.

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    Death is a fickle hen, and random are her eggs.

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    Designers are very fickle. I never wanted to be a victim of that. You're in one minute, out the next.

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    Fame is a skittish jade, more fickle even than Fortune, and apt to shy, and bolt, and plunge away on very trifling causes.

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    Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate.

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    Fate shall yield To fickle Chance, and Chaos judge the strife.

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    Fickle Fortune reigns, and, undiscerning, scatters crowns and chains.

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    For, besides what has been said, it should be borne in mind that the temper of the multitude is fickle, and that while it is easy to persuade them of a thing, it is hard to fix them in that persuasion

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    Gratitude is a fickle thing, indeed. A person taking aim presses the weapon to his chest and cheek, but when he hits, he discardsit with indifference.

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    Fame is fickle, but Obscurity is usually faithful to the end.

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    High school popularity is so fickle.

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    Honor is unstable and seldom the same; for she feeds upon opinion, and is as fickle as her food.

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    I came to feel how far above All fancy, pride, and fickle maidenhood, All earthly pleasure, all imagined good, Was the warm tremble of a devout kiss.

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    How fragile life was, how fleeting their days on earth, and how fickle was Death, claiming the young as often as the old, the healthy as often as the ailing, cruelly stealing away a baby's first breath, a mother's fading heartbeat.

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    I built with my own hands ... a large swimming-pool which was filtered to limpidity and could be heated to supplement our fickle sunshine.

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    I, for my own part, had much rather people should say of me that there neither is nor ever was such a man as Plutarch, than that they should say, "Plutarch is an unsteady, fickle, froward, vindictive, and touchy fellow.

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    If you lived with a roommate as unstable as this economic system, you would’ve moved out or demanded that your roommate get professional help.