Best 214 quotes in «adultery quotes» category

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    There are few who would not rather be taken in adultery than in provocation.

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    There is no such thing as committing adultery with the right woman, at the right time, and in the right way, for it is simply WRONG.

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    There exists no culture in which adultery is unknown, no cultural device or code that extinguishes philandering.

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    These people´s God has shown them by a million acts that he respects none of the Bible´s statues. He breaks every one of them himself, adultery and all.

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    They say that adultery is the main thing that can damage a marriage, but it's not. It's boredom.

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    They tried to say that being gay is a sin, and I said that adultery is a sin. Adultery is responsible for breaking up more marriages, but do we put that in the Constitution? It’s absurd.

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    The reason adultery is immoral is that it might lead to marriage.

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    They laughed at me and then I shot them. I took their cheating, scheming bones to Miller's cave.

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    We made one film called Thy Neighbor's Wife in which I got flogged at the public whipping post for adultery. I did my best acting in that film, I guess.

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    When adultery walks in, everything worth having walks out.

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    Whether it's polygamy, whether it's adultery, where it's sodomy, all of those things, are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family.

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    Why was Christ so compassionate towards sexual sinners, especially women? Think of the woman caught in adultery. Think of the prostitute who wept at his feet. Could it be because Christ knew that these women, who had been deceived by counterfeit loves, were actually looking for him, the true Bridegroom?

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    Villains are usually the worst casuists, and rush into crimes to avoid less. Henry VIII. committed murder to avoid the imputation of adultery; and in our times, those who commit the latter crime attempt to wash off the stain of seducing the wife by signifying their readiness to shoot the husband.

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    You could have told me yourself that you found someone else, instead I heard it through the grapevine.

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    You can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been, it's all been a pack of lies.

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    You know, of course, that the Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are now extinct.

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    You keep lyin' when you ought to be truthin'.

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    Adultery often happens, I am sure, because you are on a sinking ship, and you need to leap but can't leap. You are too spineless, maybe, to leap.The water is too dark and choppy and the sea is too large. Saving your own life, even, isn't enough reason to jump- no, you need the hands at your back, pushing, the hands of something as unavoidable and inevitable and imperative as love.It's got to be something that big, you know, to get you to jump.

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    Adultery and cruelty have well-marked courses of action but what can a man do when his wife wants to appear naked on the stage?

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    Adultery would be punishable by stoning if Annette had her way; I sometimes wonder if she's secretly Muslim.

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    Adultery doesn't come until the seventh commandment, and you won't even get to the seventh commandment if you don't violate the first two commandments. Sex is god, and I worship by having sexual sin.

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    Although they pretended to be angry, and because that finally destroyed their guilt, some people were each secretly happy to discover that their partner has cheated on them.

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    A wife who discomforts you with truth is better than a mistress who massages you with lies.

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    You can bet there's something fishy going on. I guess some large mouth bass left that lipstick on our shirt.

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    An honest wife is better than a shrewd mistress.

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    Anointing doesn't guarantee protection from fornication, adultery or lust

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    A question that always makes me hazy is it me or are the others crazy' Albert Einstein

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    As a hedge against possible failure to prove adultery, this alleged “that for a period of time from 1901 and continuing thereafter he [had] kept up and continued an undue, improper, indecorous and licentious association and intimacy with a woman, named Mabel Cochrane, many years his junior, and of questionable character and immoral habits.”[i] Furthermore, Nina accused James of “bestowing upon and receiving marked and improper attention” beginning in the fall of 1901, “indulging in undue and improper familiarity and intimacy” with Mabel Cochrane.

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    As often is the case with addictions, the fanciful notion of a gradual discontinuance only provided a comforting pretext for more sustained indulgence.

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    A wife is meant to be cherished and to be treated with a gentle hand, while a mistress is a convenient cunt to rut in.

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    But don't ever forget: adultery is also biblical grounds for forgiveness, healing, and restoration.

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    Brian knows the affair is wrong. He's known from the moment Wendy first undressed in his office. But with her hot, wet tongue in his ear, and her taut, pink nipples straining against his starched white shirt, and with Mick Jagger's strident voice squawking about satisfaction on the tiny transistor radio, Brian's body refuses to obey. Instead of shoving Wendy out the door, he shoves her onto the unmade bed.

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    Because the worst hurt in the world is losing your father’s love. The worst hurt in the world is watching his eyes change when he looks at you. When the marriage trudges forward but the family gets divorced. And your mother can’t stand you for telling on her. And your father resents you for being the one who found out. And they both, in their own ways, move on without you.

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    But when his mistress for the time being was a woman in society, or at least one whose birth was not so lowly, nor her position is so irregular that he was unable to arrange for her reception in 'society,' then for her sake he would return to it, but only to the particular orbit in which she moved or into which he had drawn her.

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    Divine open doors are not for the arrogant, adulterers and wasters, they are only meant for the humble that will be wise with the opportunity and blessing that comes from them.

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    Connection starves suspicion.

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    Cuban-heeled stockings; not the sort of thing you could buy for another man's wife.

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    Do you think there's ever any joy for people who carve their happiness out of someone else's hurt?

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    Don't expect God to rebuke devourers that you constantly use your own hand to create through lust, formication and adultery.

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    Fidelity in marriage requires self-will and self-denial.

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    Even in the Bible, the admonition in the Ten Commandments not to 'covet thy neighbor's wife' clearly referred not to lust in one's heart (adultery had already been covered in commandment number seven), but to the prospect of taking her as a debt-peon—in other words, as a servant to sweep one's yard and hang out the laundry.

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    Everything she has is secondhand. I want to know how that makes her feel. I want to call her back and ask her, What does it feel like, Anna, to live in my house, surrounded by the furniture I bought, to sleep in the bed that I shared with him for years, to feed your child at the kitchen table he fucked me on?

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    Finding out that you are not your lover’s only lover hurts, but not as much as discovering that you are the side chick … or the side dick.

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    For his presumption, his misunderstanding of what had been only a momentary weakness, instead of angering quickened her, roused from latency and long disuse all the instincts and resources of her femininity. She felt eager, challenged. Something was at hand that hitherto had always eluded her, even in the early days in John, something vital, beckoning, meaningful.

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    Fish in another man's pond and you will catch crabs.

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    For if this God exists, I thought, and if even you – with your lusts and your adulteries and the timid lies you used to tell – can change like this, we could all be saints by leaping as you leapt, by shutting the eyes and leaping once and for all: if you are a saint, it’s not so difficult to be a saint. It’s something He can demand of any of us, leap.

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    Fornication and adultery are a plague of the last days.

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    Fornication and adultery unleash destructive consequences into a person's life: • Poverty; • Lack of perception; • Loss of respect and mutual acceptance; • Children with shattered futures; • Dullness of the senses and of the intellect; • Deterioration of health.

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    He gave her that last word. He gave her his love. He would think of her almost every day for the rest of his life. Only his presence would he withhold.

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    God bids you not to commit lechery, that is, not to have sex with any woman except your wife. You ask of her that she should not have sex with anyone except you -- yet you are not willing to observe the same restraint in return. Where you ought to be ahead of your wife in virtue, you collapse under the onset of lechery. ... Complaints are always being made about men's lechery, yet wives do not dare to find fault with their husbands for it. Male lechery is so brazen and so habitual that it is now sanctioned [= permitted], to the extent that men tell their wives that lechery and adultery are legitimate for men but not for women.