Best 43 quotes in «donkey quotes» category

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    When it comes to pinning blame, pin the tail on the donkeys.

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    What matters school? We can go to school to-morrow. Whether we have a lesson more or a lesson less, we shall always remain the same donkeys.

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    The Donkey When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil's walking parody On all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.

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    Although there are some conflicting stories regarding the discoveries of the mid-Atlantic islands, it is safe to assume that in 1501 João da Nova discovered Ascension Island. The desolate island remained deserted until it was rediscovered two years later on Ascension Day by Alfonso de Albuquerque. He was also the first European to discover the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The last time I was on Ascension Island I went to “The Pan American Club” which was the Island Pub. There were a few locals drinking at the bar but outside was a donkey looking for something to drink, which the locals gladly provided. It didn’t take much, and after a few bottles of beer the donkey fell down in a drunken stupor. It was the only time in my life that I actually saw a drunken ass! (True story!)

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    Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people.

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    A city man taking the picture of a donkey and behaving like he has seen an alien creature must absolutely be photographed as he is certainly more interesting than the donkey itself!

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    Bulges of fat appear around rump, deep gutter along back bone and over rump, breast bone covered in fat, thick fat roll on neck.

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    I will not judge, I am judging to be judged, only faster, almost than half a second.

    • donkey quotes
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    Somewhere near the Alamo, a bugle brayed: either that or McCulloch’s men had found some reason to torture a poor, defenseless donkey.

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    Looking up, Missouri saw a formation of low-flying P-47's on the horizon, heading up the coast from Naples...Sergeant Missouri laughed aloud. "They're sending us the Air Force, Chico, and we made it with a donkey," he said.

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    Never send a Man in to do a Donkey's job

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    The donkey heard the book gives wisdom and ate it.

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    The heart and grit of a donkey, the history and wisdom of all humanity, and the power of biologic processing.

    • donkey quotes
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    I murmur: "It's a seat," a little like an exorcism. But the word stays on my lips: it refuses to go and put itself on the thing. It stays what it is, with its red plush, thousands of little red paws in the air, all still, little dead paws. This enormous belly turned upward, bleeding, inflated—bloated with all its dead paws, this belly floating in this car, in this grey sky, is not a seat. It could just as well be a dead donkey tossed about in the water, floating with the current, belly in the air in a great grey river, a river of floods; and I could be sitting on the donkey's belly, my feet dangling in the clear water.

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    What freedom to be tied up, and still have the capability of ignoring ridiculous, silly conversations.

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    You cannot turn a Donkey into a Thoroughbred.

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    All the donkeys I knew had small ears!

    • donkey quotes
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    A donkey appears to me like a horse translated into Dutch.

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    I thought you'd rather have a live donkey than a dead lion.

    • donkey quotes
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    God is not troubled by one who is conservative or liberal, and He certainly never inclines His ear toward a donkey or an elephant.

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    If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him.

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    A unicorn is a donkey from the future

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    Donkeys have the courage to bray after the death of a lion. (not meant to glorify carnivorous practice).

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    Have you ever seen a donkey smelling a beautiful rose? Donkeys aren't interested in roses, they like thorn bushes or watermelon rinds!

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    I have a photograph of my grandfather driving a donkey cart barefoot.

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    It is now your duty to hone that talent, because a person who wastes his God-given talents is a donkey.

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    It doesn't matter! From waist down, my best friend is a donkey.

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    It takes a certain type of person to register your 'Donkey Kong' score. So I'm just number 29 in registered Donkey Kong scores.

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    It was fun to blow off a Porsche with a 3900 donkey [the 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang].

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    It's hard for the donkeys to win the race if they're going to carry the elephants on their backs.

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    I was feeling as sick as the proverbial donkey.

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    Knowledge is like the carrot, few know by looking at the green top that the best part, the orange part, is there. Like the carrot, if you don't work for it, it will wither away and rot. And finally, like the carrot, there are a great many donkeys and jackasses that are associated with it.

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    I was in a Nativity play as a kid. Back then, I played the donkey.

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    Leadership: Lions led by donkeys.

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    There's over 2000 donkeys in this tournament and I had to be at the table with none of them.

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    Never take advice from a donkey.

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    Rationality went down the drain donkey's years ago and hasn't been seen since.

    • donkey quotes
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    The carrot and the stick are prevasive and persuasive motivators. But if you treat people like donkeys, they will perform like donkeys.

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    There is no doubt in the sanctity of Mecca, but a donkey won't become a Hajj pilgrim by just going through the motions.

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    Let me see you ride a donkey over my green again, and as sure as you have a head upon your shoulders, I'll knock your bonnet off, and tread upon it!

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    Safety from what? Who's after me?" Oh, nobody much," Grover said, obviously still miffed about the donkey comment. "Just the Lord of the Dead and a few of his blood-thirstiest minions.

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    Until the Donkey tried to clear The Fence, he thought himself a Deer.

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    Thus, be every device from the stick to the carrot, the emaciated Austrian donkey is made to pull the Nazi barrow up an ever-steepening hill.