Best 44 quotes in «related quotes» category

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    An attitude of entitlement is inversely related to one of gratitude.

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    Control charts are one of the statistical tools for solving quality related problems.

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    Before I was abducted, I think that happiness was related to success. Nowadays happiness is related, for me, to rest, peace, serenity.

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    Broad-mindedness is related to tolerance; open-mindedness is the sibling of peace.

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    I'm related to the portrait painter George Romney.

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    Homicide is 0.8% of deaths. Diet-related disease is over 60%. But no one talks about it.

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    I always related most to Steve McQueen because he was more of an outcast than Robert Redford or Paul Newman.

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    If you live in each other's pockets long enough, you're related.

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    Domestic travel and tourism-related spending has reached $1 trillion a year.

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    I had the honor of speaking with Asimov. The album ended up being something not directly related to Asimov, but related instead to the concept of the power of robotics.

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    I have never participated directly or indirectly in any business related to the United Nations.

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    I provided all my emails that could possibly be work related [to FBI].

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    I've tried to decentralize and interpenetrate so that all parts of a painting are of related value.

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    I think humor and terror are very closely related.

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    Ironically, style doesn't come even closely related to fashion. It's got nothing to do [with clothes].

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    My father and I did work for a while at the flea market and there really are rows of Afghans working there, some of whom I am related to.

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    Just because we're related doesn't mean we are any good at understanding each other.

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    Math and music are intimately related. Not necessarily on a conscious level, but sure.

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    My uncle was a hero, Lewis Roundtree. He was not even related to me really, but he was always called my uncle. He was like a father to me. I was closer to him than I was my father.

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    She'd thought love had something to do with happiness, but it turned out they were not even vaguely related. Love was closer to a need, no different from the need to eat, to breathe.

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    Not only is your own happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be.

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    Old San Francisco - the one so many nostalgics yearn for - had buildings that related well to each other.

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    The feat of surviving is directly related to the capacity of the survivor.

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    Some friends said they weren't surprised to find out Napoleon and I were related, but it came as quite a shock to me.

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    Then I discovered that being related is no guarantee of love!

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    The truths of the Bible are never just abstract concepts; they're always related to real people.

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    There are life-threatening issues related to diabetes.

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    True happiness is not related to external conditions but comes from the unconditioned.

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    Unpredictability is closely related to uncontrollability.

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    The quality of your life is directly related to how much uncertainty you can comfortably handle.

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    The size of your organization is directly related to your ability to enforce the rules.

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    We are embedded in a biological world and related to the organisms around us.

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    To this day I do not know whether the power which has inspired my works is something related to religion, or is indeed religion itself.

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    Verse is a set of specially related sounds, repeated aloud.

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    Human on human crimes should never be forgotten, or dismissed by time. We are all related here and are linked by spirit.

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    Chance stifled a grin, and all I could think was that this girl had to be related to me. Only women who were related to me annoyed me this much.

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    Death is easy, you just take the gun or the knife and you just start to suicede by your own or you tell to somebody who is relative to you or somebody who is a friend it doesn't matter and you give him the gun or you say to him what to do and he kills you. This is easy, we aren't born to give up, we aren't born to die let's make ways, let's make our choices, even if you are down in the misearble place and you have lost hope and everything. You mustn't give up continue, stand up say that you won't give up, make few breaths and exhalations, then go to this road and continue. That's your mission!

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    We are fully free, not partially, fully free, in everything related to the future of Syria.

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    Millions of sane people would each be sexually attracted to their own parent or child if they were not related to them.

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    Smartass Disciple: Where were all things before the time began? Master of Stupidity: What was the time before all things created?

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    The instant that you forget about the consequences of your actions on other people, is the moment that you are about to lose your humanity. We all are related, no matter, what skin color, sexual orientation, gender or religion we hold. We all like rosary beads. Our existence is depended to the rest, if one bead falls apart, the rest of us will do too. Our humanity defines by how we accept, respect and support each other, otherwise we are simply a bunch of animals acting according to our instinct and killing one another to survive.

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    All stress is ultimately related to loss or the fear of loss.

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    Your confidence in the people, and your doubt about them, are closely related to your self-confidence and your self-doubt.

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    A joker is near akin to a buffoon; and neither of them is the least related to wit.

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