Best 288 quotes in «righteousness quotes» category

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    Friendships are the purer and the more ardent, the nearer they come to the presence of God, the Sun not only of righteousness but of love.

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    A sense of righteousness is even more dangerous than a violent temper.

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    At the cross, the worst about us-our sins-was laid upon Christ, and the best about Him-His righteousness-was laid upon us.

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    Beware of people whose halos are on too tight.

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    A sinner is not justified before God (coram Deo) apart from the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith.

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    A taste of righteousness can be easily perverted into an overweening sense of self-righteousness and judgmentalism.

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    Do not feel lonely on the road of righteousness Because of the fewness of the walkers on it.

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    For me, Rama and Rahim are one and the same deity. I acknowledge no other God but the one God of truth and righteousness.

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    Let no one flatter himself; of himself he is Satan. Let man take sin, which is his own, and leave righteousness with God.

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    God imposeth no Law of Righteousness upon us which He doth not observe Himself.

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    God’s wrath is his righteousness reacting against unrighteousness.

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    I can say, Christ has been my only object; thank God, my righteousness too... Hold fast to Christ.

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    In spinning a robe of your own righteousness, before the sun goes down you will find it all unraveled.

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    It is not enough to be delivered from sin; it is enough to be delivered to righteousness.

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    It is the "try" that is more often counted for righteousness and not the success or failure.

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    It take many a year, mon, and maybe some bloodshed must be, but righteousness someday prevail.

    • righteousness quotes
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    most of us have to be self-righteous before we can be righteous.

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    None are so sinful that they cannot find strength, purity, and righteousness in Jesus, who died for them.

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    People are submissive to power, and few of them can be influenced by doctrines of righteousness.

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    Not only the adoration of images is idolatry, but also trust in one's own righteousness, works and merits, and putting confidence in riches and power. As the latter is the commonest, so it also is the most noxious.

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    One thing, and only one thing, is necessary for Christian life, righteousness, and freedom. That one thing is the most holy Word of God, the gospel of Christ.

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    Our assurance is anchored in the love and grace of God expressed in the glorious exchange: our sin for His righteousness.

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    Peace springs from righteousness in the soul, from upright living.

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    Righteousness cannot be born until self-righteousness is dead.

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    Peter's faith had many a shaking, but it was established upon the truth of his God, upon the person and work and righteousness of Jesus Christ.

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    Redemption is prior to righteousness. You cannot be righteous until you are first redeemed.

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    The Bible makes it clear that self-righteousness is the premier enemy of the Gospel.

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    Self-righteousness in retrospect is easy--also cheap.

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    Since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself.

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    When the great Tao is abandoned, benevolence and righteousness arise.

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    The loudest psalm singer in the congregation always is a reformed sinner.

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    The Saviour comes in the strength of righteousness. Righteousness is at the bottom of all things. Righteousness is thorough; it is the very spirit of unsparing truth.

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    The true cure for self-righteousness is self-knowledge.

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    Unless we ardently and prayerfully devote ourselves to Christ's righteousness we do not only faithlessly revolt from our Creator, but we also abjure him as our Savior.

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    I pledged to work for righteousness. God's given me inspiration. God's the boss, he tell me what to do.

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    The Lord needs women who will step forward in righteousness and say, 'Here am I, send me.'

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    There is no robbery so terrible as the robbery committed by those who think they are doing right.

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    The values a man must cherish as his life-breath are: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non violence.

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    What does rasta mean? Righteousness.

    • righteousness quotes
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    Albeit, you are the only one to do the right thing, never feel alone. Always keep in mind that you're trying something people couldn't do ever before, you're having the whole world of righteousness in yourself.

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    Who's to say that there is any more support for Freud's psychoanalytic concept of the superego than there is for that old time religion that asserted that there is a God who ordains what is right and wrong, and that His righteousness endures for all generations?

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    Your fellowship with God never came because of your righteousness. So how could your own righteousness maintain it?

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    A group of ten prisoners from Dachau, I was with them, we hid in the forest to wait for the Americans. The Germans had already left everything behind. We had food but no weapons. For days we could hear bombs exploding around us. We just wanted to survive long enough for the Americans to control the territory. We didn’t want to die. At that point, our prison uniforms were the only things to keep us from being shot on the spot by the Americans. That was all we had. Who would the Americans believe? Real prisoners or guards dressed as prisoners? Those devils might even say we were the Germans. This was our nightmare.

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    All attempts to create something admirable are the weapons of evil. You may think you are practising benevolence and righteousness, but in effect you will be creating a kind of artificiality. Where a model exists, copies will be made of it; where success has been gained, boasting follows; where debate exists, there will be outbreaks of hostility.

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    A kind stranger is better than an uncaring friend.

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    A man's righteousness shall be his reward.

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    always see the goodness in others for it will sent you to righteousness,.. Amen

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    Amazement is better than annoyance.

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    A memorable heart is the easiest way to immortality.

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    An aware and righteous individual doesn’t need the respect of others to feel respected.