Best 3855 quotes in «learning quotes» category

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    I am defeated, and know it, if I meet any human being from whom I find myself unable to learn anything.

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    I am exclusively occupied with the problem of gravitation and hope with the help of a local mathematician friend [Marcel Grossman] to overcome all the difficulties. One thing is certain, however, that never in life have I been quite so tormented. A great respect for mathematics has been instilled within me, the subtler aspects of which, in my stupidity, I regarded until now as pure luxury.

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    I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me.

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    I am not teaching you anything. I just help you to explore yourself.

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    I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.

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    I am the most travelled of all my contemporaries; I have extended my field of enquiry wider than anybody else, I have seen more countries and climes, and have heard more speeches of learned men. No one has surpassed me in the composition of lines, according to demonstration, not even the Egyptian knotters of ropes, or geometers.

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    I am too old to fawn upon a nurse, Too far in years to be a pupil now.

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    I ... began my career as a wireless amateur. After 43 years in radio, I do not mind confessing that I am still an amateur. Despite many great achievements in the science of radio and electronics, what we know today is far less than what we have still to learn.

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    I believe babies are born as innovative personalities... But our social processes work to stamp out exploration and questioning.

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    I believe unconditionally in the ability of people to respond when they are told the truth. We need to be taught to study rather than believe, to inquire rather than to affirm.

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    I can only think that the book is read because it deals with the difficulties of schooling, which do not change. Please note: the difficulties, not the problems. Problems are solved or disappear with the revolving times. Difficulities remain. It will always be difficult to teach well, to learn accurately; to read, write, and count readily and competently; to acquire a sense of history and start one's education or anothers.

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    I bought a self learning record to learn Spanish. I turned it on and went to sleep; the record got stuck. The next day I could only stutter in Spanish.

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    I cannot find it in me to fear a man who took ten years a learning of his alphabet.

    • learning quotes
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    I do not teach children, I give them joy.

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    Ideas are, in truth, force.

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    I delight in the diffusion of learning; yet, I must confess it, I am most gratified and transported at finding a large quantity of it in one place; just as I would rather have a solid pat of butter at breakfast, than a splash of grease upon the table-cloth that covers half of it.

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    I didn't even dream it would be so good. But I would never let my children come close to the thing.

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    I do all the evil I can before I learn to shun it? Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up.

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    I do not accept any absolute formulas for living. No preconceived code can see ahead to everything that can happen in a man's life. As we live, we grow and our beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant discovery. We should be open to this adventure in heightened awareness of living. We should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience.

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    I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe: believe life; it teaches better that book or orator.

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    I do not much believe in education. Each person ought to be his or her own model, however frightful that may be.

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    I don't sing a song unless I feel it. The song don't tug at my heart, I pass on it. I have to believe in what I'm doing.

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    If children are apparently unable to learn, we should assume that we have not as yet found the right way to teach them.

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    I exclusively attended public school... And I can honestly say that on the day of my graduation, if you had given me a pop quiz on history, science, or math, I would have in no way been able to pass it - despite the fact that I completely understood it at the time that it had been 'taught' to me, and had even made a good 'grade' on it.

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    I expect I shall be a student to the end of my days.

    • learning quotes
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    If a man would register all his opinions upon love, politics, religion, learning etc., beginning from his youth, and so go to old age, what a bundle of inconsistencies and contradictions would appear at last.

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    I don't think of my life as a career. I do stuff. I respond to stuff. That's not a career - it's a life!

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    If a child lives with approval, he learns to live with himself.

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    If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.

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    I feel that anyone can become an IM (International Master) in two years, but he must study hard and play a great deal in order to achieve this goal.

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    If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.

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    If nobody said anything unless he knew what he was talking about, a ghastly hush would descend upon the earth.

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    I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage.

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    If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us. But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us.

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    If one foot is in a bucket of steam, and the other is in a bucket of ice, you are not, on average, comfortable.

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    If one does not reflect, one thinks oneself master of everything; but when one does reflect, one realizes that one is master of nothing.

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    If our designs are failing due to the constant rain of changing requirements, it is our designs that are at fault. We must somehow find a way to make our designs resilient to such changes and protect them from rotting.

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    I find that the three major administrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni and parking for the faculty.

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    If it all just happened overnight, you would never learn to believe in what you cannot see.

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    If no one is pissed-off with you then you are dead but just haven't figured it out yet.

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    If one is not oneself a sage or saint, the best thing one can do is to study the words of those who were.

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    I found in rules of mathematics a peace and a trust that I could not place in human beings. This sublimation was total and remained total.

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    If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures.

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    If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes-then learn how to do it later!

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    If poetry does not come as naturally as leaves to a tree, then it better not come at all.

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    If someone is unpleasant to you, draw a halo around his or her head in your mind. He/she is an angel who came to teach you something.

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    If the weather is too cold or rainy, I take shelter in the Regence Cafe, where I entertain myself by watching chess being played. Paris is the world center, and this cafe is the Paris centre for the finest skill at this game.

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    If they think they are doing something new, they ought to do what I do every day - spend at least two hours every day listening to Johann Sebastian Bach and, man, it's all there. If they want to improvise around a theme,which is the essence of jazz, they should learn from the master. He never wastes a note, and he knows where every note is going and when to bring it back. Some of these cats go way out and forget where they began or what they started to do. Bach will clear it up for them.

    • learning quotes
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    If the world operates as one big market, every employee will compete with every person anywhere in the world who is capable of doing the same job. There are lots of them and many of them are hungry

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    If they can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.